How does this work??

In addition to reading the book, you will be asked to blog about the book and various posted topics relating to Great Expectations.

Everyday there will be a new post. The post will have an

assignment containing: a topic, a quote, a picture, ect. Your

assignment is to comment on the post including 3-5 sentences.

Click on the number of comments to add your comment.

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Thank You

Dear classes of Mrs.Hedrick,
Thank you for being apart of this wonderfull experience in my student teaching internship. All of you really took to this blog with great effort. Advice from me to you: Where every you go, What ever you do, and What ever goal you set for yourself do so with all of your heart and nothing less. Good luck to all of you. Happy Hoildays!

Alexis Thornton

PS: 7th period you guys are asome and I had a great time. I hope my future students are as excited to learn as all of you are!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Post #1: Whats to Expect???

Explain what you think will happen next at this point n the book!!
Your limits are only as high as you Expect them to be!!


  1. Click on the number of comments to add your comment!!
    good luck!

  2. Mrs Hedrick-
    Knowing Pip, he probably expects Estella to be in London "waiting" on him. I am thinking that he will expect/think that he will be treated differently now that he has money and is in "training" to become a gentleman. I wonder what Estella's reaction will be?

  3. Mikaela Thurman 1st period-
    I believe that once Pip travels to London he will be satisfied with that country and city but he will want more and will wish to move closer to Estella. Eventually Pip willbe near to Estella and event hough he is now a gentleman she will still mess with his mind. I think that she is just a girl that wants to break hearts and that Pip is falling for someone that he will never get. also while in london I have a feeling that Pip will have longing for Joe and the love that was given to him and Pip may even miss Biddy and the way that she listend. The way the story is going I think that if he does not get Estella he will want to run back to Biddy and she will not accept him with open arms and that will take work to win her heart.

  4. Hank Grier Per. 2

    I think that he will travel to London and be suprised and a little disgusted by the city, because at that time the city was nasty, with waste and excrement in the streets. I think that Estella will treat him differently of course, but it may not be the way he wants. It is possible that she will see him as "sucking up" to her, or trying too hard to fit in with what she wants, this would probably annoy her and she will treat him worse than she did before. I guess that this will dissapoint Pip emmensely and cause his "great expectations" to sink.

  5. Bindi Patel 3rd Period

    I think Pip already expects too much from Miss Havisham, and once Pip does become a gentleman, he will realize this. I also believe that once Pip is in London his expectations will continue to increase regarding Miss Havisham, Estella, and Joe. Once he changes he may expect that Joe will be more mannerly and educated, and Pip may even become haughty like Estella was.

  6. Lindsey Thrift, 1st Period.

    After spending more time in London (maybe like two weeks), Pip will get homesick. He already seems to regret his snobby attitude towards Joe and Biddy, who seem to be the only ones who love him for something other than his money. Even if he asks to go home, he probably won't be allowed to. Then, he'll start to think that his life couldn't get any worse, even if Estella started leading him on again. Around that time, somehow she will come back into his life, and he will probably fall for her tricks, which will only have negative consequences for Pip in the scheme of things.

  7. Jordan McKay-2nd period

    I expect that Pip will be disappointed by London and this experience. I think Pip is expecting everything to be of the higher classes in London. That the people will be formal, polite, and rich. In reality, the people there are vey similar to the common people of his home. Im expecting that half way through this program of his, and as he matures, he will realise that his expectations are to high and that at heart, he will not be truly happy in the higher classes.

  8. Allie Myers, 7th Period

    I think that Pip will continue to be involved in his rich life. He will get more and more comfortable and used to living life to his richest potential. I think that he will get so full of himself that he will forget about his old home and the loving people that filled it. He will start to judge people and not realize that he was once in their shoes. I think that the plot will take some twist to get Pip back to where he started.

  9. Brittany Tan, Per. 1

    Pip does not know what he is in for. London could turn out in so many different ways for Pip. However, I do not believe London will meet Pip's expectations. London is but another place, nothing that special about it. I don't think he spent enough time thinking about going there to train to become a gentleman. His excitement had gotten the best of him.
    As for Estella, I do not think Estella will be "waiting" on him, exactly. I also believe that the way she treats him will not change, rich or poor, common or uncommon. Estella will continue to play games with his heart.

  10. Brittany Tan, Per. 1
    Pip can't read Estella's poker face.
    She has got to love nobody.

  11. Martha Weber- 3rd Period
    I expect that Pip will develop a close friendship with Herbert because they seem to have hit it off so well, and Herbert is so nice. Also, I expect Matthew Pocket to be amiable and slightly eccentric. I have feeling Pip will grow attached to him and view him as a mentor and friend. Yet, I also expect that Pip will start to feel more and more "dressed up" and uncomfortable in his own skin. He has already hinted at how uncomfortable and ashamed he is of himself in his new clothes (by word and action). Plus, I think Pip's expectations will get higher and higher, but he will always be disappointed. Pip appears to be the embodiment of the human tendency to idolize things and want what you can't have. He seems to want to fit in with the upper class and have Estella love him; he expects London to be clean, proper, and righteous. Yet, Pip will always be an outsider because he never grew up in wealth. He has too much to learn. Moreover, Estella would never love Pip, and Miss Havisham wouldn't allow Estella to love another man.(Maybe Pip and Estella will become betrothed and then Miss Havisham will make Pip go through what she went through. I'm not sure.) As for London, it is dirty, dismal, wicked, and cruel: not at all what Pip expected or wanted. He is disappointed with London and his background, and it looks as if Pip is going to be even more disappointed in the future.

  12. Kathryn McKibben, 1st

    I expect that Pip will become best friends with Herbert, the pale boy. I also think that Matthew Pocket will teach Pip much, including facts about Miss Havisham and her past. I believe that while Pip is in London, he will run into the man who had the file at the bar. Pip will learn this mysterious man's identity, and whether he had anything to do with Mrs. Joe's attack (I think he did). I do not expect Pip will run into Estella until much later in the book, after he has finished all his "gentlemanly training". This way, even though he is a gentleman, Estella can turn him down and truly break his heart.

  13. Drew Hutchinson 7th period! I think that Pip and Herbert will have a nice time living together for a little while. However, I also believe hat given time, Pip will start missing home. He'll start thinking about all the things he said to Joe and Biddy when he came in to money, and he'll realize that home is really where the heart is. As much as Pip and Herbert get along, i think Pip will realize that he and Joe got along better.

  14. Allie Campbell, 7th

    I think that Pip is kind of at an emotional high right now. However, I think that will eventually fade. He will live with Herbert for a while and enjoy himself. Then he will later run into his convict and somehow his convict will make him wealthier. In the end, Estella will fall in love with Pip but he will realize that she is not what he wants and in a desperate search for truth he will go back home to Joe, Biddy, his sister and the rest of his town.

  15. Alex Yarini 1st period

    Pip seems determined to become a "gentleman", I believe he will put up with London, however long it takes. I think he won't be satisfied later on if he leaves. He may feel a bit homesick now and then, but he won't let that stop him.

  16. Taylor Harp 3rd period-

    I think Pip will arrive in London and treat his experience as a spending spree. He gets his allowance and Mr. Jaggers believes he will run into dept rather quickly. He might use his money to show Estella that he’s changed into a gentleman with the clothes and the wealth, and he wants her to accept him. What I think Estella may do is agree to meet him to forfil Pip’s needs of “waiting for her”, and just bring him down like she has before by being arrogant and scoulding him. Or, if she doesn’t, she will treat Pip differently but unlike the way Pip may have wanted to be treated. I also believe Pip will run into the mysterious guy from the Jolly Bargemen with the two one-pound notes, and somehow he will find out what his convict is doing that will lead into his great expectations.

  17. Nick Na, 1P

    I expect (haha, get it?) that Estella will reject Pip once more. It seems as if she is not just discriminatory against lower class but men in general. Also, here's a thought. What if Estella was raised poor? She IS definitely an orphan that Miss Havisham adopted.So there could be some little trick Dickens might play there.

  18. Nick Na 1P

    Check out this picture. The dark room and the single candlelight is clearly visualized, showing just how mentally wrong Miss Havisham is in. Also, look at Estella's composure and high head raised high, showing her disgust of Pip and how much she thinks higher of herself. The title is Break is Heart, and you can imagine Miss Havisham telling Estella this in the picture.

  19. Kate Deter, 7th period:
    I believe that Pip will finish his training and feel very, very proud of himself. However, when he meets Estella next, I think that she will "rub his face in the dirt," so to speak. Also, I think that Pip will realize that he had what he needed all along; the song "Big Yellow Taxi" ( does a good job: you don't know what you got til it's gone. Maybe that's why Herbert wanted to fight Pip (apart from the whole guy-tussle thing); he knows what being a gentleman is, and wishes he didn't.

  20. Ben Tesema 3rd period-

    I believe Pips wealth will lead him into several, several stores. At this time, Pip is around 16 and most 16 year-olds would believe "Money is power," but it really isn't. I think Pip will change his attire and hair, to suit a real gentlemen, and attempt to win the heart of Estella; even though she "has no heart." Also, Pip and Biddy are extremely alike so they should be together, but something tells me Pips new-found wealth will blind him from Biddy's righteousness.

  21. Jessica Evans- 7th Period!!
    I think that when Pip arrives in London, that he will be disappointed by what he sees. After all, what you think does not always become what meets the eye. If Pip actually does encounter Estella, maybe he will have different feelings for her. Now that Pip has money, she might also think of him differently, just as Pip did with the boy in the clothing shop. After Pip realized that he might have a second chance at life (one with a good amount of money)he began treating people indifferently, although Pip has been there once before (him being the one that was looked down upon).

  22. 1st Period:

    Currently, Pip (or, as he is now called, Handel) seems a bit overwhelmed by the city, but I think he will soon get used to the difference between this place and his hometown. He will begin his learning and quickly rise to meet Estella's level of intelligence; however, this may be a negative consequence of his learning, as Estella is particularly snobbish and arrogant. Pip probably expects Estella to appear somewhere in his journeys through the city, possibly being tutored by a Pocket as well. However, he has run into unexpected happenings, like Matthew (Herbert?) Pocket being the same pale young gentleman he knocked unconscious at Ms. Havisham's house, so he may not find Estella until later in the story.

  23. Moya Tomlin 1st period-
    I think Pip may not even like England at all, and knowing Estella,she would probably ignore him anyway or continue to "break his heart."
    Maybe even Matthew will become a key part of Pip's socail life as well, seeing as he's the only person he knows in London.

  24. Sidd Meka 2nd Period-
    I think Pip goes to London and the city will look different to him. While he is there and learning to become a gentleman, he will run into some rowdy characters. I also think that his great expectations will increase. Then, after he learns to become a gentleman, he goes back to Joe and Biddy. After Pip finishes talking with Joe and Biddy, he goes to Miss Havisham's house to see if Estella is there. Estella opens the door to the house.


    This picture goes with what happens next. After Pip and Estella talk for a while, Estella rejects Pip. This isn't surprising because Miss Havisham told Estella to hate all male sexes. After Estella rejects him, Pip is heart broken. That is why the image is here.

  25. Sidd Meka 2nd Period-
    Sorry, but the image URL wasn't working, so here is the right one:

  26. Meredith Bradley, 2nd period.

    I think that since Pip/Handel has a new life in London, he is going to think that he is the big cheese for a while and then he is going to realize that he really isn't. It seems like he expects Estella and him to magically find each other and then they will both fall in love with each other and then they will have a happily ever after. But, knowing Estella, she will probably see him as the same coarse-handed common man. Then Pip will probably wish that he never came to London. Plus, during his time in London, he’s most likely to miss Biddy, Joe, and Mrs. Joe. I expect that Pip will turn into a character that is totally obsessed with himself and what is going on in his life, so much that he will forget about the importance of other things. I think during this part of the book is where Pip reminds us the most about ourselves.

  27. Arnelle Obode 2nd

    Pip does not know what he is getting himself into. Like the good book says, "Don't wear yourself out trying to get rich. Be wise enough to know when to quit. In the blink of an eye wealth disappears, for it will sprout wings and fly away like an eagle" (Proverbs 23:4-5). I believe he will be engulfed in his rich lifestyle until it is gone.

  28. Ryan Whitfield, 7th period

    Pip will most likely be disappointed at what he sees once he enters the city of London. However, once he arrives, Pip will begin his training to become the "perfect gentleman" under the guidance of Matthew Pockets. I believe he will become more sophisticated, attain a higher intelligence, and even stumble across great wealth. I'm sure he will cross paths will Estella once again as the story progresses. She may look at Pip from a different angle, and be amazed by his new found success. Although, there is always the chance that she may have the same feelings as before: disgust and resentment. Advice to Pip... be prepared for the worst.

  29. I think that Pip expected the city of London to be high class and a nice place to live, but he was disappointed when he sees the condition of the city. It was dirty and run down in some parts, which gave e him a negative perception of the city. I expect the mysterious benefactor of Pip's education to be Miss Havisham. The clues that lead to this are the pale boy, who has relations to her, and Matthew Pocket, who seems to be related to Sarah Pocket, the woman who was present at Havisham's house once when Pip was there.

  30. Areesh Zindani, 1st Period

    I think that Pip expects to be treated like royalty when he is in London, just as he was treated by Mr. Pumblechook, and when he was getting fitted for a new suit. But in reality i think that all Pip wil get is disappointment, just as when he expected to be staying in a big, luxurious hotel, but found his hotel to be small, dirty, and anything but luxurious. I also think that if Pip ever becomes a gentleman, he will expect Estella to like him, but i believe that Estella will just break his heart again, as she was trained to by Miss Havisham. I think that Pip's great expectations are a little too great, and that what he is given will always fall short of his expectations. I dont believe that it will be easy for Pip to become a gentleman, if he ever does.

    This picture represents Pip's great expectations. This box represents everything that Pip has been given. When he is given the box, he does not see that he has been given a box, but only sees that his box is empty. This is just like when Pip goes to London. He doesnt see this great opportunity in London, all he sees is the dirt on the street, and the small, disappointing hotel he stays at.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Brendan Harris, 7th Period

    I posted above but forgot the Period.

  33. Ashley Wilson-2nd Period
    Pip has his priorities mixed up. The only reason he wants to become a gentleman is because he is desperate to get Estella's approval.
    I read in a magazine the other day about a girl who was teased about her nose, after years of being mocked, she had had enough and got a nose job. She loved it, she thought that everything would get better. However, everyone who had made fun of her before joked about her "expensive new nose". I believe that this will become the same situation.
    Estella will probably just criticize on Pip more because 1) he changed his whole being for her, and 2) she knows what she's talking about. Estella could go on and on about how he presents himself in the wrong way or something like that. Pip needs to understand that he needs to stay with those who love him rather than reaching out for a beautiful girl that did not accept him as he was.

  34. Claire Sammons
    3rd Period

    I think Pip is so happy because his dream is coming true that he is blind to the fact that London probably will not meet his expectations. He knows that he is only playing a part and "dressing up" (much like Joe puts on a disguise at church), but he wants the attention and acceptance of that society. He also expects that along with becoming a gentleman, he will win over Estella with his "high ranking". I predict that he will find Estella, but he won't win her over quite yet. Everything seems to turn back to Miss Havisham: Matthew Pocket and Pip seeing Mr. Jaggers at her house. Somehow Miss Havisham is probably controlling everything that goes on, and Pip's life is just a board game to her where she can move pieces or "send him back to start". All I know is that things are not looking good for young Pip in London.

  35. Ashley Wilson- 2nd Period

    This is a video by "Miss Havisham". It is a collection of pictures and statements that can sum up her story in a little over four minutes. There is music but it is not as important as the collage. The pictures show how she has stopped the clocks, how the wedding feast is not eaten, how she remains in her wedding dress, how she hates love, and how she tells Estella to break Pip's heart. The ending is a little childish, I'll admit, but the beginning is quite interesting.

  36. Hannah Kuzel, Period 3
    Pip's dreams are coming true. He's becoming a "gentleman." But is this what he really wants? I think this is what he THINKS he wants, but he will later realize that he doesn't want this at all. All he's trying to do is impress Estella, and I dont think she's going to be imressed very much. She will probably treat him like he is foolish and childish for trying to impress her. She also thinks so highly of herself that she will probably think he followed her to London.

  37. Shiv Patel
    1st Period

    I think Pip is going to be in a world of hurt. He thinks that the grass is greener on the other side and from his first day in London, things are already below his expectations. Pip probably thought that he was going to be a big shot in London and that he was going to be treated well. He probably also expects everyone and everything in London to be sophisticated and polite. The streets are filthy, and he is already disappointed by the hotel room. He will continue trying to change who he is to impress Estella. I think he will finish his training as a gentleman and will finally meet Estella again. Being raised by Ms. Havisham and being taught to hate all males, Estella will reject Pip once again (to Ms. Havisham’s delight). He will continue to chase after Estella and will get her, like a dog chasing its own tail.

  38. Hannah Kuzel, Period 3

    Although these cobwebs and bugs are not real, this is somewhat what I see Ms. Havisham's home looking like. I see it much dirtier and maybe more yellow, but this is how I picture her house. I see her home, her wedding cake, and her dress looking like this.

  39. RJ Brown 7th period

    I think that Pip will go to London and will be an outsider looking in.He will try way too hard to be a "gentleman" and will be disliked. He will also flaunt his money around but won't impress anyone. Pip will miss Estella and realize he loves her but since Mrs.Havisham is only letting Pip get close to her so that she can break his heart. He is falling for a girl that will never love him back.

  40. RJ Brown 7th period
    Pip is like Justin Bieber and needs somebody to love LOL :)He loves Estela but will soon realize that she doesn't love him and will try to find another girl.

  41. Katherine Read 2nd period;

    I think that Pip expects London and becoming a gentleman to solve all of his problems, when it reality it might make things worse. He thinks that moving to London and joining the higher class of society will make him a better person when it could make him realize that he had everything he wanted at home and he becomes sad because he misses Joe and Biddy. Also, Estella is most likely to reject him because it doesn't really matter that he's a gentleman now to her. That would crush Pip and he will (finally) discover that she wasn't worth any of his time.

  42. Daniel Kim 2nd Period
    Katherine Read 2nd period
    I think Pip is going to get his expectations crushed

    me too because nothing he does is gonna change the fact that he was once a commoner and he's foolish to believe otherwise
    but what do you think Estella is gonna do as soon as she sees Pip?

    And Estella is never going to love him, she's just messing with him. How can he not see it? Biddy is much better
    She'll play with him, make him think she likes him, then absolutely devastate him

    She's also gonna ruin anything he has to fall back on she's probably gonna make him abandon Joe and throw him aside so when she rejects Pip or Handel T_T he is gonna be alone

    Well he's already kind of abondoning Joe on his own. He's being suchh a snob. But she'll probably get rid of Biddy which will completely suck for Pip
    Ohmygosh I was just thinking about that song

    hahaha and that's true Mrs Hedrick was right I am really started to hate Pip because of his childish ignorant and foolish decisions
    but of course

    Hahahahah, you have got that right! & I am starting to get annoyed with Pip, he's being a jerkk

    But I think even in the future when he realizes his mistakes Joe probably hurts more and might forgive him

    If Joe forgives him it would be noble and all, but Pip needs to work for his acceptance again. If he gets it just like that he won't really learn a lesson

    He'll learn alright Pip's got the conscience of Pinocchio

    True, but he only feels bad after he does it. He wouldn't be getting himself into these situations of he thought before he talked

    I'm sorry I didn't understand that last sentence at all

    He needs to think before he speaks
    Sorry, that was a typo

    oh yeah um I guess your right

    Woo! I feel accomplished

    but I think the way his mind still works I think he should start thinking a different way entirely
    ok I guess we're finished here

  43. Shane Baker 1st period

    I expect Pip to believe he is on top of HIS world with his wealth and being a gentleman. He is going to try to move closer to Estella and flaunt himself but Estella won't be the type of person, due to Ms.Havisham, that falls into the tricks of wealth. Pip might then dig himself into his own grave by pleading and explaining why she should love him.

  44. Mickey Creighton 1st P.

    As the book is called "Great Expectations" I expect that Pip has great expectations for his new life. He believes that London is a much better city than the small town that he grew up in, but what he doesn't know is the amount of crime that the city has. He believes that he will become rich and prosperous only by being a "gentleman", and that Estella will finally except him. What he hasn't thought about though is the fact that he left his best friend, Joe, behind. He doesn't know that London isn't always the high class city that he had been told of, and Pip is unaware that Estella is only an extention of Ms. Havisham, who only wants to get her revenge on men. I believe that the combination of all this will amount to be far less than Pip's great expectations.

  45. Yo Anthony Choo, 2nd Period!! =D

    I think that with Pip's age at this time, Pip will think as if girls are easy to get like fairy tales and that theres always happy endings. However, as Pip lives in London and studies to be a gentlemen, he will see the difference between his expectations and reality. I also believe that Pip's convict played a part within this opportunity. By having Mrs. Joe lose her memory, she's not able to respond or negotiate with Mr. Jaggers on how Pip is able to go to London and study there to become a gentlemen. Normally, Mrs. Joe would want lots of money in return for Pip going away which explains the memory loss for Mrs. Joe. Likewise, it also seems that the attack on Mrs. Joe was planned. Pip's immaturity exceeds what I think about him and as I read "Great Expectations", Pip's actions starts to reflect more on his future rather than his present. For example, his anger against Biddy when he asked her a favor, the desperate visit to Miss Estella, and the way he treated Mr. Trabb's son as if he has come into Royalty and is meant to act as one. This is ironic, because at the same moment, Pip was once like Mr. Trabb's son, neglected and despised. I believe Pip's future is not as horrible as others would think but it isn't as great idea; rather Pip would have to take the harder way into learning and experiencing things himself.

  46. Shane Baker 3rd period

    Pip is a bum
    That acts so dumb
    He thinks his wealth makes him beter the some
    But when Estella leaves him feeling numb
    He will have nothing to do but sit and hum

    "I am a wealthy gentleman
    This cant be real
    I am a wealthy gentleman
    That will make his last APPEAL!"

  47. Melissa Barry, 3rd Period

    I expect that Pip will like and live up to his expectations of becoming a gentleman, but will come along some negative sides. He will probably begin to miss Joe, Biddy, and even his sister. I think he'll try to find Estella to prove to her that he is finally a real gentleman, but she will probably still turn him down which will make him very upset. He will probably return home and realize that he really loves Biddy and try to persuade them into living with him as a gentleman. If this were to happen, they might be hesitant to live with him, but will make a compromise in the end so that they can all live together.

  48. Alex Valdez, 2nd Period

    I expect that Pip will be just fine living together with Herbert. The two have grown up a bit since they last met each other, so they probably will just let go of the past and forgive each other about the time when Pip and Herbert fought each other. Pip will probably be disappointed several more times about London. The naïve Pip may have greater expectations and believe more that he’ll change when he continues to stay in London and get wealthy and wear nicer clothes. One day Pip will probably meet Estella again and hopes that she’ll think of him as a gentleman. Even if Estella may not treat him as a gentleman, she could treat him differently. Probably she will always consider him as a commoner. Mrs. Havisham raised Estella to break men’s hearts and reject their love. He had it coming. Pip may realize then that he really hasn’t change much after all and most people are not going to treat him the way he wants them to treat him. I believe that after the encounter, Pip will decide to meet Joe again and work hard to accept himself for who he is. He’s going to lower his expectations and stay in his home village.,isz:l1,9282&imgurl=6f043fc103ec0b23

    The picture shows the main symbol of London, the city where Pip goes for education to become a gentleman. Pip will always remember of how disappointed he was when he went to London. The city was nothing like he expected it to be.

  49. Ahmad Rathor, 3rd Period

    I expect Pip will begin to miss Joe and want to go back home. Joe has been Pip's friend ever since Pip was a kid and consequently I feel both of them have a strong attachment to each other. They have a bond for each other, and I don't think they'll go away from each other that easy. Eventually, they will meet each other and Pip will choose his love for his best friend over his love for Estella. Additionally, I feel Pip will eventually choose Biddy over Estella after he clearly realizes what Estella and Miss Havisham are doing to him.

  50. Saqib Ali
    1st Period

    I think Pip expects too much from Miss Havisham and London He believes that if he becomes a gentleman, Estella will one marry him. He would rather have Estella marry him than live a happy life at his country home. I expect him to live as a gentleman for a long time, but keep his guilt that will one day remind him that Joe is his best friend and that his old life was where he belongs.

  51. Zahra Vasaya 2nd period

    Pip, though he has matured in some ways, a lot of his thinking is still very childish. When he realizes that it must be Miss Havisham that is his secret benefactor, he becomes ecstatic with the belief that she means for him to be with Estella in London. I expect this great expectation of Pip's to be-unfortunately-crushed.For Miss Havisham and Estella, Pip is nothing more than another male- a target- who's heart must be played with and broken. Pip expects his newly acquired wealth, clothes, and knowledge to change Estella's feelings for him; to make her fall in love. I do not feel that anything of this sort will happen; nothing Pip says or does will bring an end to Miss Havisham and Estella's cruel game.I do not expect Pip to finally win over his love as he unreasonably wishes.

  52. Yusra Asif, 1st period!
    Estella, as I have noticed, is not the typical girl. She toys with Pip, sometimes pretending to like him and most of the time, not. Pip is madly in love with Estella; he cannot do anything to help this. He is on the rusty side of the ladder, while Estella is on the jewel encrusted side. She is so far away from him; So, Pip tries to come closer to her by moving a few steps up. This means becoming a gentleman. However, Estella might not be pleased, or most likely, she won’t care. Pip will never be side by side with her. Estella’s reaction, I believe, will be just as usual: “Hello, Pip! I am pretty, I am great, and I want to break your heart because it pleases me!” She won’t change her attitude, because she is spoiled and has never been taught to have care for someone (certainly Miss. Havisham did not teach her). Curiously, there seems to be a game going on: Miss. Havisham has a broken heart, so Estella will break Pip’s heart the same way Miss. Havisham’s husband did. Estella will not hate Pip, but I think that she will not love him the way Pip does to her. She might even pretend to love him, and then all of a sudden turn away from him. Pip’s heart, therefore, will be broken forever. By then, I think, he will want to go back to Biddy and Joe to his “common” life, where he was content and loved no matter who he is.

  53. Amira Yanni, 7th Period.
    Dec. 2nd.
    I expect that Pip will start to feel uncomfortable soon. After all, being thrust into a new world is not a wonderful experience. Maybe he'll go back home because he realized he missed his family, the ones who love him for who he is. However, this is what he wanted since meeting Ms. Havisham and Estella, and he will keep at it. I believe he's going to see Estella again, but not before he learns more "gentleman-y" things. I just hope Pip doesn't use Herbert (who now calls him Handel-just to prove I read!)
    Pip’s “great expectations” are already thrown off. After all, London has a bad side, too. He did not expect that, that’s for sure! When do we see Pip’s convict again? I wonder if he plays a part in the money that has come to Pip?

  54. Joy Smith, 7th period said..
    i think that Pip and Herbert will be good friends for a long time but if Estella comes back into the picture the same issue will occur as when they were younger. They both put their feelings side easily when estella was not there for each to feel what they felt for her when they were younger, but maybe if she comes back they will rekindle their feelings for her and the fight for Estella's heart will be repeated. Or possibly Estella will come back and Pip and Herbert will be so close of friends that she tries to break them up but in the end she is the one hurt and feels what Pip felt as a young boy.

  55. Joy Smith 7th period

    I think this picture is telling how Pip felt when he got to london. he thought what he was coming into was the light (or the right way) to only find darkness. to me it shows how you try so hard to escape something that you dont look deep enough into what your trying to step into. pip did not think about all that he was leaving. he became bullheaded and only looked at the surface and the idea of london.A life without cause is a life without effect.

  56. Jaclyn Pescitelli! 1st period
    I think that Pip will be a little suprised about what being in London and being a gentleman is like. He is expecting this new life to be a great amount better than his life with Joe and his sister. However he will not be used to the city. Also, he is expecting to be treated much better by Estella because of his new intelligence and gentleman status. However, Ms. Havisham has raised Estella to act superior toward boys and to be somewhat of a heartbreaker. Estella will not care about Pip even with his new life.

  57. Zahra Vasaya 2nd period

    Estella is nothing more than a jack in the box. She is enticing and beautiful on the outside, but the inside is nothing what you'd expect.

    Like the jack, Estella is deceitful to those attracted to the beauty of the outside. The contents of the inside are a scare and disappointment to those working hard to satisfy the outside.

    As you see in the picture, there is a star on the outside of the box. This star is Estella on the outside.

    The best part (:
    In the story, though Pip is aware of how rude, cruel, and deceitful Estella really is, he is repeatedly drawn back to her, though he knows that it is only because of his passion for her beauty.
    This is just like the way a jack in the box works. Once the person has wound and wound and wound the handle, they find out the real truth or contents of the box. Though this clown is not a prize worthy of the wind-er's excitement and work, the winder continues to come back and wind the box again-only to find the same deceit inside.

  58. Sheridan Schuster, 1st period. (CROWBAR)
    I think Pip has become infatuated with himself. Money is of course making him this way. He was raised by hand as we all know, and if Mrs. Joe was in good condition and could speak clearly, im sure she would give him a whoopen and give him a talkin too! I think he is going to meet up with Estella and be surprised at how much shes changed over the years and fall in love even more than he had before. However, Estella might still be playing the mind game that Mrs. Havisham taught her to do, and she might break Pip's heart once again.

  59. Sheridan Schuser, 1st period. (CROWBAR)
    Pip might even have his heart broken so much he might go back to Joe and Biddy? Just a thought... and he might even realize that Biddy has been there all along and that she is very sentimental to the family and she has a lot to offer. There are many possibilities of what situations Pip might find himself into, and many adventures he may take on the way to becoming a gentleman. He might find his own soul again before he had money, which seems to be gone!

  60. Sheridan Schuster, 1st period (crowbar)
    This goes along with my comments above and what Pip is feeling for Estella.
    BETTER FIND YOUR LOVE- DRAKE. This song tells about what Pip wants to tell Estella about their relationship status and what not.

  61. Jospeh Ryan McLane Sr., Seventh Period.
    You can tell that Pip is soon going to really feel out of place, maybe even a little home sick. Without a doubt, Pip came to this new London world of his expecting it to be extremely nice and such but is sadly mistaken because his first sight is of the slums of London, which will throw him out of his comfort zone. I wouldn't be suprised if we see this older version of Pip returning to a kid again and cry himself to sleep one night thinking about his past family, especially Joe. To add onto that, Pip is training to become and gentlemen and has his sights on Estella to see how she reacts to this new Pip with more money. For a little side thought, would it not be ironic if Dickens makes Pip's convict find yet another way to involve himself in Pip's life? I could maybe symbolize I reocurring theme within the book of Pip's past.

  62. Arnelle Obode 2nd

    It is a widely missed mistake that the higher the price, the higher the quality. Many don't realize that some of the best oppertunities in life are right around them for free. Unfortunately, I believe Pip will be like those many. I think that he will fall under the impression that now that he has money, he can get whatever he wants if he chases after it.


    Many people are blinded by the myth that gives them the need to chase after the bigger things in life when the little things are all that matter. Pip now wants to chase after something that he cannot have, Estella's heart. Instead of chasing after something that you cannot have, be happy with what you have.

  63. Clara Sims 3rd period.

    I think that Pip has no idea what he's in for. He automatically thinks that because he now has a fortune and that he is in London, his life is going perfect. Everybody will forget that he was once 'coarse and common' and treat him like a king, and Estella will come for him. I think Estella is still going to treat him the same, playing his heart. And, that London is definately not living up to Pip's expectations.

  64. Carleigh Brisendine, prd. 1

    I think the book is going to take some interesting turns. Pip will probably find that being a gentleman is not all its cracked up to be. I expect Pip to have some hard experiences as he strives to be a gentleman. I also expect him to find that once he becomes a gentleman, he will only be in for more trouble. Estella is probably only going to treat Pip with more hatred and contempt. She was brought up to hate men, and I think she might hurt Pip in her rampage of hatred. Pip's expectations on life are being tarnished and torn apart, because nothing is as he thought it should be. He will probably find soon that not everything lives up to your expectations.

  65. Michael Field 7th Period-

    I think as Pip continues his education as a gentleman his expectations will become far greater but so will his disappointment. For example, he was so excited for his new clothes, but he was immediately was disappointed even though they were the nicest clothes he has ever had. Pip's small discontent with his clothes just caused his expectations for London to double. Pip is so stubborn that I think it will go on like this for some time until he learns his lesson. He will never be a true gentleman and materialistic things can never substitute for his loving family.

  66. 1st Period:

    The song "Echoes" by Pink Floyd describes, metaphorically, with and without words, Pip's journey up to this point, though descriptive parts are not in the exact order of the story.

    The song is almost 24 minutes long, so it needs to be linked in three parts.

    The pinging in the beginning and subsequent slow rock parts show how Pip is lost throughout the story and his search for something onto which he can rely (though Joe already fills that void). The first verse symbolises a sea; so Pip is continually lost in a sea of thought that constantly floods his mind, causing him never to actually find what he is introspectively trying to find. The second verse describes two people who are, coincidentally (or by predetermined fate?), meeting on a street, similarly to how Pip meets Estella by what seems to him like coincidence. The funk section after that describes his life dragging on, with Joe and Biddy and his sister, to a similar beat throughout the story. Creepy, ghostly moaning and screaming sounds follow, representing Pip's lonely trips to the marsh and the creepiness of the convicts and the marsh itself. Then the song starts the beginning pinging again, but with a variation of the end; this represents that Pip may be close to discovering what he needs to find. However, just as this part ends, the last verse begins, describing a morning scene and Pip's new life as a "gentleman" beginning. The song ends with the pinging once again, to show Pip's continuing introspective journey.

  67. Chase Fretwell-2nd period

    I think that Pip will continue his education and eventually become what he considers to be "a gentleman." However, I don't think that he will ever be able to be fully accepted. He'll probably flaunt his new knowledge, clothing, and riches and expect everyone to love him and respect him as one of their own just because he has money and an education. I think that this will hurt Pip and finally cause him to realize that you can dress a poor man in nice clothes, but he's still a poor man. This may cause Pip to return home to Joe and Biddy, the people who really care about him. I also think that Pip will run into Estella, Miss Havisham, and his convict again. I think that Estella will reveal whether or not she loves Pip. Miss Havisham will most likely reoccur in some form or fashion; I'm not sure how yet. I think that Pip's convict is his benefactor or some new character will appear and end up being the benefactor. I know that it won't be Miss Havisham because that would be way too obvious and very un- Dicken's like. These are my expectations for Great Expectations.

    Extra Credit:
    I thnk that in a lot of ways Pip is like Stargirl from Jerry Spenelli's book, Stargirl. In the book Stargirl, an eccentric high school girl, tranfers schools and comes to a place where everyone is "normal." She is considered to be weird and isn't accepted. When she falls in love with a boy named Leo, he comments on her weirdness and asks her to change. So Stargirl starts going by her real name, Susan, and dresses and acts normally. In the end, Stargirl still isn't accepted because even if she changes her clothes and name she's still the weird new girl, Stargirl. The book teaches that you should embrace yourself for who you are and that you can never change who you are. I think that this is exactly like Pip's situation. He falls in love with Estella, and Estella calls him common. Pip then desires to become uncommon. Eventually, he will become a gentleman, but I still think that Estella and the "uncommon" people won't accept him because Pip will never be able to change who he is on the indside. Hopefully, Pip will come to realize that by the end of the novel.

  68. Alex Ruddick 7th Period

    Once Pip begins to adjust to life in London, I think he will begin to accept what the city really has to offer him. Also, unlike what I thought before Pip met Herbert, Pip will enjoy being educated by Mr. Pocket. However, I do believe Pip will very quickly become homesick, which is an idea that is hinted at before Pip leaves for London. Though I think he will miss his home, Pip will slowly accept London as his new home.

  69. Matt Stout 7th Period

    When Pip first gets he is shocked by how it is not picture perfect. I thick this will lead Pip to want to go back to his old life of being a blacksmith apprintice. Pip will relize how much he has to work to learn. Then Pip will go home. He will relize how much he was enjoying school and come back to Mr. Pocket house. Pip will be refocused on what he has to do and will enjoy himself.

  70. Erika Sutton, 2nd Period
    I think that Pip will eventually encounter Estella again. His reasons for wanting to become a gentleman are wrong. He's trying to win Estella over, but what he doesn't seem to fully understand is that she was and still is playing with his mind. I find that this is preventing him from clearly seeing that the people who loved and cared about him were right within his reach. By that I mean, he doesn't have to pretend to be someone else because no matter what, they like Pip for Pip. I also think that Pip's convict will make an appearance again. I have a feeling that he may play a significant role in Pip's future.

  71. Amira Yanni, 7th Period
    Extra Credit:
    Great Expectation's Pip is a lot like Cap Anderson, the main character of Schooled by Gordon Korman. Cap is raised as a "hippy" away from TV's and cell phones. When he is thrust into the modern world, he realized that he's so behind that he'll never catch up with the modern world and instead, begins to spread his own habits to his new school. He becomes attached to his new environment, and eventually stays there. Cap is a lot like Pip, going into "gentleman" training and not knowing how to hold a fork and knife. He's going to learn not only math but table manners. He's still a poor boy just like Cap will always be the hippy.

  72. Mike Drinkwater, 2nd period
    I think that Pip will just think that Estella will want him now that he is becoming "uncommon". Then once he finally comes to her then she will just treat him the same way as before. Hell try and change but she will just continue the insults and hell finally realize that he didnt need to be a gentleman just to be uncommon.

  73. Maddie Pannell, 2nd Period

    It seems as though most of you are saying that Pip will be completely disappointed by his experience in London. I feel he will only be half-disappointed.
    Estella will probably not think more highly of him because of his new found wealth and will treat him the same as before. Ms. Havisham taught her to pretty much not fall in love at all. She only raised her to break hearts. This may upset Pip quite a bit, and will be the disappointed half.
    On the other hand, it seems like Pip and Herbert have hit it off very well. He may not capture the heart of the young lady he admires, but he may gain a friend who is almost like Biddy, and is there for him when he needs him most. Thus, he is not fully disappointed.
    Pip may miss home in the near future and wish to go back home, but I think he will stick it out and make the most of his new opportunity in London. He has matured over the years, and I would be upset to see the old, childish Pip return to the plot.
    The small setback of a broken heart won't keep Pip from living his dream of becoming an educated gentleman.

  74. James McCarty,1st period

    I believe Pip's experience in London will be good for him, if he learns to respect, and even envy the common man's simple life.As you have seen the minute he became a gentleman he has been trying to change those closest to him (Mr.Joe).I believe he will learn that money is all good but without respect he really has nothing.I think he is getting his hopes up too high about Estella.She will come back a more controlled proper lady.He will love her more but she will not give him all the attention of calling him names.Also Estella won't be waiting for him even if she might be in London too.As he goes through his experiences he will see that there is more to life than her.

  75. Nick Na 1P


    Alright, I'm gonna try to use this song, even though it's Justin Bieber, and sometimes his lyrics are bad. But if I can make connections with Bieber Fever, I can get full extra credit.
    The song is Eenie Meenie. It shows how Estella is always playing eenie meenie miney moe with men. She keeps on looking from left to right. And she just keeps "disappearing right after the song". Especially, Estella plays around with Pip's emotions like it's all a little game to her. One time she's kisses Pip, another she slaps him in the face. Who would have thought JB could relate to GE?

  76. Nina Thomason- 2nd Period

    I expect that soon Pip is going to run into Estella and think that now that he is established and grand he is, that she will fall in love with him. However, i think that she will still see him as the "common" boy he's always been to her. She's like a machine programmed to hate men and a common young man dressed up pretty and taught to act right is not going to change the fact that she won't fall for him. This realization will cause Pip great pain.
    I think this song by taylor swift really shows the feelings Pip has about Estella. All shes ever going to be is mean to him, aand hes going to make a great life for himself in london, "the big old city".

    You, with your words like knives
    And swords and weapons that you use against me
    You, have knocked me off my feet again
    Got me feeling like a nothing
    You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard
    Calling me out when I’m wounded
    You, picking on the weaker man
    Well you can take me down
    With just one single blow

    But you don’t know what you don’t know

    Someday I’ll be living in a big ole city
    And all you’re ever gonna be is mean
    Someday I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me
    And all you’re ever gonna be is mean
    Why you gotta be so mean?

    You, with your switching sides
    And your walk by lies
    And your humiliation
    You, have pointed out my flaws again
    As if I don’t already see them
    I walk with my head down
    Tying to block you out
    Cause I’ll never impress you
    I just want to fell okay again
    I’ll bet you got pushed around
    Somebody made you cold
    But the cycle ends right now
    Cause you can’t lead me down that road
    And you don’t know what you don’t know

    Someday I’ll be living in a big ole city
    And all you’re ever gonna be is mean
    Someday I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me
    And all you’re ever gonna be is mean
    Why you gotta be so mean?

    And I can see it years from now in a bar
    Talking over a football game
    With that same loud opinion
    But nobody’s listening
    Washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things
    Drunk and roaming all about how I can’t sing
    But all you are is mean

    All you are is mean
    And a liar
    And pathetic
    And alone in life
    And mean (x5)

    But someday I’ll be living in a big ole city
    And all you’re ever gonna be is mean


    Someday I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me
    And all you’re ever gonna be is mean
    Why you gotta be so mean?

    Someday I’ll be living in a big ole city
    And all you’re ever gonna be is mean
    Someday I’ll be big enough so you can’t hit me
    And all you’re ever gonna be is mean
    Why you gotta be so mean?

  77. Ansley Hunter 7th Period,

    I think that Pip will have a harder time becoming a gentleman than he thinks. When he goes to London he will start to miss the comfort and love he felt at home from Biddy and Joe. His expectations are high, and so are his for other people. He believes Estella will fall for him, and he wants Joe to become more proper. In the future he will realize how he acted was wrong, and become more mature.

  78. Lucas Montouchet, 1st Period.

    I think Pip is going to have a huge reality check. Pip is thinking London is going to be this great place ruled by gentlemen and perfect in every way. If we go back and look back at other works of Dickens we can see that this is not the case. With " A Tale Of Two Cities" we get a gloomy, foggy, creepy feel to it. At least thats how I picture it. As For Estella we know she went to go study abroad(probably France if A Tale Of Two Cities is anything to judge by), however we still feel as if Pip is getting his hopes up about something thats not going to happen. He has this expectation that once he becomes a gentleman Estella is just going to come and fall in love with him. Again here comes the reality check, Pip brace yourself! I also think through the power of education and wealth Pip may become snobby and disapprove of his family and Biddy. Furthermore, I believe Pip is going to be overwhelmed by the complexity of becoming a gentleman.

  79. Edward Loskamp, 3rd Period.

    This music video is actually pretty good at relating to your knowledge of what will happen, because we really have no idea. This is the link to the video.

    P.S.-this video took 6 months of planning, and it was all shot in 1 try. =)

  80. Edward Loskamp, 3rd Period.

    I think that we dont really know what will happen next, except for 2 things. 1) pip will excel under his training and leave his old life behind, or 2) be crushed by his training, and want his old life back. There are other things that can happen due to all of the craziness of the Pocket family and everyone else, but these are the main 2 possibilities.

  81. Alex Adams period 3
    I think that Pip and Estella will meet again soon in the book. They are near each other, Estella being in Paris, and Pip being in London. I think that Estella will first not think anything of Pip since he is lower class and she is upper class. She will later figure out that she really does love Pip. Some covers of the book of Great Expectations are a wedding scene. I think the scene is Estella and Pip's wedding.

  82. Rebekah Kern, Period 2.

    Chapter 28.
    At this point in the book, I think that Pip will meet Estella at Miss Havisham's house and she will be nicer to him so he gets his hopes up, only for her to tear him down by being cruel to him once again. I don't think Pip will ever learn about how cold hearted she is, and he will probably love her into his adulthood, since he never really matured enough to realize much in his teenage years.

  83. Saraya Haynes, 7th period
    at the end of chapter 2, it left off where Pip just met his tutor. at this point, i think that Pip will discover the reason that Mrs. Pocket seems so strange. at the same time i wonder what Mr. Pocket is like and how his personality relates to that of his wife. Also, i can understand why Herbert moved out, but i wonder how his parents and siblings felt about it.
    this picture relates to the post because it is Mrs. Pocket reading her book as seen in chapter 22

  84. Savannah Bishop, 7th period

    I think that Pip is going to be very diappointed with his "Great Expectaions" he had for London and somehow end up going back home where Estella will be there too. I think that there will come a time when Estella has to chose between being with Pip and being loyal to Miss Havisham.

  85. Mitchell Johnson p7

    From the point where i am now,(28), i believe that pip will continue his travel home, and see his convict from the beginning. Knowing Pip, he will probably get scared of the convict, and later return to Ms. Havisham's and express his true feelings for Estella.

  86. Erica Mills 2nd period

    I expect Pip to realize that where he is now is not where he is meant to be. At this point, he is still young and has everything a young boy could possibly want. He has the money, the high class title, he believes he's on his way to getting the girl, and he probably even has whatever the xbox of the early 1800s was... you name it. I think, however, even though he has all these things, he is going to realize as he is growing up, his life isn't as fufilling as he had planned for it to be. I think after he goes through different situations and trials (like losing his money, heartbreak, etc), he is going to go home back to Joe and be where he belongs. I also think he is going to fall in love with Biddy, because isn't that how all classic love stories go? The main character falls for the bitter, mean girl and eventually forgets her and goes after his best friend? Biddy is obviously a better choice than Estella, hands down. I think Pip is going to realize these things and get back to where he belongs. Of course, who knows? Charles Dickens has surprised me before, and knowing his style, he'll probably completely ruin my expectations and throw in a twist that none of us expect.

  87. Katie Reid
    2nd Period,1112&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=462&vpy=314&dur=381&hovh=193&hovw=130&tx=93&ty=126&ei=kTYATZfnNYH58AbqoZy3Dg&oei=UjYATYzDGcL-8AbmrOzsBw&esq=17&page=3&ndsp=20&ved=1t:429,r:9,s:41&biw=1280&bih=685

    I expect that when Pip finds Estella that he will think he is a gentleman, and a completly different person, but Estella will just laugh at him. She will see right through his top hat and jacket and look at his "boots" and rough hands. She will think of him as a child playing dress up as a man (shown in the picture).

  88. Jordan Locke 1st peroid

    I think pip will get there and after a few days he will regret coming to london. I believe that he will miss Joe and possible Biddy. He will also miss home because when he gets to london, he will realize that is is not the perfect place he expected it to be. There will be thifes, criminals, and poor people just like home.

  89. Jordan McKay per 2

    Follow up extra credit post

    I expect that Pips expectations are to gret, that he believes that the places of the world are completely different from one another. Hes immature. Hes a dreamer. But his dreams are strong enough for everyone. The song Dream On tells of a person who just has amazing dreams, but while they look to accomplish these dreams, life passes them by before they know it. In the book Pip ages very quickly and still keeps his dreams. He (can) learn(s) from the people he meets and his family about life and what path he should or could take.

    Every time that I look in the mirror
    All these lines on my face getting clearer
    The past is gone
    It went by, like dusk to dawn
    Isn't that the way
    Everybody's got their dues in life to pay

    Yeah, I know nobody knows
    Where it comes and where it goes
    I know it's everybody's sin
    You got to lose to know how to win

    Half my life
    Is in books' written pages
    Lived and learned from fools and
    From sages
    You know it's true
    All the things come back to you

    Sing with me, sing for the year
    Sing for the laugh, sing for the tears
    Sing with me, if it's just for today
    Maybe tomorrow, the good lord will take you away, yeah

    Yeah, sing with me, sing for the year
    Sing for the laugh, sing for the tear
    Sing with me, if it's just for today
    Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away

    Dream On Dream On Dream On
    Dream until the dream come true
    Dream On Dream On Dream On
    Dream until your dream comes true
    Dream On Dream On Dream On
    Dream On Dream On
    Dream On Dream On

    Sing with me, sing for the year
    Sing for the laugh, sing for the tear
    Sing with me, if it's just for today
    Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away
    Sing with me, sing for the year
    Sing for the laugh, sing for the tear
    Sing with me, if it's just for today
    Maybe tomorrow, the good Lord will take you away...

  90. Paula Echavarria
    period 7

    I expect that when Pip finds Estella, she will be cold towards him, as usual, but then after a few weeks she will begin to warm up to him. Ms. Havisham won't be there to encourage Estella to "break his heart" so Estella will be able to be herself. I believe that Estella and Pip will become good friends and help each other through all their hardships. Living on their own is a challenge so they will be there for each other.

  91. Paula Echavarria
    Period 7

    She's cold and she's cruel
    But she knows what she's doin'
    She pushed me in the pool
    At our last school reunion
    She laughs at my dreams
    But I dream about her laughter
    Strange as it seems
    She's the one I'm after

    Cause she's bittersweet
    She knocks me off of my feet
    And I can't help myself
    I don't want anyone else
    She's a mystery
    She's too much for me
    But I keep comin' back for more
    She's just the girl I'm lookin' for

    She can't keep a secret
    For more than an hour
    She runs on 100 proof attitude power
    And the more she ignores me
    The more I adore her
    What can I do?
    I'd do anything for her

    Cause she's bittersweet
    She knocks me off of my feet
    And I can't help myself
    I don't want anyone else
    She's a mystery
    She's too much for me
    But I keep comin' back for more
    She's just the girl I'm lookin' for

    The way she sees it's me
    On her caller ID
    She won't pick up the phone

    She'd rather be alone
    But I can't give up just yet
    Cause every word she's ever said
    Is still ringin' in my head
    Still ringin' in my head

    She's cold and she's cruel
    But she knows what she's doin'
    Knows just what to say
    So my whole day is ruined

    Cause she's bittersweet
    She knocks me off of my feet
    And I can't help myself
    I don't want anyone else
    She's a mystery
    She's too much for me
    But I keep comin' back for more

    Cause she's bittersweet
    She knocks me off of my feet
    And I can't help myself
    I don't want anyone else
    She's a mystery
    She's too much for me
    But I keep comin' back for more
    Oh, I keep comin' back for more
    She's just the girl I'm lookin' for
    Just the girl I'm lookin' for

    I'm lookin' for
    I'm lookin' for
    I'm lookin' for
    Just the girl I'm lookin' for

    'Just the Girl' by The Click Five describes Estella and Pips relationship in a more modern way. The song tells about a girl the guy is crazy for and no matter how many mean things she does, he just can't stay away. In Great Expectations, Pip can't stay away from Estella no matter how rude she is to him.

  92. Paula Echavarria
    Period 7

    This morning, (What?) I woke up
    Feeling like money (What’d you do?)
    I jumped up
    Put on my Gucci’s (And what?)
    And my hat (What else?)
    Got my bag (What else?)
    Got my strap
    Gotta start rollin’
    I was thinking (Bout what?)
    Bout jacks and cracks and Ben Franklins
    (Only thing on my mind)
    Was Gettin Dough (What’s on your mind?)
    Gettin Dough (What’s on your mind?)
    Gettin Dough
    Only thing on my mind is
    Money, Money, Money
    For some reason she just be callin my name
    (Rocko, Rocko)
    I guess it’s all in the game
    ‘Cause I always run get her
    She’s a part of me man
    I left the studio at 7
    Took a three hour nap (Then?)
    10 o’clock flashed
    I’m right back in the trap
    Been addicted to the money
    For more than half my life
    Grew up fast, I bought a car
    Ain’t never had a wife
    Lost playa type of cat
    I never had a wife (Why?)
    I’m married to the cash
    She treat her daddy right
    What would I do
    If I ain’t had my muscle?
    What would I do
    If I ain’t have this hustle?


    From that geek o
    Wake up, Get up
    Time to get dough
    The only thing on my mind
    Is the bubba
    So I can all my n****s out the gutta
    The only thing on my mind
    Is to be the best
    Number 1, won’t settle for anything less
    The only thing on my mind
    Is do my thing (What else?)
    Break bread with my team
    The only thing on my mind
    Is to stack my cash
    Ball e’ry day just like it’s my last
    The only thing on my mind
    Is my kids
    So they ain’t gotta do the s that I did


    The only thing on my mind
    Is money, money, money

    The song 'Dis Morning" by Rocko reminds me of Pip when he got money. Pip bought expensive clothes to show that he was a gentleman. In the song, Rocko talks about putting on all his expensive items, he is flaunting his money just like Pip. Another thing is that Pip immediatly felt better than everyone when he got money just like Rocko talks about just waking up and "feeling like money."

  93. Walton Taylor 1st Period

    I think Pip will continue to grow apart from his old life of Joe and Biddy, in favor of this new opportunity. Though in my opinion, Pip's expectations of what will happen in his new life are too high. He seems to think by going to London and becoming a gentleman that he will gain a higher position with Estella. However, I don't believe this to be true, I think she'll end up treating Pip in the same way that she already has, regardless of his raising social status. I also think that Pip will grow apart from his old life, and possibly end up treating Joe, biddy, and others from his old, common life, the same way he treated the tailor's boy in a degrading, condescending, or ignoring manner. In the end, he will see that his expectations for his new life are too high, and will not most likely be met.

  94. Brittany Nguyen,3rd Period

    I think Pip will continue to train to become a gentleman and his conntections with his family and Biddy will continue to recede. I think Pip has too many expectations and most of those will not end up the way he wants them too. I agree with Walton. Pip wants to impress Estella and by becoming a gentleman he thinks that he'll win her heart. However, Estella is cold-hearted and her attitude towards him before will not change. That is supported by the fact that Herbert Pocket is a gentleman but yet she is just as a beast to him.

  95. Briitany Nguyen,3rd Period

    I think this picture goes along with what I expect to occur and Pip and Estella cross paths once again. Pip is standing there not smiling and his head tilted down as Estella is running away from him with a big smile on her face since she has always found joy in terrorizing Pip before and I think Estella is turning Pip down with great pleasure.

  96. Austin Harmel
    7th period
    Extra Credit: Coparison to Joe Dirt

    Pip reminds me of Joe Dirt, the lead caracter in the movie Joe Dirt, because their stories are quite the same. They are both raised without true parents, and don't have a real family to depend on and learn from. However, the urge to be someone other than themselves and live a life thats not meant for them, plays a huge factor within both the story and themselves. Joe Dirt wants nothing more than to become a someone and to find his true parents who turn out to be horribly heartless. Pip wants nothing more than to be rich and live a high stature life. However, in the the movie, Joe Dirt goes on many adventures and meets/makes many new friends. All of these friends have come to realize home is where you make it and that life is as only wonderful as you want it to be. This motto rubs off on Joe and he relizes his life has always been wonderful. I expect Pip to realize the same as Joe Dirt in that the newly found fame he has been blessed with, will only burden him and that London is nothing greater than back home at the marshes. I belive Pip is soon to realize that he has left his friends, family, and better life back home, and will leave London to join his brother in law Joe and his love Estella.

  97. Mitchell Johnson
    Period 7

    Extra Credit

    This song clearly represents pips feelings toward Estella. He really loves Estella but she doesn't feel the same way. Pip had never actually had any intercourse with the world, specifically with the upper class, and this is really the first time he has fallen in love...

    "I know they say the first love is the sweetest, but that first cut is the deepest."

    After Pip and Estella become acquainted, Estella still treats him coldly. In Pips young eyes, he doesn't see how obvious it is that Estella is keeping 'secrets'inherited by Ms. Havisham. We as readers can easily see the fact that Estella does not truly care about Pip

    "I tried to keep us together, you were busy keeping secrets, secrets you were telling everybody but me."

    Again, Pips eye are too young to see that Estella does not have many feelings toward him, and he still feels that they can be together if he becomes a gentleman.

    "You put the tea in the kettle and light it. Put your your hand on the metal and feel it. But do you even feel it?"

  98. Jaclyn Pescitelli, 1st period
    This is a picture of a file. The file is a aspect of the novel that is symbolic to the theme of guilt. Pip was guilty for giving the convict Joe's file and never telling Joe about it. Also the guilt came back when Mrs. Joe was attacked and the evidence that was left was a chains that looked as though they had been shaved down with a file. Consequently, Pip felt guilty for giving the convict the file because it helped Mrs. Joe's attacker.

  99. Trevor Thorburn 7th period

    I already read past this part, but my expectations before reading was that Pip was expecting way too much. He was becoming very snobby and took everything for granted. This included his opinion that London would be the "perfect" city. I had a gut feeling at this point that Pip was going to get a major disappointment when he entered the city of London.

  100. Sarah Rainwater, period 3
    When I had only read those few chapters, my expectations were mainly regarding to Estella and Pip. I though Pip was going to become a fine, sweet young man, and I was really excited for him because I felt like he was finally going to be able to live his dreams. Plus, I thought Estella would change, and she would become a very kind woman who was well liked and not snobby or harsh like she had bee before. Though I didn't think Dickens would do this, I hoped Estella and Pip would fall in love and get married!

  101. Emily Everett, 7th Period


    This is a link to a video clip from Kung Fu Panda. It is where Po gets the dragon scroll, a sacred item. When he receices it, it is supposed to have the secret to become the best fighter or something of that sort. But, when he opens up the scroll there is nothing in it. Po soon realizes that the true secret is beiliving in yourself. This relates to Great Expectations because Pip thinks that London is gonna be the best thing ever, but when he gets there he sees different. He relizes that it isn't has amazing as pictured. Like Po I think that Pip needs to relaize that something good can come out of his experience in London.

  102. Avery White 3rd period

    I think now that we have come into later chapters, we are going to see Pip grow more and more into a gentleman, but this may also make us more disgusted with him. I am interested to see what Pip starts to take for granted and what he makes of his new life and how he begins to percieve his old one.

    The other day in Journalism we watched "It's a Wonderful Life" this movie actually reminded me of something Mrs. Hedrick talked to us about in class. She said that Dickens strongly believed that once you make contact with someone, there lifes are forever changed. This movie is a perfect example of Dickens idea because it shows how the life of one man can affect a whole town, whether it be a positive or negative outsome.

  103. Jessie Donnan
    3rd period

    Angel in the Night- Basshunter

    This song describes Pip`s relationship with Estella and how he feels about her. He isn`t sure if he will ever be hers or if she`ll ever have the same feelings for him. However, Pip continues trying his best to win her heart.
    In one part of the song it says,
    You are my light in the dark, you are the beating in my heart. Will you ever be by my side?
    I find this ironic because light is usually connected with good while dark represents evil. Pip loves Estella for some reason even though she treats him badly. Pip doesn`t know if she`ll ever have the same feelings for him or if they will ever be together.

  104. Katie Reid

    The song "Accidentally In Love" by the counting crows is about how someone didn't expect to fall in love but then, without them noticing, they slip into love. That is another exception of mine. that maybe later on in the book Estella with somehow slip into love with Pip. Shrek (the movie "Accidentally In Love" was in) is also a great example of this. it is about a princess that a first hates an ogre then later on falls in love with him. just as i expect a lady to fall in love with a commoner boy.

  105. are we still doing this posting stuff? Hobbie McCain 7th
