How does this work??

In addition to reading the book, you will be asked to blog about the book and various posted topics relating to Great Expectations.

Everyday there will be a new post. The post will have an

assignment containing: a topic, a quote, a picture, ect. Your

assignment is to comment on the post including 3-5 sentences.

Click on the number of comments to add your comment.

Extra credit options are included at the bottom the page.

Thank You

Dear classes of Mrs.Hedrick,
Thank you for being apart of this wonderfull experience in my student teaching internship. All of you really took to this blog with great effort. Advice from me to you: Where every you go, What ever you do, and What ever goal you set for yourself do so with all of your heart and nothing less. Good luck to all of you. Happy Hoildays!

Alexis Thornton

PS: 7th period you guys are asome and I had a great time. I hope my future students are as excited to learn as all of you are!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Post #7: Acrostic Poem

Choose a character, a setting or any symbolic word from the book and create a acrostic poem!!!

An acrostic poem is a cryptographic form in which the initial letter of each line spells out a word, often the subject of the poem or the name of the person to whom the poem is dedicated.

A adventurous
L loving
E extraordinary
X extremely focused
I independent
S sassy

--the words used to describe your main word must relate to your choosen word!!


  1. Hannah Kuzel, period 3

    E enjoys Pip's tears
    S says she's too good for the common man
    T takes a trip to London
    E "enough," name of her home
    L lives with Ms. Havisham
    L likes Pip secretly (at least I think so)
    A always there for crazy Ms. Havisham

  2. Emily Everett, 7th Period

    Expects nothing
    Self controlled
    Tamed beast
    Enjoys heart breaks
    Listens to Miss Havisham
    Loved by Pip

  3. Sidd Meka 2nd Period-
    M mean to Pip and Joe
    R revenge
    S sister to Pip

    J Joe's wife
    O Orlick supposedly hit her
    E eerie

  4. Kathryn McKibben, 1st

    W wise because he knows home life is different from work life
    E enjoys having Pip over and working on his house
    M manages a lot of Mr. Jaggers' business
    M may seem serious at work, but light-hearted away
    I is proud of his home
    C cares for his father
    K kind to Pip

  5. Sarah Rainwater, Period 3

    E- envied
    L- libeling
    L- liberated
    A- arrogant

    If I could pick one song that sums up exactly what Estella is like, it would probabaly be this:
    This song is so perfect to describe her because well, she's mean!

    One line that sticks out would be the second verse, which says:

    You, with your switching sides and your wildfire lies and your
    humiliation, You, have pointed out my flaws again, as if I don't already see them.
    I walk with my head down trying to block you out 'cause I'll never impress you, I just wanna feel okay again.

    This relates to the pain Pip feels in that Estella is always making him feel awful about himself no matter what he does, such as when Estella points out his dirty hands and how he'll never be a gentleman.

  6. Isabel Babb
    Period 7.

    E minent
    N ogalistic
    O minous
    U pper Class
    G loomy
    H ostile

    H orror struck
    O ptical Illusion
    U nderstated
    S topped Stone Cold
    E xtrodinary

    These words in way explain Pip's general feelings torward Miss Havisham and the Enough House. He has mixed feelings, yes he is very thankful and happy for all that Miss Haisham has done for him, but the House is very confusing and the situation baffles him.

  7. aidan hansen period 2

    E egotistic
    S scornful
    T tyrant
    E educated
    L lives for ms. havisham
    L lusted for by many
    A arrogant

  8. Drew Hutchinson 7th period!!
    Early on trained to hate men
    Snobby to lower class
    Teacher of cruelty is Miss Havisham
    Eyes are drawn to her wherever she goes

  9. Arnelle Obode 2nd

    M isguided
    S tabbed in the back (more in the heart)

    H eartbroken
    A dopted Estella
    V isited often by Pip
    I n a state of confusion
    S tuck in the past
    H as on the same dress that she wore on her wedding day
    A ctions noted as mysterious
    M an-hater

  10. hobbie mccain period 7
    J ubilant to spend time with pip
    O verwatcher of the family
    E nourmous heart filled with love

    G reat at blacksmithing
    A stonishid by jaggers suggestion
    R epulsive to think pip will soon be gone
    G oing to let pip make his own descision
    A fflicted by seeing pip go
    R edundant in life lessons he teaches to pip
    Y oung life friend for pip

  11. Lucas Montouchet, 1st period.


  12. Nate Equan 3rd Period

    seeing as how so many people are doing Estella, i might have to be my own man and write something original......gosh. But then again, I don't want to seem like i took this as a joke and do Pip (it's only THREE letters). I'll try Biddy.

    B eing capable of seeing the truth
    I nteresting but not totally unraveled by Dickens

    D istinguishable from her surroundings like a needle in a hay stack due to the fact that she is just as smart as Pip wants to be without the snobbyness

    D ........another D, well DEEElightful

    Y as in "y dint she get the oppurtunity to reach higher expectations instead of pip" be cause obviosly, the way she maintains her self and her composure shows that she would have had even greater expectations than pip

  13. Arnelle Obode 2nd
    Extra Credit!

    I feel that Ms. Havisham expressed her sense of revenge against men in Estella. She raised her to take men's hearts and break them, just like the man who left her at the alter did to her. As soon as I found that out, this was the first song that came to my mind.

  14. Yusra Asif, 1st period!

    Mysteries yet to come
    Indicated in marshes
    The next stage in Pip’s life

  15. Taylor Harp, 3rd period

    H. hard worker, not a lost dreamer; heir of Miss Havisham
    E. explains Miss Havisham's lifestyle
    R. rude? NOT! He is unquestionably generous
    B. working to "B"e an insurer of ships
    E. employment seeking
    R. raised in a "tumbling up" family of seven children with no guidance
    T. TarTar is Estella in his beliefs

    P. pip's "pale young gentleman" best friend
    O. obviously lost the fist fight with Pip at his younger time at the Satis House
    C. "C"OULD be Pip
    K. keeps many aspirations alive
    E. embellishes to be a model for those who ponder about him
    T. trustworthy fellow

  16. Clara Sims
    3rd Period

    M-menacing woman
    R-Raised him by hand
    S-scolded Pip




  17. Bindi Patel 2nd Period


    The mists were a major symbol in this novel. When Pip meets the convict and leaves town, the mist is present. They would also clear up when the situations in Pip's life would. As the novel continues, I predict the mists will be used to foreshadow.

  18. Melissa Barry
    3rd Period

    Reasonably angry (for Pip's half-holiday)
    Likes to start quarrel
    Inconsiderate of others' opinions
    Can't hold back his anger
    Kinder- but only after Mrs. Joe is disabled

  19. Katie Reid
    2nd period

    M_ysteriously washes his hands
    R_egrets losing two cases

    J_abbers (talks) about how great Drummle
    A_dmires his servants wrists
    G_ets to win (almost) every case
    G_ives no attention to losing cases
    E_ven though he has a large house he only uses 3 rooms
    R_andomly calls Drummle a spider

  20. 1st Period:

    Bentley - Opposite of the car: Unreliable, not at all fancy, gross, and not worth much.
    Elephantine - Shown to be morbidly obese.
    Never - Attitude on most things.
    Trollish - Like the guy under the bridge in so many fairy tales, he is grumpy and expects payment for doing nothing.
    Laughable - At others, that is. He almost never laughs at anything, and when he does, it's in a very obnoxious manner.
    Extravagant (Sarcastically) - Absolutely more "common" a man than Joe Gargery, by a lot.
    Yell - All his speech is either gruff and muffled or yelled obnoxiously (usually across a table).

    Droll - Boring old guy.
    Repulsive - Disgusting sense of humor and gross ego.
    Ugly - Dirty, obese, mean-spirited.
    Morbid - Horridly egotistical and self humored.
    Magnanimous (Sarcastically) - Terribly selfish and arrogant.
    Liked (Again, sarcastically) - Disliked by everyone, especially Pip, with the exception of Mr. Jaggers, who instantly takes a liking to him.
    Extreme end of Pip's spectrum - Pip could turn out being between the ends of a continuum: One end being like Herbert Pocket, generous and kind; and the other end being like Bentley Drummle, selfish and untrustworthy.

  21. Ryan Whitfield 7th period

    Judicious even though he received no education
    Offers Pip advice
    Evidently loves Mrs. Joe (I don't see why)

    Great at making things out of iron
    Altruistic towards Pip
    Reclusive after his parents' death
    Guardian of the household
    Empathetic in the decisions Pip makes
    Respected and admired by Pip
    Young child at heart

  22. Abigrace Diprima, Period 3

    Makes Pip play at her house
    In the past (twenty minutes until nine)
    Sick fancies
    Skin and bones

    Hatred towards men
    Attains revenge through Estella
    In circles around the table
    Satis house
    Always in yellow-tinted white

  23. Alex Adams Period 3

    E ventually will fall in love with Pip.
    S he has no heart!
    T rip to London
    E stella is a heart breaker. ):
    L istens to Mrs. Havisham and breaks Pip's heart.
    L ets Pip be kissed by her when he wins the fight against Herbert.
    A dopted by Mrs. Havisham

  24. N Nick
    I is
    C Cool with a
    K K
    1P (warming up)

    S swollen
    H hands
    A aware
    M mr. pip
    E estella

  25. Robert Cunningham, 3rd Period

    “Enough” is the name of her house

    Statuesque (beautiful) and she knows it

    Tantalizing to Pip


    Left Miss Havisham’s to “hold her own” in Paris

    Loves to defeat Pip at cards

    At Miss Havisham’s side

    Sorry for using ENOUGH after Hannah Kuzel did. I just noticed that she had it first a minute ago.

  26. Robert Cunningham, 3rd Period

    “Enough” is the name of her house

    Statuesque (beautiful) and she knows it

    Tantalizing to Pip


    Left Miss Havisham’s to “hold her own” in Paris

    Loves to defeat Pip at cards

    At Miss Havisham’s side

    Sorry for using ENOUGH after Hannah Kuzel did. I just noticed that she had it first a minute ago.

  27. Areesh Zindani 1st Period

    Evidently playing Pip

    She is mysterious

    Told what to do by Miss Havisham

    Enchanting to Pip

    Loves to beat Pip at cards

    Loves to break men's hearts

    Adopted by Miss Havisham

  28. Tommy Templeman, 7th period
    Envied by Mrs. Havisham
    Satisfies Mrs. Havisham
    Tries to get Pip to like her so she can break his heart
    Eminent to Pip. He finds her of high class and beauty
    Lives in the Manor House with Mrs. Havisham
    Lulled into hating men
    Acts like she does not like Pip but I believe she does

  29. Zahra Vasaya, 2nd period

    M otherly; Pip's closest thing to a mother

    R ampages are over

    S ignals are her only way of communicating now

    J ealous of those who get to meet Miss Havisham

    O blivious to Joe's respect

    E lated by Pip's "adoption" and take off for London

  30. Hayley Doyle 2nd Period

    Wiping away troubles
    Afraid to face life
    Shielding one's self from sin
    Hoping for a new beginning
    Inching toward a better time
    Never looking back
    Getting ready for a fresh start

  31. Brittany Tan, Per. 1

    M ay I confess that it was I who ate the pie
    A nd I apologize for doing so
    G argery, I don't deserve your forgiveness
    W hy, I'm a convict
    I am a bad boy
    T hank you anyway for being so sympathetic
    C an't starve now, can I?
    H umbly, I send my regards

  32. Daniel Kim 2nd period
    J agged and rigid
    A n experienced lawyer
    G reat power
    G oing to tell Pip about his inheritance
    E vil attracts to me
    R arely loses a case
    S harp with his wits

  33. Mike Drinkwater, 2nd period

    E-Extraordinary features.
    M-Memorable quotes.
    M-Masterful Craftsman.
    C-Castle dweller.
    K-Kindles the stinger for the aged.

  34. Martha Weber 3rd Period

    W orks as Mr. Jaggers' clerk
    E lderly parent he takes care of
    M an who is different at work and home
    M aster of his Gothic castle
    I nsists London is no worse than anywhere else
    C onstructs with his bare hands a home
    K indness; his SOMETIMES shows

  35. Jordan McKay 2nd period

    H "Hates" Estella
    E Even after they fight, he befriends Pip
    R Really Independent
    B Bright
    E Eventually plans to be come a ship insurer
    R Rented furniture for Pip
    T Thrives with Pip in London

  36. RJ Brown
    7th period

    M akes people forget where they come from
    O riginally starts off as your best friend
    N ever can be good when misused
    E nds up your worst enemy
    Y you must resist its beckoning call

  37. Allie Campbell, 7th period

    H ard for her to forget
    A rrogant because of her possesions
    V engeful towards men
    I gnorant and blinded by love
    S tood up on her own wedding day
    H as no one who really cares
    A dopted Estella
    M isunderstood.

  38. Ben Tesema 3rd Period

    Befriends Pip
    Invigorates herself to inform Pip of his family
    Determined to safeguard Pip's family
    Deserves better

  39. Jaclyn Pescitelli, 1st period
    H- has a simple, frugal life
    E- east to beat up
    R- roomate of Pip
    B- bestfriend of Pip
    E- eventually wants to be an insurer of ships
    R- really handsome and pale gentelman
    T- tries to help Pip out with table manners

  40. Lindsey Thrift, 1st Period!

    C - creeping through the marshes
    O - omnipresent, in Pip's young mind
    N - not wanting to be caught by the gaurds
    V - villian? or misunderstood man?
    I - iron "casts" around the legs
    C - calling, "get me out of here"
    T - tempted to do anyting for food

  41. Mitchell Johnson
    period 7

    Supportive of pip
    Tender and delicate like a woman
    Attached to his mother, but still admires her
    Roommate of Drummle Pip and Herbert
    Trustworthy friend of Pips
    Opposite (foil) of Drummle
    Pampered as a child

  42. Fabrice De Miguel Wombel 1st period

    M many people fear him
    R rough but honest

    J just goes straight to the point
    A apprenticed pip to become a gentleman
    G gentleman
    G guardian of pip
    E ends Pip's apprentice in blacksmith (at least for now)
    R relates more with Drummel than Pip likes
    S seems to know something about everyone

  43. Mickey Creighton 1st period

    What Pip wants isn't what he feels...

    Luxury, but doesn't want to work for it
    Outstanding quality of life
    New life, much different from the one he left
    Gets all his wishes all at once, with no exertion to earn them
    Interesting new people, such as Mr. Jagger
    Never will be the same, he even neglects Joe
    Gone, his childhood has been left behind

  44. Katherine Read; 2nd period.

    Explosive in court

  45. Rebekah Kern, 2nd Period.

    Hasn't let go of the past
    Abundance of money
    Very unforgettable
    Intentions are yet to be revealed
    Seeks revenge
    High society lifestyle
    Adopted Estella
    Manipulative of Estella's thoughts on men

  46. Ansley Hunter 7th Period,

    M enacing
    R anting
    S uperior

    J udged
    O ut of it
    E masculated

    At the beginning of the book, Mrs. Joe acts superior to Pip and Joe. She treats them poorly and criticizes them whenever she gets the chance. It almost seems like she's embarrassed to be with them. However, after Mrs. Joe gets attacked she is not the same. Her injuries prevent her from being normal again. She is powerless now,

  47. Alex Yarini 1st Period

    J jagged
    A attorney
    G glower
    G grinding and critical
    E extreme
    R raging
    S supporter

  48. Lindsey Garrett 2nd period

    G reat people of society
    E ducated and wise
    N ot as common as me
    T all hats and waistcoats
    L etters fancier than Biddy's
    E very opportunity open to them
    M oney whenever needed
    A bove my reach, but I'm
    N early there...

    (From Pip's point of view) ^^

  49. Erica Mills 3rd period

    No one's done Pip yet....

    P-perfect gentleman, that's me
    I- I'm here to win Estella, although I left all that I had
    P- passionate "love" is all I have for her; why does she continue to hurt me?

  50. Carleigh Brisendine, 1st prd.

    P- Pip is the name I go by
    H- Havisham has influenced my life
    I- I am to become a genteman
    L- Love Estella
    I- I left behind my family
    P- Parents, I have never had

    P- Passive
    I- Infatuated
    R- Rash
    R- Ridiculous expectations
    I- Immature
    P- Patronizing

    Extra Credit:

    Pip is greatley like many other characters in literture. One such character is Frodo from Lord of the Rings. Pip is greatly influenced by the people around him and the society he is in. He is so influenced by Estella and Miss Hacisham that the Pip that was in the begging proud of Joe and becoming a blacksmih, becomes ashamed and humiliated. Frodo is greatly influenced by the ring and gollum during the story. Gollum gains histrust and causes Frodo to turn against Sam. The ring causes Frodo to try and kill Sam at one point, and almost got himkilled on multiple occasions. Also Pip is infatuated with Estella, even though he knows hw should give up. Pip knows that he will be harmed because of this infatuation but he can't help it. Frodo has a burning need for the Ring. He knows that it is evil and can do him great harm, and has been the reason for his troubles, yet he can't leet it go. He can't make himself get rid of it, no matter what he knows he should do. Pip also hrts some of the people who care about him the most, and that he loves the most. He hurts Joe and Biddy even though he doesn't originally intend for that to happen. Frodo does the same wih Sam, who is willing to give his life for Frodo. Frodo, like Pip, takes the people who love him for granted and they get hurt. Lastly, Pip mentions that he is getting what he wants but he feels more lone than he ever has. Frodo also has that feeling. He is getting what he wants but he is more alone than he has ever been in his entire life, even with people surrounding him. These two characters are so very similar, yet one is from England, and the other Middleearth.

  51. Gabrielle Stecher Period 2


    Egotistical and snobby..
    Sly and Sneaky
    Tricky and cunning
    Easy to fall in love with
    Little bit enchanting in a mysterious way
    Liar that does what she is told
    Arrogant and audacious

  52. Sheridan Schuster, 1st period


    Independent-helps others succeed and prosper

    Doesn't knkow what to do with Pip

    Deserves better than how she is treated

    Young, determined, and has her whole life ahead of her. She will definetely get far in life because she is satisfied and happy with helping people. This is exactly like the quote "what goes aroud comes around." Biddy's kindnees will repay her somehow in a fabulous way. Maybe in her love life, work life, you never know! (:

  53. Ahmad Rathor, 3rd Period

    E mbraced by Miss Havisham
    S hameless
    T reacherous
    E xcellently dressed
    L oyal to Miss Havisham
    L ovely
    A lways against Pip

  54. Ali Bell
    1st period

    Easily manipulated by Ms. Havisham

    Stays in Ms. Havisham's unreal world

    Teases Pip with false affection

    Easily torments men

    Leaves her home to tourment Pip more

    Living with Ms. Havisham, she gets pleasure from tourmenting men

    Always represents Pip's want for what he cannot have

  55. Saraya Haynes, 7th period

    Evil seeming
    Supports Miss Havisham
    Enjoys torturing Pip
    Lovely looks
    Leaves for Paris

  56. Chase Fretwell-2nd period
    Biddy (describing how she might feel about Pip)

    B- Blindly loving him
    I- In my own way by
    D- Doing what he could not
    D- Despite his arrogance and cruelty
    Y- Why does he need a star when he could have Light?

  57. Shiv Patel
    2nd Period

    Still contains the frozen bride

    All clocks stopped at 9:20

    Time to play

    I saw the fight between Pip and Herbert


    Hatred for males



    Satis- meaning enough in Latin

    Estella and Havisham

  58. Shiv Patel
    2nd Period

    Extra Credit

    I chose this picture because it goes with the concept of the Satis House and how it is almost symbolizes a maze and Pip's life. The house is symbolizing Ms. Havisham and her mood. She isn't happy so the house is gloomy and dark. The house also seems to be playing with Pip in the picture and in the story. Pip is constantly faced with choices and those choices will influence where his life will take him. If he wants to have a happy life, he has to make all of the right choices and make it out of the maze and get out of the game that Estella and Ms. Havisham are playing with him. The maze also shows that Pip’s life is going to have a bunch of twists and turns. This is shown in the book when Estella leads him to Ms. Havisham. Pip talks about how it isn’t a straight path and implies that there are many ways to get lost. Ms. Havisham always has someone lead him to her and someone lead him out. It shows that Pip is going to need help to get out of the maze and that he has to make all the right choices. The witch in the picture shows that Ms. Havisham is watching and that she can manipulate him.

  59. Amira Yanni, 7th Period.
    I'm going to do CONVICT.
    Often with guards
    Nightmare for citizens
    Vittles are needed. (Wittles)
    Iron shackles
    Cells in jail
    To know when they are released, listen for the gunfire.

  60. Eliza Ali 1st Period

    Wemmick's home, the Castle :)

    Created by Wemmick, who is his own Jack of all trades

    Area where Wemmick can be his own sweet self; his square wooden face becomes softer, like a puppet coming to life

    Supper was satisfying for Pip when he ate it here

    The Aged's sanctuary

    Little wooden cottage with gothic windows and a bridge

    Except Pip, no one in Wemmick's professional life knows about it, not even Mr.Jaggers

  61. Alex Valdez, 2nd Period

    L large city
    O only five hours away from Pip’s home
    N nothing like Pip expected the city to be
    D doesn’t have a lot of clean places
    O only a few good friends: Herbert and Wemmick
    N Newgate prison that shows the gallows

  62. Alex Valdez, 2nd Period

    Extra Credit:

    “Was” by Gary R. Hess

    I hate the way you treated me
    I hate what you did to me

    When you laughed at what I asked
    When you weren't there when I passed

    I loved you more than anything
    I loved that you thought the same thing

    You made me feel like I was in heaven
    You now have me seeking a safe haven

    Pip didn’t like how Estella treats him, but he ends up falling in love with her. He wants to become a gentleman for her because he wants to be uncommon like her.

  63. Alex Ruddick 7th Period

    J joyful to everyone he meets
    O obedient toward his family
    E eager to take care of Mrs. Joe

  64. Kate Deter, 7th period:
    M maid
    O obedient
    L loving
    L lovely in her own way
    Y yearning for praise

  65. Meredith Bradley 2nd Period

    Mrs. Joe:
    On edge
    Ear splitting

    I chose the word mighty because Mrs. Joe wears the pants in her marriage with Joe, she keeps up the house, she makes sure Pip gets everything he needs, and overall, basically runs the family. Rampage is a word that’s meaning is obvious, even though she wasn’t the nicest person all the time, I think she tried her best, and everybody gets stressed out sometimes, and going on rampage is Mrs. Joe’s way of dealing with it. Stressful means that when you around her you will probably get stressed with all of her demands. Jagged represents how I think truly deep down she is a nice, kind person, but her responsibilities and stresses gets to the best of her and that’s why her personality comes across as jagged. On edge is because of the accident, and even though we don’t see her in the book as much since Pip has moved to London; she appears to be on edge. Because of Mrs. Joe’s needs, Joe and Biddy must think of her demands and needs to be ear splitting because after the accident she can’t really do anything for herself.

    Extra Credit
    (it doesn't really have to do with the post)

    In Great Expectations, the exclusive Miss Havisham is like the Pigeon Lady from the movie Home Alone 2. The Pigeon Lady is like Miss Havisham because they both fell in love, and then they both were used for other people’s purposes. Unlike Miss Havisham, the lady from Home Alone 2 shut out everyone who tried to have trust in her because she was afraid of falling in love again; she was afraid of having her trust broken. This is basically the situation that Miss Havisham is in; however, Miss Havisham still trusts some people, and keeps in contact with her family, even though that she knows they just want her money. Their situations are a little bit different than each other, but their reasons for not wanting to trust people as much as they did, or at all, is the same.

  66. James McCarty
    M-Merry when having company
    R-red faced
    S-saddened by her life
    J-Joe's wife
    E-excessively clean

  67. Jessica Evans-7th period!!
    B-Blunt with her answers
    I-Independent Woman
    D-Dear to Pip's heart
    D-Downer when she speaks the truth
    Y-Yet loving to Mrs. Joe

  68. Ashley Buda Period 2


  69. Daniel Kim 2nd period
    Evil with no heart
    So cruel to Pip
    Teases boys with her beauty
    Even though Pocket knows the reality
    Lures them in to break their hearts
    Loves nobody
    All because Miss Havisham raised her like that

  70. Matt Stout period 7

    C caought pip of gaurd
    A aged parrent
    S studiuos
    T tightly packed
    L little
    E elegant

  71. Brendan Harris, 7th Period.

    Deserves to be with Pip.
    Determined to serve the Gargeries.

  72. Maddie Pannell, 2nd Period

    Every man's nightmare
    Snooty and rude
    Teases Pip
    Evil by teachings, not by choice
    Loves to break hearts
    Learns her ways from Miss Havisham
    Attractive and arogant

  73. Brittany Nguyen, 3rd Period

    Perseveres to become a gentleman
    Idiotic at times
    Poised to rise into a higher class

  74. Brittany Nguyen,3rd Period!/Kaichou%20wa%20Maid-sama!%20-%2025%20-%20Large%2025.jpg

    I imagined this as Pip when he is in London because Pip is training to become a gentleman there and the guy in the picture is wearing a suit. The guy is looking away like Pip is looking away from his past. He is willing to leave behind his family and Biddy so he can have a new life and move to a higher class.

  75. Rachel Ullman, Period 3

    Petrifies Pip
    Pleases himself by scaring Pip
    "Say Lord strike you dead if you don't!'

    Convinces Pip quite easily
    Obviously means what he says
    Now and always will be in Pip's mind
    Causes Pip to lie

  76. Saqib Ali
    1st period

    Enjoys playing people's hearts

    Selfish and shameless

    Taught to hurt men

    Easily manipulating

    Loves to see others pain

    Laughs at Pip's tears

    Adopted by Mrs. Havisham

  77. Austin Harmel
    7th period

    H atred for men and those who betray her

    A ffluent from her father's inheritance

    V eil over the actions and wants of those she wishes to control

    I nsufferably dull and cruel

    S arcastic in her actions towards Pip

    H ypnotist over Estella and her love game with Pip

    A ppaling in the way she lives and acts

    M iserable after her awful wedding mishap

  78. Walton Taylor 1st Period

    Early on taught to break men's hearts

    Snobby to those of lower classes

    Teases Pip and tries to get him to like her so she can break his heart

    Easily torments Pip and other men

    Lives with Mrs. Havisham

    Leaves for Paris to torture Pip even more

    Acts as if she doesn't care about Pip but deep down probably does

  79. Caroline Gouveia Period 3

    Malicious to Joe and Pip
    Raised Pip by the Hand
    Slayed the pride of her family

    Justice is served to perpertrator
    Opressive and demanding of Pip
    Eexistentially Intimidating to everybody

  80. Edward Loskamp, 3rd Period.

    H Hating Men
    A Always Immobile
    V Veered off her life
    I Insensitive to Men
    S Sheds no Tears
    H Hatred of her old groom
    A Always destroyed
    M Makes Estella hate men

  81. Allie Myers; 7th Perios
    I chose Miss Havisham

    M ysterious
    I solated
    S atis House
    S ocial status

    H eartbreaking
    A bandoned
    V icarious revenge
    I ronic
    S topped clocks
    H umiliated
    A dopter
    M oney

  82. Claire Sammons
    3rd Period
    I chose GENTLEMAN.

    G oal of Pip
    E asy to achieve (or so Pip thinks)
    N ot the environment where Pip belongs
    T urns Pip's attitude upside down
    L eads him to London
    E stella is the reason he wants this
    M atthew Pocket will assist him
    A rguments arise between Biddy and Pip about this subject
    N early ruins Pip's life.

  83. Claire Sammons
    3rd Period
    This is a song by Taylor Swift called "Mean".
    It really describes how Estella always just brings down Pip with her words.
    Here some of the lyrics:

    "You, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me,You, have knocked me off my feet again, got me feeling like I’m nothing. You, with your voice like nails on a chalkboard calling me out when I’m wounded. You, pickin’ on the weaker man."...This describes how Estella's words cut Pip like knives and they always bring him down and make him feel ashamed.

    "Someday, I’ll be living in a big old city"...Pip is going to be living in London and he's going to be a gentleman.

    "You, have pointed out my flaws again, as if I don’t already see them. I walk with my head down, trying to block you out cause I’ll never impress you"...Estella always points out how common Pip is, and he already knows that, so it just makes him even more ashamed. Deep in his heart he kind of knows that he won't ever impress her, but he wants to keep trying.

    "I bet you got pushed around, somebody made you cold"...Miss Havisham is the one that is making her do these mean things to Pip.

  84. Joy Smith 7th

    M-miss used
    S-static character

    V-vulnerable before her wedding incideny
    I-insensitive towards men
    S-sought after for her money
    H-hungry for revenge

  85. Rebeca Angoyar
    2nd Period.

    Work life is contrary from my life at home.

    Engaged in the caretaking of an "aged parent."

    My dwelling place, you may call a "gothic castle."

    My lifestyle, you may ponder.

    I behave sarcastically, harshly, and cynically on the job to fulfill the expectations my boss holds for me.

    Clerk of Jagger, I am.

    Know and understand the concept of A Time for Everything, yes, I do.


  86. Jing Tan
    1st per

    G -entlemen (Pip's journey to becoming a gentlemen for Estella)
    R -evenge (Miss Havisham is determined to gain revenge on men by using Estella to hurt Pip)
    E -ducation (Pip is educated when becoming gentlemen)
    A -lienation from Joe during transformation
    T -angible (Estella's cruelty is almost palpable when talking to Pip)

    E -quality (Pip is determined to win Estella's heart, he wants to be of equal class with her and believes by doing so, she will no doubt want to be with him)
    X -anthous (yellow- the awful yellow color of Miss Havsham's wedding dress and the roting cake)
    P -olite (Herbert is polite and Pip wishes to someday have manners like Herbert)
    E -xpectations (Pip's many unstated expectations throughout the novel)
    C -apricious (Estella is mysterious and actions are always unexpected and she is careless for Pip)
    T -antalizing (Estella is a beauty to Pip, he wants to win her heart)
    A -crimonious (Mrs.Joe is caustic and bitter towards Pip)
    T -amed beast (Estella is the tamed beast beacuse she acts on Miss Havishams orders, she is "tamed")
    I -rate (Miss Havisham holds too much of a grudge for wanting to get revenge from such a long time ago
    O -mniscient (Herbert knows everything about being a gentlemen to be able to tell Pip)
    N -arcissistic (Estella is the narcissistic one with humble attitude)
    S -ocial rise (Pip's becoming in a gentlemen raises his social class level equivalent to Estella)

    I chose to use the words great expectations because the book revolves around Pip's unspoken expectations. Aside from the title of the book, Pip experiences expectations after being changed by Estella and believes that he must impress her by becoming a gentlemen.

  87. Jing Tan
    1st per

    Extra Credit

    These are song lyrics from "Your Heart Is An Empty Room" by Death Cab For Cutie. This song represents how Estella is a cold-hearted, soulless girl.

    Burn it down
    Until the embers smoke on the ground
    And start new when your heart is an empty room
    With walls of the deepest blue

    Home's face, how it ages when you're away
    The spring blooms
    Then you find the love that's true
    But you don't know what now to do
    Because the chase is all you know
    And she stopped running months ago

    And all you see
    Is where else you could be
    When you're at home
    And out on the street
    Are so many possibilities
    To not be alone

    Flames and smoke
    Climbed out of every window
    And disappeared
    With everything that you held dear
    But you shed not a single tear
    For the things that you didn't need
    Because you knew you were finally free

    And all you see
    Is where else you could be
    When you're at home
    And out on the street
    Are so many possibilities
    To not be alone

    And all you see
    Is where else you could be
    When you're at home
    And out on the street
    Are so many possibilities
    To not be alone

    And there on the street
    Are so many possibilities
    To not be alone

    "But you shed not a single tear
    For the things that you didn't need"
    represent the motif of the concept of home. Estella's personality reflects the meaning of her name, "star". Stars are distant and far away just like her feelings. Her physical presence remains but her consciousness. remains somewhere else.

    "Flames and smoke
    Climbed out of every window
    And disappeared"
    The coldness and emotionless feelings in the Satis house can be felt by looking at the house. Dickens uses detail description of the house and how dark and eerie it is. Flames and smoke represent the soulless emotions in the house just disappearing because the emotions are 'not' there. Both Estella and Miss Havisham have dismal attitudes.

  88. Alec Browning, 7th Period

    B eautiful in atitude,
    I ncredibly reliable,
    D own to earth,
    D oesn't let her anger show,
    Y onder there, her life goes by as she cares for Mrs. Joe.

  89. Savannah Bishop- 7th Period

    W...Wealth can ruin you
    E...Eat you up inside
    A...And even when you don't know it,
    L...Later you realize
    T...That you have lost all of your loved ones
    H...How can you get them back?

    This poem is about Pip and Biddy. After Pip realizes that he is rich, he gets cocky and tells Biddy that she's just jealous of Estella and his wealth. So this poeam talks about how wealth, though it was seem good, can ruin you.

  90. Nina Thomason- 2nd Period

    F orgets the common past.
    I dealizes himself over those who raised him
    L oves the girl whos been taught to hate.
    E ngulfed by the rich's pride

    This poem is about Pip and how he's kind of in a messed up place right now as hes still trying to figure out his new life and the expectations that come with it. I chose the word file because I feel like stealing the file was kind of what first introduced us to Pip's character

  91. Rain Austin 3rd PeriodDecember 13, 2010 at 2:35 PM

    H...Hell know no fire like a woman shamed
    A..Alone in her pain
    V..Vicious in her revenge
    I...Insatiable desire for love
    S...Spinning a web around Pip just like the spiders spun cobwebs around her dreams
    H...Haunted by her past, her life wasting away
    A...A shadow of the woman she used to be,
    M...Malicious? or just Misunderstood?

  92. Jenna Medcalf 3rd Period

    Life as Pip wishes his were, but
    Only in his dreams.
    Not what he imagined, and his
    Dreams are coming to an end.
    Once a beautiful fantasy,
    Now the truth is clear.

  93. Brandon Flynt 3rd period

    W works for Mr. Jaggers
    E entertaining at his home
    M moves between fun and serious
    M multiple personalities
    I inteligent
    C cares for his "Aged Parent"
    K king in his castle

  94. Trevor Thorburn 7th period
    Sinister to poor people
    Tries to make Pip feel bad about himself
    Extraordinarily beautiful
    Love between her and pip seem like destiny
    Likes to start battles with others
    A servant of ms Havisham

  95. Paul An 7th Period

    E Evil
    S Seductive
    T Tortures Pip's Mind
    E Entertained by heart breaks
    L Likes to break hearts
    L Listens to Ms. Havisham
    A Attractive

  96. Avery White 3rd period

    J Jolly in some ways
    O Old, but not yet wise
    E Envious (but in a different way than Pip, when joe confesses to Pip he has never learned to read, I picked up on a sense of envy.)

  97. Jessie Donnan
    3rd period

    M makings of a perfect hiding place
    A are a faint black line in the night
    R reaching for evil
    S showing that it has a simple pleasure
    H having a secret of its own
    E eventually they will discover
    S the secrets lying within

  98. Joseph Ryan McLane Sr., 7th Period
    M-Messed up (seriously, self-explanatory)
    I-Idiotic (opinion)
    S-Sufferer (from men)
    S-Satis House (her life in a sense)

    H-Hatred (along with anger)
    A-Anger (hyped up for so long)
    V-Vengeful (looking for it)
    I-Idol (to Estella in a way)
    S-Super Woman (nothing can break her down)
    H-Heartbreak (husband left her)
    A-A Maniac (got lazy, but true with her life)
    M-Minutes:20, 'til 9(time she received letter)
