How does this work??

In addition to reading the book, you will be asked to blog about the book and various posted topics relating to Great Expectations.

Everyday there will be a new post. The post will have an

assignment containing: a topic, a quote, a picture, ect. Your

assignment is to comment on the post including 3-5 sentences.

Click on the number of comments to add your comment.

Extra credit options are included at the bottom the page.

Thank You

Dear classes of Mrs.Hedrick,
Thank you for being apart of this wonderfull experience in my student teaching internship. All of you really took to this blog with great effort. Advice from me to you: Where every you go, What ever you do, and What ever goal you set for yourself do so with all of your heart and nothing less. Good luck to all of you. Happy Hoildays!

Alexis Thornton

PS: 7th period you guys are asome and I had a great time. I hope my future students are as excited to learn as all of you are!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Post #1: Whats to Expect???

Explain what you think will happen next at this point n the book!!
Your limits are only as high as you Expect them to be!!