In addition to reading the book, you will be asked to blog about the book and various posted topics relating to Great Expectations.
Everyday there will be a new post. The post will have an
assignment containing: a topic, a quote, a picture, ect. Your
assignment is to comment on the post including 3-5 sentences.
Click on the number of comments to add your comment.
Extra credit options are included at the bottom the page.
Thank You
Dear classes of Mrs.Hedrick,
Thank you for being apart of this wonderfull experience in my student teaching internship. All of you really took to this blog with great effort. Advice from me to you: Where every you go, What ever you do, and What ever goal you set for yourself do so with all of your heart and nothing less. Good luck to all of you. Happy Hoildays!
Alexis Thornton
PS: 7th period you guys are asome and I had a great time. I hope my future students are as excited to learn as all of you are!!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Post #2: A Quote
Pick your favorite quote from the book and respond. Explain its symbolism and signifigance.
Lindsey Garrett 2nd period "He says, no varnish can hide the grain of the wood; and that the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself." -Herbert Pocket (Chapter 22)
This quote really stood out to me.It says that no matter how much you try to polish or dress something up, it will always still be shown for what it really was.Pip is beginning to realize this as he sees that even though Herbert has old and simple clothes and didn't need to dress up to still be considered a gentleman.
Isabel Babb-7th Period. "In a word, I was too cowardly to do what i knew to be right, as i had been too cowardly to avoid doing what i knew to be wrong" (chapter 6)
This particular qoute holds true to just about everyone who has ever lied or gone behind someones back. Even as a small child, one knows that when they do something wrong and something bad occurs because of it, that they should confess, but they don't. This is because they are afraid that the people they admire the most will be dissapointed in them. In most cases, karma comes around and they don't get away with it. Pip was lucky this time, but because of this event he tells Joe from then on when he lies, or does something bad. This songs explains Joe and how he feels about Pip as he starts to prepare to leave for London. The beggining lyrics quesion Pip and his relationship as they grow farther apart. And the lyrics "We live on front porches and swing life away, we get by just fine on minimum wage" represent how Joe is doing just fine, he has always been happy wth his life, however Pip was not.
"But that he was not to be, without ignorance or prejudice, mistaken for a gentleman, my father asseverates; because it is a principle of his that no man who was not a true gentleman at heart, ever was, since the world began, a true gentleman in manner." (Herbert Pocket, chapter 22)
This is my favorite quote in the book so far. As Pip grows older and becomes a gentleman, he seems to start getting worse in heart. This quote says that if you are not good at heart, you can never be a true gentleman through your actions. This is an important lesson for Pip to learn because he even though he is working his way up in social status, he is falling down in his core. Hopefully Herbert and his father will teach Pip the true meaning of "gentleman".
"It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home."
Once Pip realizes what upper class lifestyle is, he is blinded by the desire to achieve them and by doing so impressing Estella. Earlier in the novel, Pip says "...I loved Joe--perhaps for no better reason than because the dear fellow let me love him." Because he is blinded by this desire, he is even ashamed of his loved ones. He even has heard Miss Havisham tell Estella "You can break his heart." Regardless, Pip ashamed of his home though home is truly where someone should feel the most comfortable.
I like the quote "my first decided experience of the stupendous power of money, was, that it had morally laid upon his back, Trabb's boy." It shows that people will change their behavior to please the gentleman just because of his position. this position also is thought to include a considerable amount of money. I like this quote so much because this view of life is still true today,especially in business. if anything this aspect of life has been amplified. in a nutshell the more money you are thought to have the more respect you are likely to be given
"God knows you're welcome to it-so far as it was ever mine", returned Joe, with a saving remembrance of Mrs. Joe. "We don't know what you have done, but we wouldn't have you starved to death for it, poor miserable fellow-creature. Would us, Pip?"
This is said by Joe when he is talking to "Pip's convict". The convict admits that he took the pie from Joe's house. Despite the convict's confession, Joe remains pitiful toward the thief. This signifies that Joe is a very kind-hearted "gentleman", and he is wise beyond his years. Through Pip's eyes, Joe is merely a friend-being both uneducated and a common man. However, Joe is much more than that. He sees the world in a different way than most people do and is able to find content in numerous aspects of his life, unlike Pip, a confused young man trying to find his purpose.
Ryan Whitfield 7th Period in a conversation with... Anthony Choo 2nd Period
Anthony: would you like to engage in a conversation of.. GREAT EXPECTATIONS!??!?!?!
Ryan: haha sure but what wuld we talk anout? lol
haha its cool it'll work out some how.. I'll start it off.. do you think Pip's name is any how related to being a "PIMP"?
Well since he seems to be trying to get 2 girls: Biddy and Estella.
yes.. I'm sure Dickens played a part within this character name.. He believed that in the future, the word "PIMP" will be used throughout the entire world.. or most of the world population that is and that is why! He came up with the name Pip! To guide us into learning that it is closely related to being a PIMP! Wow! I never knew Dickens had such a thing with words I wonder how many other words he predicted to become famous in the near future?
i know Dickens is a genius of literature
Yes I believe so as well and also cuz we're reading it and that is the reason why we're reading it. Anywayz moving on now... Next Question: Do you think that Pip's convict will come back to hunt him? Or will come back in any way during the story? and How so?
well we already saw that the iron returned in the story so its safe to say Dickens may have a surprise for us as we dive deeper into this story
Yes Yes Perfect Ryan, thats an answer Mrs. Hedrick would expect for this type of question, Good Job!
yes im smart! LOL
XDD well that ruin the whole formal talking thing LOL btw what chapter did u read to?
i read to 22
ok perfect Time to discuss on our latest reading
bring on the questions
What do you think about Mathew Pocket? or his son, Herbert Pocket?
well matthew pocket seems like he is going to be the perfect teacher for him. but do u think he might change as we continue to learn more about him?
I believe so, this is what I'm thinking at the moment, as Pip, or his new Christian name, Handel (Chapter 22), explains more about the events that happen with Mrs. Havisham, Mathew Pocket will start to experience guilt and regret as he have caused too much pain and suffering for one person.
Do you think Matthew Pockets and Miss Havisham will meet up again soon? story makes it seem unavoidable
Yes, it does seem as if Mathew Pocket and Miss Havisham were destined to meet some day. But, if Mathew Pocket were to apologize for his actions against Miss Havisham, or told her the truth, what do you think would happen to Mathew Pocket?
well she may have mixed feelings. its possible he may be forgiven but expect the unexpected
Yes, that is one of of the characteristics of Dicken's writing! I think this song accurately represents the relationship between Estella and Pip. The song is told from Pip's point-of-view and he is unable to resist Estella despite the abuse and taunting she places on him. He is deeply confused, because Biddy is a trustworthy and kind friend, but he's still looking for Estella's heart. Also, the quote from the song, "I'll pay any cost" resembles Pip's buying of the suit just to make him appear as a gentleman all for Estella in the end.
This song is called "Chasing Pavements". The main verse goes "Should I give give up or should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it leads nowhere? Or would it be a waste, even if I knew my place? Should I leave it there?" This symbolizes Pip wanting to become a gentleman; however, it seems impossible at the time. He wonders if he should give up his dreams of becoming part of the upper class and seeing Estella. He doesn't yet know his place in the world. He seems to be chasing an impossible dream, an unreachable road in his life.
"We don't know what you have done, but we wouldn't have you starved to death for it, poor miserable fellow-creatur."
This shows how kindhearted Joe really is. In another situation, the person may have yelled at the convict or even Pip for stealing, or engaged in an arguement or so, but Joe was a calm person who took it easily without scolding anyone for it. Maybe if some people imagined the other's situation first, many disputes could have been avoided.
The opening lyrics reminded me of Joe's reaction to the convict's story. He was really kind to the person instead of overlooking him for his personality or situation which most people would probably do.
I found these two songs that remind me of the two different personality aspects of Miss Havisham.
Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love
"Time starts to pass Before you know it you're frozen But something happened For the very first time with you My heart melts into the ground Found something true And everyone's looking round Thinking I'm going crazy"
This song shows Miss Havisham's first personality because she was truly in love with the man that betrayed her. "Before you know it you're frozen" reminded me of how Miss Havisham's life is "frozen" waiting for her love to return. As the novel mentions, Miss Havisham did have a physical relationship with this man which is why the verse "But something happened For the very first time with you My heart melts into the ground Found something true..." fits this aspect of her as well. Finally, "And everyone's looking round Thinking I'm going crazy" reminds me how of society looked at Miss Havisham because they were aware of her physical relation with the man as well as her condition right now. Also, Matthew Pocket tired to warn Miss Havisham, but she was blinded by her love.
Jay Sean - Cry
"Let me see you Cry cry cry I need to see u cry cry cry Until your tears run dry dry dry Like the deserts need the rain Want ya tears to fall down on me"
The second aspect of Miss Havisham is revenge. She wants men to suffer because not only did her half-brother and father betray her but also the man she was madly in love with. She is taking this revenge on Pip. Miss Havisham tells Estella "You can break his heart."
Jessica Evans- 7th Period!! "We changed again, and yet again, and it was now too late and too far to go back, and i went on. And the mists had all solemnly risen now, and the world lay spread before me." (chapter 19)
I love this quote from the book, because it shows a representation of not only what Pip had been thinking throughout his journey, that although he may want to, that there is no turning back. Also, that the quote can be used as what people everyday go though.
I found this song, and not only does it go along with the quote but it can also be applied to the chapter. When Pip leaves, he wanted Biddy to see the real him, and to have Joe and Biddy know that he loves them. But not only that, Pip thinks of his moving away as a barrier that can never be taken down as he leaves. He thinks that once he leaves that they will never think of him in the same way.
Through Smoke BY: NeedtoBreath
Jessica Evans- 7th Period!! I found two songs that can relate to how Pip has been feeling in the past chapters with Biddy and Estella.
Innocent BY:Taylor Swift The lyrics are: There's some things you can't speak of But tonight you'll live it all again You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now If only you would sing what you know now then
I think that these lyrics can relate to what happened when Pip stole the food to give to the convict at the beginning of the book. This shows how Pip was really feeling during the time at dinner.
Also, Never Grow Up BY: Taylor Swift
This song can relate to the whole book, because although you age can grow, doesnt mean that you are "grown up". On Friday when we were having our discussion in class, you said that exact same thing, and i thought of this song.
"That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But, it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day." Chapter 9.
This quote really stood out to me because everyone has that one day that changed their lives forever. If that one day had not happened, where would you be now? Your entire life would be different. Pip took that specific day as a great day to make his life turn out better. Some people have a day that made their life worse. Basically, this quote is significant to me because I, and probably other people, can't help but wonder how they would have turned out without that particular day.
"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are the rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before- more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle. If I had cried before, I should have had Joe with me then."
This is one of my favorite quotes so far in the book because it shows that even when we get to a good place in life that fulfills the great expectations we have, we don't always remember who helped us to reach that place until we lose them. This quote is from when Pip is finally leaving home to become a gentleman and is sad at the thought of leaving Joe and the rest of his childhood behind. He thinks of how he thought of Joe as an uneducated common man and feels ashamed and ungrateful for not realizing how much Joe has done for him. Pip is sorry because he has forgotten the time when he said that he loved Joe simply because Joe let Pip love him. The quote shows me that we all make mistakes and once we realize them, we become better people and think more before we act.
"I promised myself that I would do something one of these days, and formed a plan in outline for bestowing a dinner of roast beef and plum pudding, a pint of ale, and a gallon of condescension upon everybody in the village."
The reader sees Pip's snobbishness developing shortly after inheriting his money and his social status. Pip is really infatuated with himself and it affects everyone around him, in a negative way. The people who know and love Pip are starting to see a different side of him that they thought that they would never see. People are starting to question whether they want they want to be associated with him or not.
Extra Credit: This situation is just like the plot of the movie Stargirl. Stargirl, the main character makes many promises such as singing to her friend, and she doesn't follow through with the promise. In this particular example, Stargirl sings to Leo, a boy she likes. Another example in this movie is when Leo becomes infatuated with Stargirl and refuses pleas of his best friend, Kevin,to put her on their show Hot Seat, the school’s student run television production where students are placed on the spot, and a jury of students ask them questions "to make them squirm." Leo is like Pip in the way that he betrays his friend over a girl. Pip leaves Joe and Biddy to go to London where Estella is, which hints that he went to reclaim his love for her.
“There’s one thing you may be sure of, Pip,” said Joe after some rumination, “namely, that lies is lies. Howsever they come, they didn’t ought to come, and they come from the father of lies, and work round to the same. Don’t you tell no more of ’em, Pip. That ain’t the way to get out of being common, old chap…” (Chapter 9)
This quote shows that even though Joe doesn’t know how to read and sometimes acts like a kid, he knows very important things in life. He can tell them to Pip intelligently. Apparently, Pip never forgot Joe’s advice about lies. Lies will not make Pip a gentleman or uncommon.
Extra Credit: This quote about Joe and Pip reminds of what happens to Jonas in The Giver by Lois Lowry, a futuristic book I read in middle school. The main character is Jonas, the next receiver of the memories of true pain and pleasures of life that his community lost some time ago. When he starts to gain the ability to feel emotions, he also starts to lie occasionally. And he finds out that his father has been telling him some dark lies, so Jonas decides to run away from home. His community is going to get back the good and the bad memories that Jonas has received so far. Lies eventually cause a short-term chaos in Jonas’ community. The same way that lies have haunted Pip for years.
Sidd Meka 2nd Period- "If you can't get to be oncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked."
Joe said this to Pip when he found out that Pip lied about his adventures at Miss Havisham's house. This is my favorite quote in the book because this is true to everybody. This teaches people that it is better to tell the truth than to go to tell lies because better things will happen to those who tell the truth. This is significant because it helps Pip on his journey to become a gentleman. This is only one of the many lessons Pip learns through his journey, but this is probably the most important one in the book.
Sidd Meka 2nd Period- Extra Credit Video:
The song is called a Man of Constant Sorrow by Bob Dylan. This song is related to Great Expectations because it talks about a man of constant sorrow. In this case, the man of constant sorrow is Pip. In the song, almost everything that is said in the beginning relates to Pip and his mistreatment. It also relates to Estella's mistreatment of Pip.
Martha Weber 3rd Period "Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are the rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before- more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle. If I had cried before, I should have had Joe with me then."
This is my favorite quote from Great Expectations because it shows how human Pip is. This quote displays his regret and his need to cry just like all other people. The imagery of the quote is exquisite and really evokes a sense of sadness and regret. Also, this quote shows how Pip is realizing his mistakes even though he still makes them. Pip does this throughout the whole book. He knows he does wrong, but it is usually to late to fix what he did. Pip continues to muddle through life making more/new mistakes as he learns from his old ones; he isn't perfect but he tries his best. This quote really symbolizes how tears are the things that help humanity grow and become caring individuals. Pip's tears helped him realize how much he needed Joe and how large of a mistake he made. This quote is significant because it displays Pip's humanity and helps the reader identify with him. Plus, I like how the quote says people shouldn't be ashamed to cry; I think that is so true.
`Well, Pip,' said Joe, `be it so or be it son't, you must be a common scholar afore you can be a uncommon one, I should hope! The king upon his throne, with his crown upon his 'ed, can't sit and write his acts of Parliament in print, without having begun, when he were a unpromoted Prince, with the alphabet -- Ah!' added Joe, with a shake of the head that was full of meaning, `and begun at A too, and worked his way to Z.”
To be uncommon, you must be common. To be famous, you must be that person who works hard every day. I think this is the best message in the book just yet. Pip wants to skip the work and become educated, and Joe tells him this is not possible. Fame and fortune, in other words, comes with hard work (which means commonness). The king, the most renowned person at that time, was formerly a prince struggling with the alphabet-a lesson all people go through. Start at A, go to Z, read and write, and then follow the path you want to pursue. This is the only way to go.
Yusra Asif, 1st period! Far away This ship is taking me far away Far away from the memories Of the people who care if I live or die…
“Starlight” by Muse is a great example of what’s going on inside Pip. The first part shows that Pip is going to a place far away from his memories and from people who care about him, and he is entering into a new life filled with unknown and careless people, such as Mr. Jaggers. Pip, as the song says, just wants to meet Estella, and if he must be educated, then that is what he will do. He even has hopes and expectations. The song, ironically, is even called “Starlight” which is what the name Estella means (her name means star, actually, but I think it’s close enough :)
"'If I could have settled down,' I said to Biddy, plucking up the short grass within reach, much as I had done once upon a time pulled my feelings out of my hair and kicked them into the brewery wall: 'if I could have settled down and been but half as fond of the forge as I was when I was little, I know it would have been much better for me. You and I and Joe would have wanted nothing then, and Joe and I would perhaps have gone partners when I was out of my time, and I might have even grown up to keep company with you, and we might have sat on this very bank on a fine Sunday, quite different people. I should have been good enough for you, shouldn't I, Biddy?'"
This quote sums up everything going around in Pip's mind at the time, including his feelings for Biddy and Joe and Ms. Havisham. He seems to realise, at this point, that he is becoming more and more vain in his opinion of life; this vanity includes his kicking his feelings into the brewery wall. Now, Pip is recalling what life could and should have been like, had he not fallen in "love" with Estella and ruined his view on his own life. Joe and Biddy are just people now, not really anyone special (though Joe is still a good friend of his, and so is Biddy), whereas Estella has become the butterfly chased by the young boy.
"At the hour and minute,"said Herbert, nodding "at which she afterwards stopped all the clocks. What was in it, further than that it most heartlessly broke the marriage off, I can't tell you, because I don't know. When she recovered from a bad illness that she had, she laid the whole place waste, as you have seen it, and she has never since looked upon the light of day." (Chapter 22)
This is my favorite quote not because it has some deep intellectual meaning or anything like that, but because of the story it tells, the questions it answers, and the questions it causes me to ask myself. This quote, said by Herbert, was the last thing he told in his story about Miss Havisham and Estella. Throughout this whole story, I have been intrigued by the mystery and wonder behind the story of Miss Havisham. I have wanted to know why she stopped the clocks, why she still wears her wedding dress from many years ago, and several other important aspects from the story that influences the way she acts. The two boys told each other all they knew about Miss Havisham. Earlier in the story I always enjoyed anytime we got to read about Pip and Miss Havisham, so of course I liked finding out the background story, which was something I had been wondering about for a while.
"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts."
This quote is one of my favorite quotes so far. I feel like, even though it has significance to the story, it could stand by itself and be just as meaningful and beautiful as it is in the book. I love the metaphor and imagery in it; it creates a great feeling of sadness, remorse, and sensitivity, as well as of Pip. I think that, although we get mad at Pip for all of the unwise decisions he makes,he is an overall good person. Once he realizes that he has done something wrong he hurries to fix it, although usually he is much too late to make right by the person he has harmed (like on the carriage to London when he feels guilty for being ashamed of Joe). Pip is also ready to realize his shortcomings; he always tries to better himself. This quote really ties into Pip because when he feels guilty or ashamed, he cries. I feel like throughout the story we will see Pip cry even more as he realizes all of the wrongs he has comitted. Also, the quote just has a good literal meaning; we should never be ashamed to cry.
Extra Credit: When I was looking for a quote to put as my favorite, I came across the one that said,"That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But, it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been...." When I read this,it reminded me of the movie,The Butterfly Effect. In this movie a man has blackouts, goes back in time, and is able to change small things that happened to him which largely affected his life. I think that this relates to Great Expectations because as Pip tells his story, several small things change his outlook on life. If he'd never met Estella and Miss Havisham, he never would have felt the need to become a gentleman and he would've continued to look up to Joe instead of looking down on him. I also feel that his meeting with the convict will have a large significance to the story; why else would the file have reappeared? So, it seems that the small choices that Pip makes like helping a convict and going to play are able to largely affect his life, just like the small changes the man in the movie makes change the man's future.
‘I don’t take it to Phillip,’ said he, smiling,’ for it sounded like a moral boy out of a spelling-book, who was lazy that he fell into a pond, or so fat that he couldn’t see out of his eyes, or so avaricious that he locked up his cake till the mice ate it, or so determined to go a bird’s-nesting that he got himself eaten by bears who lived handy in the neighbourhood. I tell you what I should like. We are so harmonious, and you have been a blacksmith- would you mind it?’ ‘I shouldn’t mind anything that you propose,’ I answered, ‘but I don’t’ understand you.’ ‘Would you mind Handel for a familiar name? There’s a charming piece of music by Handel, called harmonious Blacksmith.’ ‘I should like it very much.’ ^^ I like this quote because it explains distinctly how Herbert thought of Pip’s Christian name, Phillip. He just had to go out of his way to say what the name sounded like to him and gave Pip a clever new name of a composer. His thoughts made me laugh because I thought they were random and showed how Herbert thinks, and what his character is like. The name Handel and how Herbert said it was the man who created Harmonious Blacksmith, seeing how Pip was once a Blacksmith, it made me want to look it up, so I did. The way the song flows at the beginning seemed like it was how Pip was acting as a little boy growing up under his profound sisters hands. Then as he got older, the song sped up showing that it could mean that Pip was just now living up to his expectations and realizing everything around him in a whole new spectrum. Then, as the song paused, I thought it symbolized the part where Pip had found out Miss Havisham’s ways and had a eureka moment. When the song finished playing out, more notes were playing about and I thought it could mean that Pip had finally lived up to his Great Expectations of the story.
"If you can't get to be oncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked." -Joe Gargery, Chapter 9
This quote is referring to Pip's lies. Pip is intimidated by Estella in the previous chapter when she calls him common, so Pip tries to be uncommon by lying. When he confesses his lies to Joe, Joe tells him he must be common before he can be uncommon. In this quote, he's saying that if Pip can't be uncommon doing the right things, he'll never be uncommon doing wrong things, such as lying.
" varnish can hide the grain of the wood; and that the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself." Herbert Pocket (Chapter 22)
Herbert Pocket is telling Pip a very important life lesson. No matter what you do to change yourself on the outside, you cannot change what's on the inside. Though Pip changed his clothes and traveled to London, his 'grains' will always be seen. He cannot deny his past and where he came from. And there is nothing he can do to hide where he has been.
"If you have the heart to think so," returned Biddy, "say so. Say so over and over again, if you have the heart to think so."
-Biddy (chapter eighteen)
I like this quote because it really shows the character of Biddy. Right before this qoute, Pip has accused Biddy of being "envious" of his new fortune. This quote shows how strong Biddy is. It shows how she is wise and really isn't envious. I love how she makes it Pip's judgement whether she truly is envious or not. She turns Pip's words against him without saying anything hurtful.
RJ Brown 7th period "If i could only get myself to fall in love with you." Pip Chapter 17 This is my favorite quote in the story because this is how guys feel everyday. we always fall for the wrong girls and we then realize that there is that one person who has always been there for us.
“I could hardly have imagined dear old Joe looking so unlike himself or so like some extraordinary bird, standing as he did, speechless, with his tuft of feathers ruffled, and his mouth opened as if he wanted a worm”
This quote said by Pip really stood out to me because I felt like it clearly explained the feelings that were traveling through Joe. In the limited 39 word quote I felt the character connection click between Joe and I right when I read this. I stopped and thought about the times where I felt as if I was almost paralyzed, and couldn’t do or say anything to make the situation better. Joe was placed in such an uncomfortable position when he went to Miss Havishams house. I felt like I knew exactly how he felt, like a bird, with his tuft of feathers ruffled.
"And the mists had all solemnly risen now, and the world lay spread before me." This quote is taken from the end of the first part of Pip's journey, when he leaves for London. In my opinion, this line sets the stage for what happens throughout the rest of the story. The mists rising are supposed to represent all of the new opportunities for Pip now that he is heading for London. Pip's own world, which was just his local area originally, has now expanded to what Pip perceives as his new life.
The mist was heavier yet when I got out upon the marshes, so that instead of my running at everything, everything seemed to run at me.
This is my favorite Qoute from the book becuase it shows how truly frightened pip was. It showed that he was hallusinating out of fright. I also like this quote because it adds suspence making you feal as if something is going to pop out at Pip.
Erika Sutton, 2nd Period Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. (Chapter 9) This quote really stands out to me because it reminds me of all of the major events that have happened in my life. Whether they were good or bad, my life would not be the way it is now. Sometimes I wonder what woulod happen if I could go back in time and change decisions I have made, but then I realize that the decisions and mistakes make me who I am today. Those memorable days in my life are learning experiences, and I grew from those.
Amira Yanni, 7th Period This is not a specific quote but I like when Joe says, "Ever the best of friends, Pip!" For even if it was true as Pip grew up, soon, Pip will forget who are his real friends. Pip will not longer be "the best of friends," with "dear Joe."
Mike Drinkwater, 2nd period "No; the office is one thing, and private life is another. When I gointo the office I leave the castle behind me, and when I come into the castle, I leave the office behind me."
Wemmick the clerk said this and it just struck me in the oddest way cause i mean some people are the same all the time and then others are just on off on their personalities. It's alot like me. At home i'm all out and joking and stuff and then at school its just a workers focus kind of personality. Wemmick is the same kind of way because at his castle he is all happy and not bland and then at the office he is like a machine and bland.
"It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home."
It is a miserable thing, and Pip feels that way. This quote shows that Pip is losing sight of what really matters in life, who you are, and how you became who your are. And that all starts right at home. Pip sees this nice upper class life, and all of a sudden thinks that his lower class life is not good enough. The upper class life is very nice, but for Pip, it was not where he was or belonged at the time. You should always be proud of where you came from, good or bad, because it is a major part of who you are.
"Heaven knows we need never to be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before-more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle."
So many times, we are embarrassed of our tears. Yet when we cry, it makes us more aware of what we really care deeply for. And in that awareness, people's hearts will soften and a deep sense of caring forms. Like Pip, tears may take away the ingratitude and the shame we all have.
"If you can't get to be oncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked."
This is my favorite quote because it once again shows how wise Joe is, and also because it can easily be related to any time period. Many people are troubed with a lust to be rich, famous, better than others, or envied upon, and often this lust becomes so strong that people may change themselves to achieve it. In the end, however, doing what is wrong cannot give you good fortune as doing what is right, and commonly difficult, may.
I dont like you, but I love you Seems that im always thinking of you Ohh you treat me badly, I love you madly You really got a hold on me You really got a hold on me
This is part of the lyrics to "You Really Got a Hold on Me" by She & Him. I think it really reflects Pip's feelings for Estella. Even though she treats Pip like dirt, he loves her. He is constantly thinking about her and he cannot control his love for her, although she constantly puts him down. The way she pushes him away makes her have an even stronger hold on him.
This is another song, from years ago, that can be used to describe Estella and Pip's feelings towards her. I can't believe I thought of it, it's kind of annoying.
She's cold and she's cruel But she knows what she's doin' She pushed me in the pool At our last school reunion She laughs at my dreams But I dream about her laughter Strange as it seems She's the one I'm after
--- Pip knows that Estella is uncaring and hateful but he still wants only her.
Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet And I can't help myself I don't want anyone else She's a mystery She's too much for me But I keep comin' back for more She's just the girl I'm lookin' for
--- Even though Estella is constantly purposefully hurting Pip, and enjoying it, he can't help but love her. Also, Estella is a mystery to Pip and the reader, as said in line 5.
She can't keep a secret For more than an hour She runs on 100 proof attitude power And the more she ignores me The more I adore her What can I do? I'd do anything for her
Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet And I can't help myself I don't want anyone else She's a mystery She's too much for me But I keep comin' back for more She's just the girl I'm lookin' for
The way she sees it's me On her caller ID She won't pick up the phone She'd rather be alone But I can't give up just yet Cause every word she's ever said Is still ringin' in my head Still ringin' in my head
She's cold and she's cruel But she knows what she's doin' Knows just what to say So my whole day is ruined
--- Estella knows the best things to say in order to cause Pip pain.
Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet And I can't help myself I don't want anyone else She's a mystery She's too much for me But I keep comin' back for more
Cause she's bittersweet She knocks me off of my feet And I can't help myself I don't want anyone else She's a mystery She's too much for me But I keep comin' back for more Oh, I keep comin' back for more She's just the girl I'm lookin' for Just the girl I'm lookin' for
I'm lookin' for I'm lookin' for I'm lookin' for Just the girl I'm lookin' for....oh
Yusra Asif, 1st period! I forgot to put the song link on my last post! Here it is: Far away This ship is taking me far away Far away from the memories Of the people who care if I live or die…
“Starlight” by Muse is a great example of what’s going on inside Pip. The first part shows that Pip is going to a place far away from his memories and from people who care about him, and he is entering into a new life filled with unknown and careless people, such as Mr. Jaggers. Pip, as the song says, just wants to meet Estella, and if he must be educated, then that is what he will do. He even has hopes and expectations. The song, ironically, is even called “Starlight” which is what the name Estella means (her name means star, actually, but I think it’s close enough :)
"All the while knowing the madness of my heart to be so very mad and misplaced, that I was I quite conscious it would have served my face right, if I had lifted it up by my hair, and knocked it against the pebbles as a punishment for belonging to such an idiot."
This quote immediately caught my attention when I first read it. It shows how Pip knows that he is in love with the wrong girl. He knows that he should find a girl much like Biddy. However, it just seems that he can't pull away from Estella's hold. I'm sure that most men in the world today have gone through this exact situation. If not, then they are in for a big surprise.
"But I loved Joe--perhaps for no better reason than because the dear fellow let me love him" (Chapter 5).
I love this quote because it is showing that Pip is appreciative of Joe. Joe was the only one that cared for and loved Pip as a child. Joe was a nice and likable man. He gave Pip the reassurance he needed to survive Ms. Joe each and every day. If you think about,"because he let me love him", that can mean a lot. Joe was not out to get Pip, but he was almost like a big brother towards Pip.
"In a word, I was too cowardly to do what I knew to be right, as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong."-Pip, Chapter 6
I think this quote reflects the book because it reflects Pip's childish fear. We see this fear when he is visited by soldiers. Pip is afraid they will find that he helped the criminal and take him away. We also see this fear later after he had faced the pale young gentleman in a fight. He is having these wild assumptions that he will be arrested for what he has done.
"Would you mind Handel for a familiar name? There's a charming piece of music by Handel, called the Harmonious Blacksmith."
This quote was made by Herbert and said to Pip. I believe this quote was some how ironic and different than the others. Not only was the name Handel related to Pip because of his previous profession, but it also makes sense because Pip is like the handle of an axe. Throughout the entire story, it feels like he is being used by people. For example, in the beginning Pip was basically being used by Mrs. Joe and her punishing habit, while now Pip is being used by whoever owns Mr. Jaggers and told him to occupy Pip with money and tuition to become a gentlemen. Also, by calling the song Harmonious Blacksmith, it sounds like how Pip and Joe would do their work. They would sing Old Clem Old Clem as if its joyful, hence the "Harmonious". I was indeed intrigued by this interesting quote because it totally describes Pip's life at the moment.
"If I could only get myself to fall in love ... with you – you don't mind my speaking so openly to such an old acquaintance?" "Oh dear, not at all!" said Biddy. "Don't mind me." "If I could only get myself to do it, that would be the thing for me." "But you never will, you see," said Biddy
This quote/conversation between Pip and Biddy shows the reader more about Pip's desire to solve his problems. He wishes he could magically fall in love with Biddy, and have everything be put perfectly in place; all problems solved. This is something that many people can relate to because you can't really control who you fall in love with.
Mikaela Thurman 1st Period, My favorite quote so far is... "Oh,there are many kinds of pride," said Biddy,looking full at me and shaking her head; "pride is notall of one kind-"
This is my favorite quote becuase pride has been a recurring theme throughout the stories that we have read this year. In this book it has a different value though. In the books that we have read this year pride has a negetive perception, but in this story Biddy has told Pip that there are many forms that pride takes. It seems like Biddy is warning Pip that there are situations wher pride is helpful and situations where pride is something that should be watched out for. After Biddy has told him this they go further into the conversation and Pip becomes a little to prideful (in the wrong way) and tells Biddy that She is jealous of what Pip has and that he is becoming a gentleman and she is still stuck there doing nothing. Later on Pip also becomes to prideful with his money and the way that he is spending it. Also Pip has used his pride on the good side by pushing himself farther and farther and beginning to reach his goals. Pride takes different forms positive and negetive and so far Pip has gotten into a little of both.
"Pip, dear old chap, life is made of ever so many partings welded together, as I may say, and one man's a blacksmith, and one's a whitesmith, and one's a goldsmith, and one's a coppersmith. Diwisions among such must come, and must be met as they come. If there's been any fault at all to-day, it's mine. You and me is not two figures to be together in London; nor yet anywheres else but what is private, and beknown, and understood among friends. It ain't that I am proud, but that I want to be right, as you shall never see me no more in these clothes. I'm wrong in these clothes. I'm wrong out of the forge, the kitchen, or off th' meshes. You won't find half so much fault in me if you think of me in my forge dress, with my hammer in my hand, or even my pipe. You won't find half so much fault in me if, supposing as you should ever wish to see me, you come and put your head in at the forge window and see Joe the blacksmith, there, at the old anvil, in the old burnt apron, sticking to the old work. I'm awful dull, but I hope I've beat out something nigh the rights of this at last. And so GOD bless you, dear old Pip, old chap, GOD bless you!"
This quote was said by Joe Gargery to Pip. This is my favorite quote because it shows that even though Pip may be more educated and more of a gentleman than Joe will ever be, Joe still has more wisdom and maturity than Pip. It is kind of a sad quote because Joe seems to realize the void between their divided social classes is growing, making their meetings quite uncomfortable for him. Joe doesn't know how to act in Pip's new surroundings, just like he did earlier in Ms. Havisham's household.
" I think I shall trade, also, said he, putting his thumbs up in his waistcoat pockets, to the West Indies, for sugar, tobacco, and rum. Also to Ceylon, specially for the elephants' tusks" Chapter 22
This quote is said by Herbert to Pip. This is my favorite quote because it shows the incredible amount of ambition Herbert has and the skepticism and disbelieve of Pip. While I do agree Herbert will have a hard time achieving his goals I do believe he will in time become wiser and more gentleman-like and successful than Pip.Furthermore, it shows the gradual conquering of the universe by man both over nature(sailing the seas) and over animals(poaching elephants for their tusks).
Joseph Ryan McLane Sr., 7th Period “Pip, dear old chap, life is made of ever so many partings welded together, as I may say, and one man’s a blacksmith, and one’s a whitesmith, and one’s a goldsmith, and one’s a coppersmith. Diwisions among such must come, and must be met as they come.” - Joe, Chapter 27 This quote is favored by me because it really gives an explanation to the weirdness of there meeting in London. It is Joe explaining to Pip, and very learned gentleman (which still shows Joes intercourse with the world is more that Pips still), how they have spread apart between class systems. Joe, being the blacksmith he is, uses smelting to prove his point. In this quote, Joe is of course the blacksmith still, where Pip used to be, and Pip has now advanced classes to a goldsmith with the rest of the gentlemen. It also is a sad milestone in Pips journey to become a gentleman, Pip now knows he has finally 'abandoned' his past life of a "blacksmith."
"no man who was not a true gentleman at heart ever was, since the world began, a true gentleman in manner. He says, no varnish can hide the grain of the wood, and that the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself;"
this quote was said from Herbert to Pip, and shows Herbert's belief that if you deserve to be a gentleman, you will be. He also expresses that those who are not true gentlemen will act like they are not gentlemen. The quote shows that the class system did not put you in a permanent place at birth, and you can change your fate if you try hard enough
My favorite quote is by Pip's convict in Chapter 5.
"Tried to murder him? Try, and not do it? I took him, and giv' him up; that's what I done. I not only prevented him getting off the marshes, but I dragged hime here- dragged him this far on his way back. He's a gentleman if you please, this villain. Now the Hulks has got its gentleman again, through me. Murder him? Worth my while, too, to murder him, when I could do worse and drag him back!"
I promise to you guys I'm not crazy, but I suppose I do have kind of a twisted mind to actually think of this connection. First off, I like the quote because its just creepy. The whole way the story starts off with convicts establishes that sort of creepy mood that makes the story interesting. How many stories are there where a 7 year old kid meets a convict? Not many. I like how the convicts and Miss Havisham establish that really creepy, suspenseful, oh-my-gosh-what's-going-to-happen-next kind of mood to the story. The second thing I like most about this quote is the word "gentleman". Pip's convict refers to the other convict as a gentleman, which surprised me as I was going back through looking for a quote. The other convict was a liar who escaped from prison, cheating out other people, probably stealing from others and countless other things. Strange how much this discription of the convict #2 fits Charles Dickens's implied gentlemen discription. The gentlemen in London are so prim and proper on the outside, but if you look inside, they are really cruel and terrible people. Why is this? They have far too much pride in themselves and their lives to realize how ridiculous they are. Convict #2 did not want to go back to the Hulks because he was too prideful in his life. He thought he was probably going to die on those ships, and he was too in love with the world and himself to even think of taking that risk. It is the same with the gentlemen, I believe. I think that Pip's convict is right in calling convict #2 a gentleman. If men who were called gentlemen were true gentlemen, they wouldn't flaunt themselves around and show off. They would act as a true gentlemen should, like what Herbert Pocket's discription of a gentlemen was. I really like this quote, because it foreshadows in a weird way how the gentlemen are like and who Pip might become. At this point, I think Pip needs to re-read this book, which is his life story, before it's already too late.
Jaclyn Pescitelli, 1st Period "It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home." This quote marks a turning point in the novel. It marks the point where Pip first realizes his social classing status and begins to become ashamed of it. Pip has recently first experienced the high class life that Miss Havisham and Estella live. Consequently, now he feels that his life isn't good enough for Estella to accept him. Beginning with this quote, the story becomes a tale of how Pip becomes a gentlemen so he can be accepted by Estella.
Hobbie McCain 7th period. If you cant get uncommon from going straight then you'll never get there going crooked. -Joe Joe says a lot in this little statement. he says that if you are having trouble getting their honestly then more trouble that is impassable is going to be there if you try to earn it through bad ways. it is one lesson that no one will ever follow perfectly but it is something we should all strive for. i think it also represents some of Dicken's christian value becuase that is something that is a high moral in christianity. that you will gain more by giving to others and doing things honest than by taking from people and using evil.
go to page 236 in Mrs. Hedricks version and look at this sentence. THIS IS THE GREATEST FORM OF IRONY EVER MADE IN HISTORY!!!!!!!!!
The exact quote: "How can you call me sir?"
can u believe it?!?!?! this little cocky wannabe gentleman gets wat he wants and asks this. if i could i would slap him like herbert did at mrs havasham's house. goodnes gracious!
"that girl's hard and haughty and capricious to the last degree, and has been brought up by miss havisham to wreak revenge on all the male sex." ~ herbert pocket
this quote shows a significant amount of insight into miss havishams past. the symbolism of revenge comes into play many times in this book. also the idea of teaching and training, pip is trains=ing to be a gentleman and estella is training to be a heartbreaker.
"If you can't get to be oncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked. So don't tell no more on 'em, Pip, and live well and die happy." - Joe
This was said to Pip by Joe on the night Pip confesses to him about his lies he told regarding his first visit with Miss Havisham. Pip guiltily admits to Joe the lies that he told and then opens up to him about his feelings of being common, rooting from Estella's harsh words that day (about his coarse hands & thick boots).
The quote symbolizes the feelings that Pip has throughout the book. Pip's feelings of being common remain throughout the chapters that we have read. Pip was going on a "crooked" pathway because of his lies to becoming uncommon, though until that day he had never thought much about it. It is evident that Pip tries to "get to be oncommon through going straight" in working towards his goals. For example, he does all that he can to be educated. Yet, he is still reminded by Estella and other things that he is common. His attitude develops into wanting quick results (as in uprise in social status). Some of the faults in his attitude, such as his new attitude towads Joe in London, and also his "love" for Estella are things that set Pip's pathway "crooked". We are reminded that he certainly cannot become a gentleman this way by his reminder of having a "blacksmith's arm", among many things.
This quote can sum up Pip's omnipresent underlying commonness throughout the chapters that we have read. Through trying to work toward his goal on a straight pathway or through making it crooked, Pip is always reminded of being common. Thus, maybe "being common" will always be a part of Pip's identity, no matter his efforts and despite the fact that he could not control the status that he was born into. Maybe he should just accept this part of him and simply "live well and die happy", as Joes advises.
Though the quote that I chose was said early on in the book (in Chapter 9), I feel that it can relate to Pip's course of feelings throughout what we have read after Chapter 9.
"Are infants to be nutcrackered into their tombs, and is nobody to save them?" - Mr. Pocket
This quote by Mr. Pocket is significant because he ic ommonicating that Mrs. Pocket is not being fair to Jane. in this instance, Mrs. Pocket may be representing Life and how it may not be fair. At the same time, Jane may be representing Justice. The short exchange between mother and daughter may show the ongoing dispute between Justice and its opposite.
EXTRA CREDIT: In Great Expectations, the character Mr. Jaggers reminds me of Madame Defarge from Tale of Two Cities because the two have a rough way of doing things and treating other people. Also, they both do anything necessary to achieve their goals. However, the difference between them is that Mr. Jaggers saves lives while Madame Defarge takes them.
This quote happened when Pip first found out that he was going to London, and he was telling Joe that he wished that Joe had learned more from his lessons, and Joe says:
"Well, I don't know. I'm so awful dull. I'm only master of my own trade. It were always a pity as I was so awful dull; but it's no more of a pity now, than it was-this day twelvemonth-don't you see!"
In this quote, Joe talks about how he was sort of destined to do this one thing in life, and he was never meant for something else. He's not going to try to adjust himself to do anything that he doesn't see himself fit for. This is a really good lesson for Pip because that is exactly what he is doing. This quote really builds Joe's character more, too. It shows how humble he is because the reader knows how much more capable Joe is, but he doesn't seem to believe it. He's also kind of saying how he doesn't see the need for change. He says "It doesn't mean more now than it did before" which basically says 'Why try to change something that's working just fine?'. I think those words are incredibly wise. Even though, they occured early in the book, I think that it was wonderful advice that Pip failed to acknowledge and appreciate in that moment, but he will come to find how intelligent they are later in his journey. When Joe says this, Pip was just focused on how Joe had misunderstood what he had meant to say and how "perfectly innocent" Joe was (which is exactly the opposite of the truth).
i love how Estella says "'You must know,' said Estella, condescending to me as a beautiful woman might, 'that I have no heart- if that has anything to do with my memory." It's contrary to wat u would usually do - dispute watever bad qualities that ppl tell of you. But Estella isn't trying to hide it at all. This might be a leap of faith but it's almost as if she's proud of it. Proud of the quality that she probably deep down hates
Pip and Estella sitting in a tree, No man than not how is going to be, She is controlled by evil you will see, She love and she hates She plays and she debates Over the fate of the state Of boys, like they are toys
Living in a grand house She is trained to break hearts Into very small parts For her provider’s Cruel enjoyment A boy gets employment His name is Pip
Hannah Kuzel, Period 3 My favorite quote is more of a page than a quote.
She stood looking at me, and of course I stood looking at her. "Am I pretty?" "Yes, I think you are very pretty." "Am I insulting?" "Not so much so as you were the last time," said I. "Not so much so?" "No." She fired when she asked the last question, and she slapped my face with such force as she had, when I answered it. "Now?" she said. "You little coarse monster, what do you think of me now?" "I shall not tell you." "Because you are going to tell upstairs. Is that it?" "No," said I, "that's not it." "Why don't you cry again, you little wretch?" "Because I'll never cry for you again," said I.
I like this because I think it represents both Pip and Estella very well. It shows Estella's merciless cruelty. It also shows Pip's child-like weakness and vulnerability.
"In the little world in which children have their existence whosoever brings them up, there is nothing so finely perceived and so finely felt, as injustice."
I chose this quote because it shows the injustice of children during the time that Pip lived, and that injustice is felt hardly by children such as Pip. In the book, Pip feels injustice when his sister beats him, when Estella rejects him, and other times. He feels the injustice and it hurts him more than a lot of other things.
Ashley Buda Period 2 “And last of all Pip-and this I want to say very seriously to you, old chap-I see so much in my poor mother, of a woman drudging and slaving and breaking her honest hart and never getting no peace in her mortal days, that I am dead afeerd of going wrong in the other way of what’s right by a woman, and I’d fur rather of the two go wrong the t’other way, and be a little ill-conwenienced myself. I wish that it was only me that got put out Pip; I wish there warn’t no Tickler for you, old chap; I wish I could take it all on myself; but this is the up-and-down-and-straight on it, Pip, and I hope you’ll overlook shortcomings.”-Joe, Chapter 7
This is one of my favorite quotes because we learn why Joe tolerates Mrs. Joe. Joe exhibits a great deal of self-sacrifice. In addition, this quote shows how exceedingly sincere he is. I also think that it is interesting to compare how Joe and Miss Havisham have dealt with their past. As a child, Joe witnessed his father abusing his mother. Instead of growing up to be like his father, Joe used his past to fuel him to do the right thing. Miss Havisham also dealt with tragedy when she was younger. Instead of using her past to benefit her, as Joe had done, Miss Havisham became absorbed in it. Although he is not educated, I believe that this demonstrates that Joe is wise beyond words.
The quote- "It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home."- is one that sticks out to me just for the simple fact of what it says about Pip in his new life style. In my opinion, you should never be truly ashamed of home, but Pip is because he is so determined on impressing Estella. When Pip visits Miss Havisham with Joe, he seems to feel a bit embarrassed and worried of what Miss Havisham or Estella might think. This is also why Pip seems to be growing apart from his old life in the adempt in become a true gentleman, and win over Estella. The quote, however, also says that Pip is aware of this growing distance, and feels bad about it being that Joe that was always there for him. In the end, Pip may be forced to choose between his old life and his new one, and if Estella is still around, then it appears that he will choose her over his true friends and family.
"Morning made a considerbale differnece in my general prospect of Life, and brightened it so much that it scarcely seemed the same." (Chapter 19)
This qoute stood out at me because it teaches a lesson about life. I belive Dickens was trying to tell his readers that life is far too short to dwell over things we have done wrong or wish to change, beacuse we don't have the power to go back into time and make things the way we want it. But we do have the power to make everyday a new and better one than the day before. Thus forgeting about our troubles and sufferings and moving on with our lives and finding the best things in them.
the quote Mrs. "Joe was a very clean housekeeper, but had an exquisite art of making her cleanliness more uncomfortable and unacceptable than dirt itself." was a quote that i thought was interesting and did a good job of portraying mrs joe. It really showed how presise everything had to be for mrs joe
"If you can't get to be oncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked."- Joe Gargery (chapter 9)
This is my favorite quote from the story so far. It was Joe's response to Pip after he confessed about lying to the family about Ms. Havisham's. I like it because it is still a great piece of advice in today's society. Basically, Joe is telling Pip that if he wants people to think that he is special, or important, he should be honest. It symbolizes Joe's good nature and hidden wisdom. It is significant because I think that almost everyone can take something away from this quote, and that's why it is my favorite.
"It is a most miserable feeling to feel ashamed of home."(chapter 14)
This is my favorite quote because this is when Pip speaks his true feelings and others in the real world may feel the same way. This wasn't actually a quote being spoken but Pip thought it in his head. He has always thought of his house as home but when he goes to Miss Havisham's and falls for Estella, his life changes. He doesn't want to live the way he is and wants to be someone that Estella will love. He doesn't necessarily want to feel ashamed of his lifestyle but being around the upper class changes his view and makes him ungrateful to the things that used to make him happy.
I think Estella and Conner from Impulse by Ellen Hopkins is alike in many ways. First, they are both from the upper class. They are both wealthy but only by their family. Like Estella, Conner does not let himself fall in love. On the other hand, it is becuase Conner knows he will get hurt. Conner uses a lot of girls like Estella likes to mess with all males. They were raised to follow their parents' directions no matter what they were. They are not allowed to be the person that they should've grown up to be.
Joy Smith 7th But I loved Joe--perhaps for no better reason than because the dear fellow let me love him. this quote had to be my favorite out of the whole book. this one quote shows many characteristics of pip. it shows the true side of only having one man to love out of all the exist in the world. and it shows me how at the begining of things you are very appreciative of the things you have but when opportunity come knocking you always seem to forget those that have been there for you from the beginning which i feel is a mistake all me make as humans. so throughout the book i question if pip will ever come to the remeberence of where he started and all who was there.
"In the little world in which children have their existence whosoever brings them up, there is nothing so finely perceived and so finely felt, as injustice. It may be only small injustice that the child can be exposed to; but the child is small, and its world is small, and its rocking-horse stands as many hands high, according to scale, as a big-boned Irish hunter." -Pip
Pip’s world is contained, small, and familiar, but, at the same time, it is terrorized by his angry sister. This is one of my favorite quotes in the novel because it represents Pip's innocence. He does not fully understand his sister's behavior or intentions for him. Children often times believe whatever is said to them. Here, the conflict of injustice occurs when Pip does not understand why Estella is so mean to him and within him and his sister's treatment towards him.
i like this quote because it symbolizes Pip and Joe's friendship. It first can be seen in chapter seven when Pip writes a letter to Joe . the letter contained the phrase "wot larx" i tried looking up what this phrase ment, but i couldn't find what the meaning of it is. However, i do know that it is a phrase used only betweed Joe and Pip, and it is always said in a happy and exited tone. when it was first used in the letter to joe, Joe replied happily to the letter, and they talked of pip teaching Joe to the same. This phrase continues to be a symbol of their friendship when biddy later writes a letter to Pip while he is in London. She write that joe said, "What larks" to Pip, she said that Pip would would know what he meant. I think that Joe wanted biddy to write this because Pip was getting educated, and this was a similar situation to when what larks had earlier been used. This is why i like this small phrase so much. although i don't know the meaning of this phrase, i still like it because it is used to represent Pip and Joe's friendship throughout the story.
"This is where I will be laid when I am dead. They shall come and look at me here."
This line is said by Miss Havisham in Chapter 11. I think it's symbolic that she talks about her death on her birthday. It shows how even though her life is filled with class and riches, she still feels a great deal of emptiness inside. This also reflects on the behavior and morals of her guests and relatives. They come to greet her for no other reason than her wealth. Camilla and Sara are looking forward to her death because of the money they may receive. Though Miss Havisham seems like a hard-headed and harsh woman, this quote shows a crack in her wall. It also shows that she has strong emotions but with a sense of bitterness and dryness.
"You bring me, tomorrow morning early, that file and them wittles....You do it, and you never dare to say a word or dare to make a sign concerning your having seen such a person as me, or anyperson sumever, and you shall be let to live...," Pips convict.
I like this quote because Pip has stayed to his promise he made after this quote all this time. Even when Mrs. Joe got hit in the back of the head and they figured it was a convict he never let anything out that he met this convict.
"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried than before- more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle. If I had cried before, I should have had Joe with me then." Chaper 19, page 160.
This is an extremely moving quote from Pip describing the departure from his childhood home and his feelings of remorse for not appreciating it more. It is a quote that moves me emotionally, not only because it is a beautiful, poetically written quote, but because it is a quote that shows how Pip is becoming more and more mature and growing into the gentleman that he hopefully will become. I think that Pip is beginning to discover the bitter pain that change brings with it.
I couldn't find the exact quote in the book, but I liked the part when Wemmick was basically explaining life to Pip. He basically told him that you should always be aware of your surroundings and act accordingly. For example, you're a low level employee at work; then act like one at work. YOU can come home to your family and boss your family around all you want but when you're at work you should understand your status before you say things; that approach can probably save people from losing their jobs. I think that quote was the best because it just seemed to make the most sense to me.
"No man who was not a true gentleman at heart, ever was, since the world began, a true gentleman in manner... no varnish can hide the grain of the wood; and that the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself." Chapter 22, Herbert Pocket
This line was said by Herbert Pocket when he was speaking to Pip. This is my favorite quote because Herbert was saying something that Pip really needed to know: that no matter what you may look like on the outside, your true self will eventually show. Pip has been trying to cover his old self up with fancy clothing and proper etiquette, but he knows that he is not acting himself. In the last line, Herbert said "the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself". I think that Pip must realize that this cover up of his is hurting him as a person. Yes, it's great to be known as a gentleman, but do you have to become a judgmental one?
"It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home."
I love Bindi`s comment and quote it really stood out to me in the book. Pip becomes blinded by wealth and starts to be ashamed of his upbringing and where he`s from. Before Ms. Havisham`s and going to London Pip was never as ashamed of where he was from but when he satrted to become a gentleman he hated where he was from. Pip never judged people on their class or how much money they had but now he starts to judge people on where they`re from, how much money they have, and their class standing. When before Pip accepted people no matter what.
"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before--more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle" I couldn't pick a favourite quote because there are so many magnificent quotes in this story but I have adore the quote I posted above. Humans are the only creatures on Earth that cry, the only creatures with a physical manifestation of our sadness and so often we put a brand of shame on tears. I think we do this because we want to feel invincible, to forget that we're vulnerable and that we all have weakness. Pip realizes this at this moment, as his tears humble him and help him get out the emotion in a way that words are insufficient. We often become incapable of speaking when we cry, but our tears say all the words that are neccesary and by seeing Pip cry in this scene Dickens conveys to us perfectly with his tears what Pip is feeling. This is one of the showcases of Dickens brilliance, his ability to show the human qualities we all share.
" varnish can hide the grain of the wood; and that the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself." - Herbert Pocket to Pip (Chapter 22)
I really liked this quote when I read it because I felt like it really stood out. It tells of a hard life lesson tha twe must learn sometimes. At this point in the story, Pip was having a hard time finding who he really was. He didn't want to be a common man as a blacksmith, yet the process of becoming a gentleman wasn't quite second nature to him. Pip had trouble adjusting to this new lifestyle he forced himself to live. His past still followed him, and when he made mistakes that only a common man would make, it made him even more conspicuous.
This quote reminded me of a quote I heard in the Lady Gaga "Telephone" music video. Yes, I know. Lady Gaga. Just bear with me for a minute! So the real quote had a few swear words slipped in there, so I'll paraphrase:) It went something along the lines of, "Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in its reflection."
This reminded me of Pip because you can fix him up to look all nice and proper, but you can still see that he wasn't always this shiny and new, but he was once "broken"
"Mrs. Joe was a very clean housekeeper, but had an exquisite art of making her cleanliness more uncomfortable and unacceptable than dirt itself."
This quote shows a lot about Ms. Joe. For most people having dirt is pretty bothersome however in this case Ms. Jos's cleaning is more bothersome then dirt. This means that She is always constantly cleaning. This quote stood out to me because it was very ironic and pretty funny and explained quite a bit about Ms. Joe in a different perspective.
"Once for all; I knew to my sorrow, often and often, if not always, that I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be." I don't know where exactly this is in the book but I know it's in there, its on a poster in my room. This has been one of my favourite quotes of all time long before I even read Great Expectations, because it speaks a testament to the immeasurable power of love. He says he "loved her against reason" and it is true that love blinds the lover to reason, to the others flaws, to everything. Those in love are powerless against it, we see it in almost all of the stories that have gained fame in human history, from Romeo and Juliet to Twilight. The person my not want to be in love and may know that the love is bad for them, like described by Eminem in his song "Love the Way You Lie", but that knowledge doesn't lessen the power of love at all. Love is our guilty and insatiable curse and pleasure as human beings, and few characters ever woven by words showcase this better than Pip.
"It may be only small injustice that the child can be exposed to; but the child is small, and its world is small, and its rocking-horse stands as many hands high, according to scale, as a big boned Irish hunter."
This particular quote spoke to me because it makes me think about all the things that meant the world to me when i was little and now seem extraordinarily silly. Reading this book i see how Pip matures and the things that matter to him change. The small things don't matter as much as they used to.
Lindsey Garrett 2nd period
ReplyDelete"He says, no varnish can hide the grain of the wood; and that the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself." -Herbert Pocket (Chapter 22)
This quote really stood out to me.It says that no matter how much you try to polish or dress something up, it will always still be shown for what it really was.Pip is beginning to realize this as he sees that even though Herbert has old and simple clothes and didn't need to dress up to still be considered a gentleman.
Isabel Babb-7th Period.
ReplyDelete"In a word, I was too cowardly to do what i knew to be right, as i had been too cowardly to avoid doing what i knew to be wrong" (chapter 6)
This particular qoute holds true to just about everyone who has ever lied or gone behind someones back. Even as a small child, one knows that when they do something wrong and something bad occurs because of it, that they should confess, but they don't. This is because they are afraid that the people they admire the most will be dissapointed in them. In most cases, karma comes around and they don't get away with it. Pip was lucky this time, but because of this event he tells Joe from then on when he lies, or does something bad.
Isabel Babb-7th Period.
This songs explains Joe and how he feels about Pip as he starts to prepare to leave for London. The beggining lyrics quesion Pip and his relationship as they grow farther apart. And the lyrics "We live on front porches and swing life away, we get by just fine on minimum wage" represent how Joe is doing just fine, he has always been happy wth his life, however Pip was not.
Kathryn McKibben, 1st
ReplyDelete"But that he was not to be, without ignorance or prejudice, mistaken for a gentleman, my father asseverates; because it is a principle of his that no man who was not a true gentleman at heart, ever was, since the world began, a true gentleman in manner." (Herbert Pocket, chapter 22)
This is my favorite quote in the book so far. As Pip grows older and becomes a gentleman, he seems to start getting worse in heart. This quote says that if you are not good at heart, you can never be a true gentleman through your actions. This is an important lesson for Pip to learn because he even though he is working his way up in social status, he is falling down in his core. Hopefully Herbert and his father will teach Pip the true meaning of "gentleman".
Bindi Patel 2nd Period
ReplyDelete"It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home."
Once Pip realizes what upper class lifestyle is, he is blinded by the desire to achieve them and by doing so impressing Estella. Earlier in the novel, Pip says "...I loved Joe--perhaps for no better reason than because the dear fellow let me love him." Because he is blinded by this desire, he is even ashamed of his loved ones. He even has heard Miss Havisham tell Estella "You can break his heart." Regardless, Pip ashamed of his home though home is truly where someone should feel the most comfortable.
Fabrice De Miguel Wombel 1st period
ReplyDeleteI like the quote "my first decided experience of the stupendous power of money, was, that it had morally laid upon his back, Trabb's boy."
It shows that people will change their behavior to please the gentleman just because of his position. this position also is thought to include a considerable amount of money. I like this quote so much because this view of life is still true today,especially in business. if anything this aspect of life has been amplified. in a nutshell the more money you are thought to have the more respect you are likely to be given
Hayley Doyle, 2nd Period
ReplyDelete"God knows you're welcome to it-so far as it was ever mine", returned Joe, with a saving remembrance of Mrs. Joe. "We don't know what you have done, but we wouldn't have you starved to death for it, poor miserable fellow-creature. Would us, Pip?"
This is said by Joe when he is talking to "Pip's convict". The convict admits that he took the pie from Joe's house. Despite the convict's confession, Joe remains pitiful toward the thief. This signifies that Joe is a very kind-hearted "gentleman", and he is wise beyond his years. Through Pip's eyes, Joe is merely a friend-being both uneducated and a common man. However, Joe is much more than that. He sees the world in a different way than most people do and is able to find content in numerous aspects of his life, unlike Pip, a confused young man trying to find his purpose.
Ryan Whitfield 7th Period
ReplyDeletein a conversation with...
Anthony Choo 2nd Period
Anthony: would you like to engage in a conversation of..
Ryan: haha sure but what wuld we talk anout? lol
haha its cool it'll work out some how.. I'll start it off.. do you think Pip's name is any how related to being a "PIMP"?
Well since he seems to be trying to get 2 girls: Biddy and Estella.
yes.. I'm sure Dickens played a part within this character name.. He believed that in the future, the word "PIMP" will be used throughout the entire world.. or most of the world population that is and that is why! He came up with the name Pip! To guide us into learning that it is closely related to being a PIMP!
Wow! I never knew Dickens had such a thing with words
I wonder how many other words he predicted to become famous in the near future?
i know Dickens is a genius of literature
Yes I believe so as well and also cuz we're reading it and that is the reason why we're reading it. Anywayz moving on now...
Next Question:
Do you think that Pip's convict will come back to hunt him? Or will come back in any way during the story? and How so?
well we already saw that the iron returned in the story so its safe to say Dickens may have a surprise for us as we dive deeper into this story
Yes Yes Perfect Ryan, thats an answer Mrs. Hedrick would expect for this type of question, Good Job!
yes im smart! LOL
XDD well that ruin the whole formal talking thing LOL
btw what chapter did u read to?
i read to 22
ok perfect
Time to discuss on our latest reading
bring on the questions
What do you think about Mathew Pocket? or his son, Herbert Pocket?
well matthew pocket seems like he is going to be the perfect teacher for him. but do u think he might change as we continue to learn more about him?
I believe so, this is what I'm thinking at the moment, as Pip, or his new Christian name, Handel (Chapter 22), explains more about the events that happen with Mrs. Havisham, Mathew Pocket will start to experience guilt and regret as he have caused too much pain and suffering for one person.
Do you think Matthew Pockets and Miss Havisham will meet up again soon? story makes it seem unavoidable
Yes, it does seem as if Mathew Pocket and Miss Havisham were destined to meet some day. But, if Mathew Pocket were to apologize for his actions against Miss Havisham, or told her the truth, what do you think would happen to Mathew Pocket?
well she may have mixed feelings. its possible he may be forgiven but expect the unexpected
Yes, that is one of of the characteristics of Dicken's writing!
He shows that in all of his writings
Hayley Doyle 2nd Period
I think this song accurately represents the relationship between Estella and Pip. The song is told from Pip's point-of-view and he is unable to resist Estella despite the abuse and taunting she places on him. He is deeply confused, because Biddy is a trustworthy and kind friend, but he's still looking for Estella's heart. Also, the quote from the song, "I'll pay any cost" resembles Pip's buying of the suit just to make him appear as a gentleman all for Estella in the end.
Kathryn McKibben, 1st
This song is called "Chasing Pavements". The main verse goes "Should I give give up or should I just keep chasing pavements, even if it leads nowhere? Or would it be a waste, even if I knew my place? Should I leave it there?" This symbolizes Pip wanting to become a gentleman; however, it seems impossible at the time. He wonders if he should give up his dreams of becoming part of the upper class and seeing Estella. He doesn't yet know his place in the world. He seems to be chasing an impossible dream, an unreachable road in his life.
Arnelle Obode 2nd
ReplyDelete"We don't know what you have done, but we wouldn't have you starved to death for it, poor miserable fellow-creatur."
This shows how kindhearted Joe really is. In another situation, the person may have yelled at the convict or even Pip for stealing, or engaged in an arguement or so, but Joe was a calm person who took it easily without scolding anyone for it. Maybe if some people imagined the other's situation first, many disputes could have been avoided.
Arnelle Obode 2nd
The opening lyrics reminded me of Joe's reaction to the convict's story. He was really kind to the person instead of overlooking him for his personality or situation which most people would probably do.
Bindi Patel 2nd Period
ReplyDeleteI found these two songs that remind me of the two different personality aspects of Miss Havisham.
Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love
"Time starts to pass
Before you know it you're frozen
But something happened
For the very first time with you
My heart melts into the ground
Found something true
And everyone's looking round
Thinking I'm going crazy"
This song shows Miss Havisham's first personality because she was truly in love with the man that betrayed her. "Before you know it you're frozen" reminded me of how Miss Havisham's life is "frozen" waiting for her love to return. As the novel mentions, Miss Havisham did have a physical relationship with this man which is why the verse "But something happened For the very first time with you My heart melts into the ground Found something true..." fits this aspect of her as well. Finally, "And everyone's looking round Thinking I'm going crazy" reminds me how of society looked at Miss Havisham because they were aware of her physical relation with the man as well as her condition right now. Also, Matthew Pocket tired to warn Miss Havisham, but she was blinded by her love.
Jay Sean - Cry
"Let me see you Cry cry cry
I need to see u cry cry cry
Until your tears run dry dry dry
Like the deserts need the rain
Want ya tears to fall down on me"
The second aspect of Miss Havisham is revenge. She wants men to suffer because not only did her half-brother and father betray her but also the man she was madly in love with. She is taking this revenge on Pip. Miss Havisham tells Estella "You can break his heart."
Jessica Evans- 7th Period!!
ReplyDelete"We changed again, and yet again, and it was now too late and too far to go back, and i went on. And the mists had all solemnly risen now, and the world lay spread before me." (chapter 19)
I love this quote from the book, because it shows a representation of not only what Pip had been thinking throughout his journey, that although he may want to, that there is no turning back. Also, that the quote can be used as what people everyday go though.
I found this song, and not only does it go along with the quote but it can also be applied to the chapter. When Pip leaves, he wanted Biddy to see the real him, and to have Joe and Biddy know that he loves them. But not only that, Pip thinks of his moving away as a barrier that can never be taken down as he leaves. He thinks that once he leaves that they will never think of him in the same way.
Through Smoke BY: NeedtoBreath
Jessica Evans- 7th Period!!
ReplyDeleteI found two songs that can relate to how Pip has been feeling in the past chapters with Biddy and Estella.
Innocent BY:Taylor Swift
The lyrics are:
There's some things you can't speak of
But tonight you'll live it all again
You wouldn't be shattered on the floor now
If only you would sing what you know now then
I think that these lyrics can relate to what happened when Pip stole the food to give to the convict at the beginning of the book. This shows how Pip was really feeling during the time at dinner.
Also, Never Grow Up BY: Taylor Swift
This song can relate to the whole book, because although you age can grow, doesnt mean that you are "grown up". On Friday when we were having our discussion in class, you said that exact same thing, and i thought of this song.
Katherine Read; 2nd period.
ReplyDelete"That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But, it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day."
Chapter 9.
This quote really stood out to me because everyone has that one day that changed their lives forever. If that one day had not happened, where would you be now? Your entire life would be different. Pip took that specific day as a great day to make his life turn out better. Some people have a day that made their life worse. Basically, this quote is significant to me because I, and probably other people, can't help but wonder how they would have turned out without that particular day.
Eliza Ali 1st Period
ReplyDelete"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are the rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before- more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle. If I had cried before, I should have had Joe with me then."
This is one of my favorite quotes so far in the book because it shows that even when we get to a good place in life that fulfills the great expectations we have, we don't always remember who helped us to reach that place until we lose them. This quote is from when Pip is finally leaving home to become a gentleman and is sad at the thought of leaving Joe and the rest of his childhood behind. He thinks of how he thought of Joe as an uneducated common man and feels ashamed and ungrateful for not realizing how much Joe has done for him. Pip is sorry because he has forgotten the time when he said that he loved Joe simply because Joe let Pip love him. The quote shows me that we all make mistakes and once we realize them, we become better people and think more before we act.
Sheridan Schuster, 1st period
ReplyDelete"I promised myself that I would do something one of these days, and formed a plan in outline for bestowing a dinner of roast beef and plum pudding, a pint of ale, and a gallon of condescension upon everybody in the village."
The reader sees Pip's snobbishness developing shortly after inheriting his money and his social status. Pip is really infatuated with himself and it affects everyone around him, in a negative way. The people who know and love Pip are starting to see a different side of him that they thought that they would never see. People are starting to question whether they want they want to be associated with him or not.
Extra Credit:
This situation is just like the plot of the movie Stargirl. Stargirl, the main character makes many promises such as singing to her friend, and she doesn't follow through with the promise. In this particular example, Stargirl sings to Leo, a boy she likes. Another example in this movie is when Leo becomes infatuated with Stargirl and refuses pleas of his best friend, Kevin,to put her on their show Hot Seat, the school’s student run television production where students are placed on the spot, and a jury of students ask them questions "to make them squirm." Leo is like Pip in the way that he betrays his friend over a girl. Pip leaves Joe and Biddy to go to London where Estella is, which hints that he went to reclaim his love for her.
Alex Valdez, 2nd Period
ReplyDelete“There’s one thing you may be sure of, Pip,” said Joe after some rumination, “namely, that lies is lies. Howsever they come, they didn’t ought to come, and they come from the father of lies, and work round to the same. Don’t you tell no more of ’em, Pip. That ain’t the way to get out of being common, old chap…” (Chapter 9)
This quote shows that even though Joe doesn’t know how to read and sometimes acts like a kid, he knows very important things in life. He can tell them to Pip intelligently. Apparently, Pip never forgot Joe’s advice about lies. Lies will not make Pip a gentleman or uncommon.
Extra Credit:
This quote about Joe and Pip reminds of what happens to Jonas in The Giver by Lois Lowry, a futuristic book I read in middle school. The main character is Jonas, the next receiver of the memories of true pain and pleasures of life that his community lost some time ago. When he starts to gain the ability to feel emotions, he also starts to lie occasionally. And he finds out that his father has been telling him some dark lies, so Jonas decides to run away from home. His community is going to get back the good and the bad memories that Jonas has received so far. Lies eventually cause a short-term chaos in Jonas’ community. The same way that lies have haunted Pip for years.
Sidd Meka 2nd Period-
ReplyDelete"If you can't get to be oncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked."
Joe said this to Pip when he found out that Pip lied about his adventures at Miss Havisham's house. This is my favorite quote in the book because this is true to everybody. This teaches people that it is better to tell the truth than to go to tell lies because better things will happen to those who tell the truth. This is significant because it helps Pip on his journey to become a gentleman. This is only one of the many lessons Pip learns through his journey, but this is probably the most important one in the book.
Sidd Meka 2nd Period-
ReplyDeleteExtra Credit Video:
The song is called a Man of Constant Sorrow by Bob Dylan. This song is related to Great Expectations because it talks about a man of constant sorrow. In this case, the man of constant sorrow is Pip. In the song, almost everything that is said in the beginning relates to Pip and his mistreatment. It also relates to Estella's mistreatment of Pip.
Martha Weber 3rd Period
ReplyDelete"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are the rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before- more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle. If I had cried before, I should have had Joe with me then."
This is my favorite quote from Great Expectations because it shows how human Pip is. This quote displays his regret and his need to cry just like all other people. The imagery of the quote is exquisite and really evokes a sense of sadness and regret. Also, this quote shows how Pip is realizing his mistakes even though he still makes them. Pip does this throughout the whole book. He knows he does wrong, but it is usually to late to fix what he did. Pip continues to muddle through life making more/new mistakes as he learns from his old ones; he isn't perfect but he tries his best. This quote really symbolizes how tears are the things that help humanity grow and become caring individuals. Pip's tears helped him realize how much he needed Joe and how large of a mistake he made. This quote is significant because it displays Pip's humanity and helps the reader identify with him. Plus, I like how the quote says people shouldn't be ashamed to cry; I think that is so true.
Yusra Asif, 1st period!
ReplyDelete`Well, Pip,' said Joe, `be it so or be it son't, you must be a common scholar afore you can be a uncommon one, I should hope! The king upon his throne, with his crown upon his 'ed, can't sit and write his acts of Parliament in print, without having begun, when he were a unpromoted Prince, with the alphabet -- Ah!' added Joe, with a shake of the head that was full of meaning, `and begun at A too, and worked his way to Z.”
To be uncommon, you must be common. To be famous, you must be that person who works hard every day. I think this is the best message in the book just yet. Pip wants to skip the work and become educated, and Joe tells him this is not possible. Fame and fortune, in other words, comes with hard work (which means commonness). The king, the most renowned person at that time, was formerly a prince struggling with the alphabet-a lesson all people go through. Start at A, go to Z, read and write, and then follow the path you want to pursue. This is the only way to go.
Yusra Asif, 1st period!
ReplyDeleteFar away
This ship is taking me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die…
“Starlight” by Muse is a great example of what’s going on inside Pip. The first part shows that Pip is going to a place far away from his memories and from people who care about him, and he is entering into a new life filled with unknown and careless people, such as Mr. Jaggers. Pip, as the song says, just wants to meet Estella, and if he must be educated, then that is what he will do. He even has hopes and expectations. The song, ironically, is even called “Starlight” which is what the name Estella means (her name means star, actually, but I think it’s close enough :)
1st Period:
ReplyDelete"'If I could have settled down,' I said to Biddy, plucking up the short grass within reach, much as I had done once upon a time pulled my feelings out of my hair and kicked them into the brewery wall: 'if I could have settled down and been but half as fond of the forge as I was when I was little, I know it would have been much better for me. You and I and Joe would have wanted nothing then, and Joe and I would perhaps have gone partners when I was out of my time, and I might have even grown up to keep company with you, and we might have sat on this very bank on a fine Sunday, quite different people. I should have been good enough for you, shouldn't I, Biddy?'"
This quote sums up everything going around in Pip's mind at the time, including his feelings for Biddy and Joe and Ms. Havisham. He seems to realise, at this point, that he is becoming more and more vain in his opinion of life; this vanity includes his kicking his feelings into the brewery wall. Now, Pip is recalling what life could and should have been like, had he not fallen in "love" with Estella and ruined his view on his own life. Joe and Biddy are just people now, not really anyone special (though Joe is still a good friend of his, and so is Biddy), whereas Estella has become the butterfly chased by the young boy.
Lindsey Thrift, 1st Period.
ReplyDelete"At the hour and minute,"said Herbert, nodding "at which she afterwards stopped all the clocks. What was in it, further than that it most heartlessly broke the marriage off, I can't tell you, because I don't know. When she recovered from a bad illness that she had, she laid the whole place waste, as you have seen it, and she has never since looked upon the light of day." (Chapter 22)
This is my favorite quote not because it has some deep intellectual meaning or anything like that, but because of the story it tells, the questions it answers, and the questions it causes me to ask myself. This quote, said by Herbert, was the last thing he told in his story about Miss Havisham and Estella. Throughout this whole story, I have been intrigued by the mystery and wonder behind the story of Miss Havisham. I have wanted to know why she stopped the clocks, why she still wears her wedding dress from many years ago, and several other important aspects from the story that influences the way she acts. The two boys told each other all they knew about Miss Havisham. Earlier in the story I always enjoyed anytime we got to read about Pip and Miss Havisham, so of course I liked finding out the background story, which was something I had been wondering about for a while.
Chase Fretwell- 2nd period
ReplyDelete"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts."
This quote is one of my favorite quotes so far. I feel like, even though it has significance to the story, it could stand by itself and be just as meaningful and beautiful as it is in the book. I love the metaphor and imagery in it; it creates a great feeling of sadness, remorse, and sensitivity, as well as of Pip. I think that, although we get mad at Pip for all of the unwise decisions he makes,he is an overall good person. Once he realizes that he has done something wrong he hurries to fix it, although usually he is much too late to make right by the person he has harmed (like on the carriage to London when he feels guilty for being ashamed of Joe). Pip is also ready to realize his shortcomings; he always tries to better himself. This quote really ties into Pip because when he feels guilty or ashamed, he cries. I feel like throughout the story we will see Pip cry even more as he realizes all of the wrongs he has comitted. Also, the quote just has a good literal meaning; we should never be ashamed to cry.
Extra Credit:
When I was looking for a quote to put as my favorite, I came across the one that said,"That was a memorable day to me, for it made great changes in me. But, it is the same with any life. Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been...." When I read this,it reminded me of the movie,The Butterfly Effect. In this movie a man has blackouts, goes back in time, and is able to change small things that happened to him which largely affected his life. I think that this relates to Great Expectations because as Pip tells his story, several small things change his outlook on life. If he'd never met Estella and Miss Havisham, he never would have felt the need to become a gentleman and he would've continued to look up to Joe instead of looking down on him. I also feel that his meeting with the convict will have a large significance to the story; why else would the file have reappeared? So, it seems that the small choices that Pip makes like helping a convict and going to play are able to largely affect his life, just like the small changes the man in the movie makes change the man's future.
Taylor Harp- 3rd period
ReplyDelete‘I don’t take it to Phillip,’ said he, smiling,’ for it sounded like a moral boy out of a spelling-book, who was lazy that he fell into a pond, or so fat that he couldn’t see out of his eyes, or so avaricious that he locked up his cake till the mice ate it, or so determined to go a bird’s-nesting that he got himself eaten by bears who lived handy in the neighbourhood. I tell you what I should like. We are so harmonious, and you have been a blacksmith- would you mind it?’
‘I shouldn’t mind anything that you propose,’ I answered, ‘but I don’t’ understand you.’
‘Would you mind Handel for a familiar name? There’s a charming piece of music by Handel, called harmonious Blacksmith.’
‘I should like it very much.’
I like this quote because it explains distinctly how Herbert thought of Pip’s Christian name, Phillip. He just had to go out of his way to say what the name sounded like to him and gave Pip a clever new name of a composer. His thoughts made me laugh because I thought they were random and showed how Herbert thinks, and what his character is like. The name Handel and how Herbert said it was the man who created Harmonious Blacksmith, seeing how Pip was once a Blacksmith, it made me want to look it up, so I did. The way the song flows at the beginning seemed like it was how Pip was acting as a little boy growing up under his profound sisters hands. Then as he got older, the song sped up showing that it could mean that Pip was just now living up to his expectations and realizing everything around him in a whole new spectrum. Then, as the song paused, I thought it symbolized the part where Pip had found out Miss Havisham’s ways and had a eureka moment. When the song finished playing out, more notes were playing about and I thought it could mean that Pip had finally lived up to his Great Expectations of the story.
Brittany Tan, Per. 1
ReplyDelete"If you can't get to be oncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked." -Joe Gargery, Chapter 9
This quote is referring to Pip's lies. Pip is intimidated by Estella in the previous chapter when she calls him common, so Pip tries to be uncommon by lying. When he confesses his lies to Joe, Joe tells him he must be common before he can be uncommon. In this quote, he's saying that if Pip can't be uncommon doing the right things, he'll never be uncommon doing wrong things, such as lying.
Clara Sims, 3rd Period
ReplyDelete" varnish can hide the grain of the wood; and that the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself."
Herbert Pocket (Chapter 22)
Herbert Pocket is telling Pip a very important life lesson. No matter what you do to change yourself on the outside, you cannot change what's on the inside. Though Pip changed his clothes and traveled to London, his 'grains' will always be seen. He cannot deny his past and where he came from. And there is nothing he can do to hide where he has been.
Allie Campbell, 1st period
ReplyDelete"If you have the heart to think so," returned Biddy, "say so. Say so over and over again, if you have the heart to think so."
-Biddy (chapter eighteen)
I like this quote because it really shows the character of Biddy. Right before this qoute, Pip has accused Biddy of being "envious" of his new fortune. This quote shows how strong Biddy is. It shows how she is wise and really isn't envious. I love how she makes it Pip's judgement whether she truly is envious or not. She turns Pip's words against him without saying anything hurtful.
RJ Brown
ReplyDelete7th period
"If i could only get myself to fall in love with you." Pip Chapter 17 This is my favorite quote in the story because this is how guys feel everyday. we always fall for the wrong girls and we then realize that there is that one person who has always been there for us.
Marina O’Connell
ReplyDeletePeriod one
“I could hardly have imagined dear old Joe looking so unlike himself or so like some extraordinary bird, standing as he did, speechless, with his tuft of feathers ruffled, and his mouth opened as if he wanted a worm”
This quote said by Pip really stood out to me because I felt like it clearly explained the feelings that were traveling through Joe. In the limited 39 word quote I felt the character connection click between Joe and I right when I read this. I stopped and thought about the times where I felt as if I was almost paralyzed, and couldn’t do or say anything to make the situation better. Joe was placed in such an uncomfortable position when he went to Miss Havishams house. I felt like I knew exactly how he felt, like a bird, with his tuft of feathers ruffled.
Alex Ruddick 7th Period
ReplyDelete"And the mists had all solemnly risen now, and the world lay spread before me."
This quote is taken from the end of the first part of Pip's journey, when he leaves for London. In my opinion, this line sets the stage for what happens throughout the rest of the story. The mists rising are supposed to represent all of the new opportunities for Pip now that he is heading for London. Pip's own world, which was just his local area originally, has now expanded to what Pip perceives as his new life.
Matt Stout Period 7
ReplyDeleteThe mist was heavier yet when I got out upon the marshes, so that instead of my running at everything, everything seemed to run at me.
This is my favorite Qoute from the book becuase it shows how truly frightened pip was. It showed that he was hallusinating out of fright. I also like this quote because it adds suspence making you feal as if something is going to pop out at Pip.
Erika Sutton, 2nd Period
ReplyDeletePause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day. (Chapter 9)
This quote really stands out to me because it reminds me of all of the major events that have happened in my life. Whether they were good or bad, my life would not be the way it is now. Sometimes I wonder what woulod happen if I could go back in time and change decisions I have made, but then I realize that the decisions and mistakes make me who I am today. Those memorable days in my life are learning experiences, and I grew from those.
Amira Yanni, 7th Period
ReplyDeleteThis is not a specific quote but I like when Joe says, "Ever the best of friends, Pip!" For even if it was true as Pip grew up, soon, Pip will forget who are his real friends. Pip will not longer be "the best of friends," with "dear Joe."
Mike Drinkwater, 2nd period
ReplyDelete"No; the office is one thing, and private life is another. When I gointo the office I leave the castle behind me, and when I come into the castle, I leave the office behind me."
Wemmick the clerk said this and it just struck me in the oddest way cause i mean some people are the same all the time and then others are just on off on their personalities. It's alot like me. At home i'm all out and joking and stuff and then at school its just a workers focus kind of personality. Wemmick is the same kind of way because at his castle he is all happy and not bland and then at the office he is like a machine and bland.
Areesh Zindani 1st Period
ReplyDelete"It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home."
It is a miserable thing, and Pip feels that way. This quote shows that Pip is losing sight of what really matters in life, who you are, and how you became who your are. And that all starts right at home. Pip sees this nice upper class life, and all of a sudden thinks that his lower class life is not good enough. The upper class life is very nice, but for Pip, it was not where he was or belonged at the time. You should always be proud of where you came from, good or bad, because it is a major part of who you are.
Nick Na 1P
ReplyDelete"Heaven knows we need never to be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before-more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle."
So many times, we are embarrassed of our tears. Yet when we cry, it makes us more aware of what we really care deeply for. And in that awareness, people's hearts will soften and a deep sense of caring forms. Like Pip, tears may take away the ingratitude and the shame we all have.
Rachel Ullman, Period 3
ReplyDelete"If you can't get to be oncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked."
This is my favorite quote because it once again shows how wise Joe is, and also because it can easily be related to any time period. Many people are troubed with a lust to be rich, famous, better than others, or envied upon, and often this lust becomes so strong that people may change themselves to achieve it. In the end, however, doing what is wrong cannot give you good fortune as doing what is right, and commonly difficult, may.
Rachel Ullman, Period 3
ReplyDeleteExtra Credit:
I dont like you, but I love you
Seems that im always thinking of you
Ohh you treat me badly, I love you madly
You really got a hold on me
You really got a hold on me
This is part of the lyrics to "You Really Got a Hold on Me" by She & Him. I think it really reflects Pip's feelings for Estella. Even though she treats Pip like dirt, he loves her. He is constantly thinking about her and he cannot control his love for her, although she constantly puts him down. The way she pushes him away makes her have an even stronger hold on him.
This is another song, from years ago, that can be used to describe Estella and Pip's feelings towards her. I can't believe I thought of it, it's kind of annoying.
She's cold and she's cruel
But she knows what she's doin'
She pushed me in the pool
At our last school reunion
She laughs at my dreams
But I dream about her laughter
Strange as it seems
She's the one I'm after
--- Pip knows that Estella is uncaring and hateful but he still wants only her.
Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more
She's just the girl I'm lookin' for
--- Even though Estella is constantly purposefully hurting Pip, and enjoying it, he can't help but love her. Also, Estella is a mystery to Pip and the reader, as said in line 5.
She can't keep a secret
For more than an hour
She runs on 100 proof attitude power
And the more she ignores me
The more I adore her
What can I do?
I'd do anything for her
Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more
She's just the girl I'm lookin' for
The way she sees it's me
On her caller ID
She won't pick up the phone
She'd rather be alone
But I can't give up just yet
Cause every word she's ever said
Is still ringin' in my head
Still ringin' in my head
She's cold and she's cruel
But she knows what she's doin'
Knows just what to say
So my whole day is ruined
--- Estella knows the best things to say in order to cause Pip pain.
Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more
Cause she's bittersweet
She knocks me off of my feet
And I can't help myself
I don't want anyone else
She's a mystery
She's too much for me
But I keep comin' back for more
Oh, I keep comin' back for more
She's just the girl I'm lookin' for
Just the girl I'm lookin' for
I'm lookin' for
I'm lookin' for
I'm lookin' for
Just the girl I'm lookin' for....oh
Yusra Asif, 1st period!
ReplyDeleteI forgot to put the song link on my last post! Here it is:
Far away
This ship is taking me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die…
“Starlight” by Muse is a great example of what’s going on inside Pip. The first part shows that Pip is going to a place far away from his memories and from people who care about him, and he is entering into a new life filled with unknown and careless people, such as Mr. Jaggers. Pip, as the song says, just wants to meet Estella, and if he must be educated, then that is what he will do. He even has hopes and expectations. The song, ironically, is even called “Starlight” which is what the name Estella means (her name means star, actually, but I think it’s close enough :)
Ryan Whitfield 7th period
ReplyDelete"All the while knowing the madness of my heart to be so very mad and misplaced, that I was I quite conscious it would have served my face right, if I had lifted it up by my hair, and knocked it against the pebbles as a punishment for belonging to such an idiot."
This quote immediately caught my attention when I first read it. It shows how Pip knows that he is in love with the wrong girl. He knows that he should find a girl much like Biddy. However, it just seems that he can't pull away from Estella's hold. I'm sure that most men in the world today have gone through this exact situation. If not, then they are in for a big surprise.
Allie Myers, 7th period
ReplyDelete"But I loved Joe--perhaps for no better reason than because the dear fellow let me love him" (Chapter 5).
I love this quote because it is showing that Pip is appreciative of Joe. Joe was the only one that cared for and loved Pip as a child. Joe was a nice and likable man. He gave Pip the reassurance he needed to survive Ms. Joe each and every day. If you think about,"because he let me love him", that can mean a lot. Joe was not out to get Pip, but he was almost like a big brother towards Pip.
Alex Yarini 1st Period
ReplyDelete"In a word, I was too cowardly to do what I knew to be right, as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong."-Pip, Chapter 6
I think this quote reflects the book because it reflects Pip's childish fear. We see this fear when he is visited by soldiers. Pip is afraid they will find that he helped the criminal and take him away. We also see this fear later after he had faced the pale young gentleman in a fight. He is having these wild assumptions that he will be arrested for what he has done.
Anthony Choo 2nd Period
ReplyDelete"Would you mind Handel for a familiar name? There's a charming piece of music by Handel, called the Harmonious Blacksmith."
This quote was made by Herbert and said to Pip. I believe this quote was some how ironic and different than the others. Not only was the name Handel related to Pip because of his previous profession, but it also makes sense because Pip is like the handle of an axe. Throughout the entire story, it feels like he is being used by people. For example, in the beginning Pip was basically being used by Mrs. Joe and her punishing habit, while now Pip is being used by whoever owns Mr. Jaggers and told him to occupy Pip with money and tuition to become a gentlemen. Also, by calling the song Harmonious Blacksmith, it sounds like how Pip and Joe would do their work. They would sing Old Clem Old Clem as if its joyful, hence the "Harmonious". I was indeed intrigued by this interesting quote because it totally describes Pip's life at the moment.
Gabrielle Stecher 2nd period
ReplyDelete"If I could only get myself to fall in love ... with you – you don't mind my speaking so openly to such an old acquaintance?"
"Oh dear, not at all!" said Biddy. "Don't mind me."
"If I could only get myself to do it, that would be the thing for me."
"But you never will, you see," said Biddy
This quote/conversation between Pip and Biddy shows the reader more about Pip's desire to solve his problems. He wishes he could magically fall in love with Biddy, and have everything be put perfectly in place; all problems solved.
This is something that many people can relate to because you can't really control who you fall in love with.
Mikaela Thurman 1st Period,
ReplyDeleteMy favorite quote so far is...
"Oh,there are many kinds of pride," said Biddy,looking full at me and shaking her head; "pride is notall of one kind-"
This is my favorite quote becuase pride has been a recurring theme throughout the stories that we have read this year. In this book it has a different value though. In the books that we have read this year pride has a negetive perception, but in this story Biddy has told Pip that there are many forms that pride takes. It seems like Biddy is warning Pip that there are situations wher pride is helpful and situations where pride is something that should be watched out for. After Biddy has told him this they go further into the conversation and Pip becomes a little to prideful (in the wrong way) and tells Biddy that She is jealous of what Pip has and that he is becoming a gentleman and she is still stuck there doing nothing. Later on Pip also becomes to prideful with his money and the way that he is spending it. Also Pip has used his pride on the good side by pushing himself farther and farther and beginning to reach his goals. Pride takes different forms positive and negetive and so far Pip has gotten into a little of both.
Rebekah Kern, 2nd Period
ReplyDelete"Pip, dear old chap, life is made of ever so many partings welded together, as I may say, and one man's a blacksmith, and one's a whitesmith, and one's a goldsmith, and one's a coppersmith. Diwisions among such must come, and must be met as they come. If there's been any fault at all to-day, it's mine. You and me is not two figures to be together in London; nor yet anywheres else but what is private, and beknown, and understood among friends. It ain't that I am proud, but that I want to be right, as you shall never see me no more in these clothes. I'm wrong in these clothes. I'm wrong out of the forge, the kitchen, or off th' meshes. You won't find half so much fault in me if you think of me in my forge dress, with my hammer in my hand, or even my pipe. You won't find half so much fault in me if, supposing as you should ever wish to see me, you come and put your head in at the forge window and see Joe the blacksmith, there, at the old anvil, in the old burnt apron, sticking to the old work. I'm awful dull, but I hope I've beat out something nigh the rights of this at last. And so GOD bless you, dear old Pip, old chap, GOD bless you!"
This quote was said by Joe Gargery to Pip. This is my favorite quote because it shows that even though Pip may be more educated and more of a gentleman than Joe will ever be, Joe still has more wisdom and maturity than Pip. It is kind of a sad quote because Joe seems to realize the void between their divided social classes is growing, making their meetings quite uncomfortable for him. Joe doesn't know how to act in Pip's new surroundings, just like he did earlier in Ms. Havisham's household.
Lucas Montouchet, 1st period.
ReplyDelete" I think I shall trade, also, said he, putting his thumbs up in his waistcoat pockets, to the West Indies, for sugar, tobacco, and rum. Also to Ceylon, specially for the elephants' tusks" Chapter 22
This quote is said by Herbert to Pip. This is my favorite quote because it shows the incredible amount of ambition Herbert has and the skepticism and disbelieve of Pip. While I do agree Herbert will have a hard time achieving his goals I do believe he will in time become wiser and more gentleman-like and successful than Pip.Furthermore, it shows the gradual conquering of the universe by man both over nature(sailing the seas) and over animals(poaching elephants for their tusks).
Joseph Ryan McLane Sr., 7th Period
ReplyDelete“Pip, dear old chap, life is made of ever so many partings welded together, as I may say, and one man’s a blacksmith, and one’s a whitesmith, and one’s a goldsmith, and one’s a coppersmith. Diwisions among such must come, and must be met as they come.” - Joe, Chapter 27
This quote is favored by me because it really gives an explanation to the weirdness of there meeting in London. It is Joe explaining to Pip, and very learned gentleman (which still shows Joes intercourse with the world is more that Pips still), how they have spread apart between class systems. Joe, being the blacksmith he is, uses smelting to prove his point. In this quote, Joe is of course the blacksmith still, where Pip used to be, and Pip has now advanced classes to a goldsmith with the rest of the gentlemen. It also is a sad milestone in Pips journey to become a gentleman, Pip now knows he has finally 'abandoned' his past life of a "blacksmith."
Mitchell Johnson p7
ReplyDelete"no man who was not a true gentleman at heart ever was, since the world began, a true gentleman in manner. He says, no varnish can hide the grain of the wood, and that the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself;"
this quote was said from Herbert to Pip, and shows Herbert's belief that if you deserve to be a gentleman, you will be. He also expresses that those who are not true gentlemen will act like they are not gentlemen. The quote shows that the class system did not put you in a permanent place at birth, and you can change your fate if you try hard enough
Erica Mills 2nd period
ReplyDeleteMy favorite quote is by Pip's convict in Chapter 5.
"Tried to murder him? Try, and not do it? I took him, and giv' him up; that's what I done. I not only prevented him getting off the marshes, but I dragged hime here- dragged him this far on his way back. He's a gentleman if you please, this villain. Now the Hulks has got its gentleman again, through me. Murder him? Worth my while, too, to murder him, when I could do worse and drag him back!"
I promise to you guys I'm not crazy, but I suppose I do have kind of a twisted mind to actually think of this connection.
First off, I like the quote because its just creepy. The whole way the story starts off with convicts establishes that sort of creepy mood that makes the story interesting. How many stories are there where a 7 year old kid meets a convict? Not many. I like how the convicts and Miss Havisham establish that really creepy, suspenseful, oh-my-gosh-what's-going-to-happen-next kind of mood to the story.
The second thing I like most about this quote is the word "gentleman". Pip's convict refers to the other convict as a gentleman, which surprised me as I was going back through looking for a quote. The other convict was a liar who escaped from prison, cheating out other people, probably stealing from others and countless other things. Strange how much this discription of the convict #2 fits Charles Dickens's implied gentlemen discription. The gentlemen in London are so prim and proper on the outside, but if you look inside, they are really cruel and terrible people. Why is this? They have far too much pride in themselves and their lives to realize how ridiculous they are. Convict #2 did not want to go back to the Hulks because he was too prideful in his life. He thought he was probably going to die on those ships, and he was too in love with the world and himself to even think of taking that risk. It is the same with the gentlemen, I believe.
I think that Pip's convict is right in calling convict #2 a gentleman. If men who were called gentlemen were true gentlemen, they wouldn't flaunt themselves around and show off. They would act as a true gentlemen should, like what Herbert Pocket's discription of a gentlemen was.
I really like this quote, because it foreshadows in a weird way how the gentlemen are like and who Pip might become. At this point, I think Pip needs to re-read this book, which is his life story, before it's already too late.
Jaclyn Pescitelli, 1st Period
ReplyDelete"It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home."
This quote marks a turning point in the novel. It marks the point where Pip first realizes his social classing status and begins to become ashamed of it. Pip has recently first experienced the high class life that Miss Havisham and Estella live. Consequently, now he feels that his life isn't good enough for Estella to accept him. Beginning with this quote, the story becomes a tale of how Pip becomes a gentlemen so he can be accepted by Estella.
Hobbie McCain 7th period.
ReplyDeleteIf you cant get uncommon from going straight then you'll never get there going crooked.
Joe says a lot in this little statement. he says that if you are having trouble getting their honestly then more trouble that is impassable is going to be there if you try to earn it through bad ways. it is one lesson that no one will ever follow perfectly but it is something we should all strive for. i think it also represents some of Dicken's christian value becuase that is something that is a high moral in christianity. that you will gain more by giving to others and doing things honest than by taking from people and using evil.
Nate Equan 3rd period
ReplyDeletego to page 236 in Mrs. Hedricks version and look at this sentence. THIS IS THE GREATEST FORM OF IRONY EVER MADE IN HISTORY!!!!!!!!!
The exact quote: "How can you call me sir?"
can u believe it?!?!?! this little cocky wannabe gentleman gets wat he wants and asks this. if i could i would slap him like herbert did at mrs havasham's house. goodnes gracious!
aidan hansen period 2
ReplyDelete"that girl's hard and haughty and capricious to the last degree, and has been brought up by miss havisham to wreak revenge on all the male sex." ~ herbert pocket
this quote shows a significant amount of insight into miss havishams past. the symbolism of revenge comes into play many times in this book. also the idea of teaching and training, pip is trains=ing to be a gentleman and estella is training to be a heartbreaker.
Abigrace Diprima, Period 3
ReplyDelete"If you can't get to be oncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked. So don't tell no more on 'em, Pip, and live well and die happy."
- Joe
This was said to Pip by Joe on the night Pip confesses to him about his lies he told regarding his first visit with Miss Havisham. Pip guiltily admits to Joe the lies that he told and then opens up to him about his feelings of being common, rooting from Estella's harsh words that day (about his coarse hands & thick boots).
The quote symbolizes the feelings that Pip has throughout the book. Pip's feelings of being common remain throughout the chapters that we have read. Pip was going on a "crooked" pathway because of his lies to becoming uncommon, though until that day he had never thought much about it. It is evident that Pip tries to "get to be oncommon through going straight" in working towards his goals. For example, he does all that he can to be educated. Yet, he is still reminded by Estella and other things that he is common.
His attitude develops into wanting quick results (as in uprise in social status). Some of the faults in his attitude, such as his new attitude towads Joe in London, and also his "love" for Estella are things that set Pip's pathway "crooked". We are reminded that he certainly cannot become a gentleman this way by his reminder of having a "blacksmith's arm", among many things.
This quote can sum up Pip's omnipresent underlying commonness throughout the chapters that we have read. Through trying to work toward his goal on a straight pathway or through making it crooked, Pip is always reminded of being common. Thus, maybe "being common" will always be a part of Pip's identity, no matter his efforts and despite the fact that he could not control the status that he was born into. Maybe he should just accept this part of him and simply "live well and die happy", as Joes advises.
Abigrace Diprima, Period 3
ReplyDelete**Add-on to comment on Post #2: A Quote
Though the quote that I chose was said early on in the book (in Chapter 9), I feel that it can relate to Pip's course of feelings throughout what we have read after Chapter 9.
Saraya Haynes, 7th period
ReplyDelete"Are infants to be nutcrackered into their tombs, and is nobody to save them?"
- Mr. Pocket
This quote by Mr. Pocket is significant because he ic ommonicating that Mrs. Pocket is not being fair to Jane. in this instance, Mrs. Pocket may be representing Life and how it may not be fair. At the same time, Jane may be representing Justice. The short exchange between mother and daughter may show the ongoing dispute between Justice and its opposite.
In Great Expectations, the character Mr. Jaggers reminds me of Madame Defarge from Tale of Two Cities because the two have a rough way of doing things and treating other people. Also, they both do anything necessary to achieve their goals. However, the difference between them is that Mr. Jaggers saves lives while Madame Defarge takes them.
Claire Sammons
ReplyDelete3rd Period
This quote happened when Pip first found out that he was going to London, and he was telling Joe that he wished that Joe had learned more from his lessons, and Joe says:
"Well, I don't know. I'm so awful dull. I'm only master of my own trade. It were always a pity as I was so awful dull; but it's no more of a pity now, than it was-this day twelvemonth-don't you see!"
In this quote, Joe talks about how he was sort of destined to do this one thing in life, and he was never meant for something else. He's not going to try to adjust himself to do anything that he doesn't see himself fit for. This is a really good lesson for Pip because that is exactly what he is doing. This quote really builds Joe's character more, too. It shows how humble he is because the reader knows how much more capable Joe is, but he doesn't seem to believe it. He's also kind of saying how he doesn't see the need for change. He says "It doesn't mean more now than it did before" which basically says 'Why try to change something that's working just fine?'.
I think those words are incredibly wise. Even though, they occured early in the book, I think that it was wonderful advice that Pip failed to acknowledge and appreciate in that moment, but he will come to find how intelligent they are later in his journey. When Joe says this, Pip was just focused on how Joe had misunderstood what he had meant to say and how "perfectly innocent" Joe was (which is exactly the opposite of the truth).
i love how Estella says "'You must know,' said Estella, condescending to me as a beautiful woman might, 'that I have no heart- if that has anything to do with my memory." It's contrary to wat u would usually do - dispute watever bad qualities that ppl tell of you. But Estella isn't trying to hide it at all. This might be a leap of faith but it's almost as if she's proud of it. Proud of the quality that she probably deep down hates
ReplyDeleteJames McCarty
ReplyDeletea poem about Estella extra credit
Pip and Estella sitting in a tree,
No man than not how is going to be,
She is controlled by evil you will see,
She love and she hates
She plays and she debates
Over the fate of the state
Of boys, like they are toys
Living in a grand house
She is trained to break hearts
Into very small parts
For her provider’s
Cruel enjoyment
A boy gets employment
His name is Pip
Hannah Kuzel, Period 3
ReplyDeleteMy favorite quote is more of a page than a quote.
She stood looking at me, and of course I stood looking at her.
"Am I pretty?"
"Yes, I think you are very pretty."
"Am I insulting?"
"Not so much so as you were the last time," said I.
"Not so much so?"
She fired when she asked the last question, and she slapped my face with such force as she had, when I answered it.
"Now?" she said. "You little coarse monster, what do you think of me now?"
"I shall not tell you."
"Because you are going to tell upstairs. Is that it?"
"No," said I, "that's not it."
"Why don't you cry again, you little wretch?"
"Because I'll never cry for you again," said I.
I like this because I think it represents both Pip and Estella very well. It shows Estella's merciless cruelty. It also shows Pip's child-like weakness and vulnerability.
Brendan Harris, 7th Period.
ReplyDelete"In the little world in which children have their existence whosoever brings them up, there is nothing so finely perceived and so finely felt, as injustice."
I chose this quote because it shows the injustice of children during the time that Pip lived, and that injustice is felt hardly by children such as Pip. In the book, Pip feels injustice when his sister beats him, when Estella rejects him, and other times. He feels the injustice and it hurts him more than a lot of other things.
Ashley Buda Period 2
ReplyDelete“And last of all Pip-and this I want to say very seriously to you, old chap-I see so much in my poor mother, of a woman drudging and slaving and breaking her honest hart and never getting no peace in her mortal days, that I am dead afeerd of going wrong in the other way of what’s right by a woman, and I’d fur rather of the two go wrong the t’other way, and be a little ill-conwenienced myself. I wish that it was only me that got put out Pip; I wish there warn’t no Tickler for you, old chap; I wish I could take it all on myself; but this is the up-and-down-and-straight on it, Pip, and I hope you’ll overlook shortcomings.”-Joe, Chapter 7
This is one of my favorite quotes because we learn why Joe tolerates Mrs. Joe. Joe exhibits a great deal of self-sacrifice. In addition, this quote shows how exceedingly sincere he is. I also think that it is interesting to compare how Joe and Miss Havisham have dealt with their past. As a child, Joe witnessed his father abusing his mother. Instead of growing up to be like his father, Joe used his past to fuel him to do the right thing. Miss Havisham also dealt with tragedy when she was younger. Instead of using her past to benefit her, as Joe had done, Miss Havisham became absorbed in it. Although he is not educated, I believe that this demonstrates that Joe is wise beyond words.
Walton Taylor 1st Period
ReplyDeleteThe quote- "It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home."- is one that sticks out to me just for the simple fact of what it says about Pip in his new life style. In my opinion, you should never be truly ashamed of home, but Pip is because he is so determined on impressing Estella. When Pip visits Miss Havisham with Joe, he seems to feel a bit embarrassed and worried of what Miss Havisham or Estella might think. This is also why Pip seems to be growing apart from his old life in the adempt in become a true gentleman, and win over Estella. The quote, however, also says that Pip is aware of this growing distance, and feels bad about it being that Joe that was always there for him. In the end, Pip may be forced to choose between his old life and his new one, and if Estella is still around, then it appears that he will choose her over his true friends and family.
Austin Harmel
ReplyDelete7th period
"Morning made a considerbale differnece in my general prospect of Life, and brightened it so much that it scarcely seemed the same."
(Chapter 19)
This qoute stood out at me because it teaches a lesson about life. I belive Dickens was trying to tell his readers that life is far too short to dwell over things we have done wrong or wish to change, beacuse we don't have the power to go back into time and make things the way we want it. But we do have the power to make everyday a new and better one than the day before. Thus forgeting about our troubles and sufferings and moving on with our lives and finding the best things in them.
Jordan Locke 1st
ReplyDeletethe quote Mrs. "Joe was a very clean housekeeper, but had an exquisite art of making her cleanliness more uncomfortable and unacceptable than dirt itself." was a quote that i thought was interesting and did a good job of portraying mrs joe. It really showed how presise everything had to be for mrs joe
Alec Browning, 7th period
ReplyDelete"If you can't get to be oncommon through going straight, you'll never get to do it through going crooked."- Joe Gargery (chapter 9)
This is my favorite quote from the story so far. It was Joe's response to Pip after he confessed about lying to the family about Ms. Havisham's. I like it because it is still a great piece of advice in today's society. Basically, Joe is telling Pip that if he wants people to think that he is special, or important, he should be honest. It symbolizes Joe's good nature and hidden wisdom. It is significant because I think that almost everyone can take something away from this quote, and that's why it is my favorite.
Brittany Nguyen,3rd Period
ReplyDelete"It is a most miserable feeling to feel ashamed of home."(chapter 14)
This is my favorite quote because this is when Pip speaks his true feelings and others in the real world may feel the same way. This wasn't actually a quote being spoken but Pip thought it in his head. He has always thought of his house as home but when he goes to Miss Havisham's and falls for Estella, his life changes. He doesn't want to live the way he is and wants to be someone that Estella will love. He doesn't necessarily want to feel ashamed of his lifestyle but being around the upper class changes his view and makes him ungrateful to the things that used to make him happy.
Brittany Nguyen,3rd Period
I think Estella and Conner from Impulse by Ellen Hopkins is alike in many ways. First, they are both from the upper class. They are both wealthy but only by their family. Like Estella, Conner does not let himself fall in love. On the other hand, it is becuase Conner knows he will get hurt. Conner uses a lot of girls like Estella likes to mess with all males. They were raised to follow their parents' directions no matter what they were. They are not allowed to be the person that they should've grown up to be.
Joy Smith 7th
ReplyDeleteBut I loved Joe--perhaps for no better reason than because the dear fellow let me love him.
this quote had to be my favorite out of the whole book. this one quote shows many characteristics of pip. it shows the true side of only having one man to love out of all the exist in the world. and it shows me how at the begining of things you are very appreciative of the things you have but when opportunity come knocking you always seem to forget those that have been there for you from the beginning which i feel is a mistake all me make as humans. so throughout the book i question if pip will ever come to the remeberence of where he started and all who was there.
Jing Tan
ReplyDelete1st per
"In the little world in which children have their existence whosoever brings them up, there is nothing so finely perceived and so finely felt, as injustice. It may be only small injustice that the child can be exposed to; but the child is small, and its world is small, and its rocking-horse stands as many hands high, according to scale, as a big-boned Irish hunter." -Pip
Pip’s world is contained, small, and familiar, but, at the same time, it is terrorized by his angry sister. This is one of my favorite quotes in the novel because it represents Pip's innocence. He does not fully understand his sister's behavior or intentions for him. Children often times believe whatever is said to them. Here, the conflict of injustice occurs when Pip does not understand why Estella is so mean to him and within him and his sister's treatment towards him.
Mickey Creighton 1st period
ReplyDelete"What larks"
i like this quote because it symbolizes Pip and Joe's friendship. It first can be seen in chapter seven when Pip writes a letter to Joe . the letter contained the phrase "wot larx" i tried looking up what this phrase ment, but i couldn't find what the meaning of it is. However, i do know that it is a phrase used only betweed Joe and Pip, and it is always said in a happy and exited tone. when it was first used in the letter to joe, Joe replied happily to the letter, and they talked of pip teaching Joe to the same. This phrase continues to be a symbol of their friendship when biddy later writes a letter to Pip while he is in London. She write that joe said, "What larks" to Pip, she said that Pip would would know what he meant. I think that Joe wanted biddy to write this because Pip was getting educated, and this was a similar situation to when what larks had earlier been used. This is why i like this small phrase so much. although i don't know the meaning of this phrase, i still like it because it is used to represent Pip and Joe's friendship throughout the story.
Melissa Barry
ReplyDelete3rd Period
"This is where I will be laid when I am dead. They shall come and look at me here."
This line is said by Miss Havisham in Chapter 11. I think it's symbolic that she talks about her death on her birthday. It shows how even though her life is filled with class and riches, she still feels a great deal of emptiness inside. This also reflects on the behavior and morals of her guests and relatives. They come to greet her for no other reason than her wealth. Camilla and Sara are looking forward to her death because of the money they may receive. Though Miss Havisham seems like a hard-headed and harsh woman, this quote shows a crack in her wall. It also shows that she has strong emotions but with a sense of bitterness and dryness.
Brandon Flynt 3rd period
ReplyDeleteextra credit
after Miss Havisham's traumatic experiance she basically wanted to make her brother like this:
___"$$$$$"____________ ___\
Emily Everett, 7th Period
ReplyDelete"You bring me, tomorrow morning early, that file and them wittles....You do it, and you never dare to say a word or dare to make a sign concerning your having seen such a person as me, or anyperson sumever, and you shall be let to live...," Pips convict.
I like this quote because Pip has stayed to his promise he made after this quote all this time. Even when Mrs. Joe got hit in the back of the head and they figured it was a convict he never let anything out that he met this convict.
Jenna Medcalf 3rd Period
ReplyDelete"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried than before- more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle. If I had cried before, I should have had Joe with me then." Chaper 19, page 160.
This is an extremely moving quote from Pip describing the departure from his childhood home and his feelings of remorse for not appreciating it more. It is a quote that moves me emotionally, not only because it is a beautiful, poetically written quote, but because it is a quote that shows how Pip is becoming more and more mature and growing into the gentleman that he hopefully will become. I think that Pip is beginning to discover the bitter pain that change brings with it.
Trevor Thorburn 7th period
ReplyDeleteI couldn't find the exact quote in the book, but I liked the part when Wemmick was basically explaining life to Pip. He basically told him that you should always be aware of your surroundings and act accordingly. For example, you're a low level employee at work; then act like one at work. YOU can come home to your family and boss your family around all you want but when you're at work you should understand your status before you say things; that approach can probably save people from losing their jobs. I think that quote was the best because it just seemed to make the most sense to me.
Robert Cunningham, 3rd Period
ReplyDelete"No man who was not a true gentleman at heart, ever was, since the world began, a true gentleman in manner... no varnish can hide the grain of the wood; and that the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself." Chapter 22, Herbert Pocket
This line was said by Herbert Pocket when he was speaking to Pip. This is my favorite quote because Herbert was saying something that Pip really needed to know: that no matter what you may look like on the outside, your true self will eventually show. Pip has been trying to cover his old self up with fancy clothing and proper etiquette, but he knows that he is not acting himself. In the last line, Herbert said "the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself". I think that Pip must realize that this cover up of his is hurting him as a person. Yes, it's great to be known as a gentleman, but do you have to become a judgmental one?
Jessie Donnan
ReplyDelete3rd period
"It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home."
I love Bindi`s comment and quote it really stood out to me in the book. Pip becomes blinded by wealth and starts to be ashamed of his upbringing and where he`s from. Before Ms. Havisham`s and going to London Pip was never as ashamed of where he was from but when he satrted to become a gentleman he hated where he was from. Pip never judged people on their class or how much money they had but now he starts to judge people on where they`re from, how much money they have, and their class standing. When before Pip accepted people no matter what.
"Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts. I was better after I had cried, than before--more sorry, more aware of my own ingratitude, more gentle"
ReplyDeleteI couldn't pick a favourite quote because there are so many magnificent quotes in this story but I have adore the quote I posted above. Humans are the only creatures on Earth that cry, the only creatures with a physical manifestation of our sadness and so often we put a brand of shame on tears. I think we do this because we want to feel invincible, to forget that we're vulnerable and that we all have weakness. Pip realizes this at this moment, as his tears humble him and help him get out the emotion in a way that words are insufficient. We often become incapable of speaking when we cry, but our tears say all the words that are neccesary and by seeing Pip cry in this scene Dickens conveys to us perfectly with his tears what Pip is feeling. This is one of the showcases of Dickens brilliance, his ability to show the human qualities we all share.
Caroline Gouveia Period 3
ReplyDelete" varnish can hide the grain of the wood; and that the more varnish you put on, the more the grain will express itself."
- Herbert Pocket to Pip (Chapter 22)
I really liked this quote when I read it because I felt like it really stood out. It tells of a hard life lesson tha twe must learn sometimes. At this point in the story, Pip was having a hard time finding who he really was. He didn't want to be a common man as a blacksmith, yet the process of becoming a gentleman wasn't quite second nature to him. Pip had trouble adjusting to this new lifestyle he forced himself to live. His past still followed him, and when he made mistakes that only a common man would make, it made him even more conspicuous.
This quote reminded me of a quote I heard in the Lady Gaga "Telephone" music video. Yes, I know. Lady Gaga. Just bear with me for a minute! So the real quote had a few swear words slipped in there, so I'll paraphrase:)
It went something along the lines of, "Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in its reflection."
This reminded me of Pip because you can fix him up to look all nice and proper, but you can still see that he wasn't always this shiny and new, but he was once "broken"
Paul An 7th
ReplyDelete"Mrs. Joe was a very clean housekeeper, but had an exquisite art of making her cleanliness more uncomfortable and unacceptable than dirt itself."
This quote shows a lot about Ms. Joe. For most people having dirt is pretty bothersome however in this case Ms. Jos's cleaning is more bothersome then dirt. This means that She is always constantly cleaning. This quote stood out to me because it was very ironic and pretty funny and explained quite a bit about Ms. Joe in a different perspective.
"Once for all; I knew to my sorrow, often and often, if not always, that I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be."
ReplyDeleteI don't know where exactly this is in the book but I know it's in there, its on a poster in my room. This has been one of my favourite quotes of all time long before I even read Great Expectations, because it speaks a testament to the immeasurable power of love. He says he "loved her against reason" and it is true that love blinds the lover to reason, to the others flaws, to everything. Those in love are powerless against it, we see it in almost all of the stories that have gained fame in human history, from Romeo and Juliet to Twilight. The person my not want to be in love and may know that the love is bad for them, like described by Eminem in his song "Love the Way You Lie", but that knowledge doesn't lessen the power of love at all. Love is our guilty and insatiable curse and pleasure as human beings, and few characters ever woven by words showcase this better than Pip.
Paula Echavarria
ReplyDelete7th period
"It may be only small injustice that the child can be exposed to; but the child is small, and its world is small, and its rocking-horse stands as many hands high, according to scale, as a big boned Irish hunter."
This particular quote spoke to me because it makes me think about all the things that meant the world to me when i was little and now seem extraordinarily silly. Reading this book i see how Pip matures and the things that matter to him change. The small things don't matter as much as they used to.