How does this work??

In addition to reading the book, you will be asked to blog about the book and various posted topics relating to Great Expectations.

Everyday there will be a new post. The post will have an

assignment containing: a topic, a quote, a picture, ect. Your

assignment is to comment on the post including 3-5 sentences.

Click on the number of comments to add your comment.

Extra credit options are included at the bottom the page.

Thank You

Dear classes of Mrs.Hedrick,
Thank you for being apart of this wonderfull experience in my student teaching internship. All of you really took to this blog with great effort. Advice from me to you: Where every you go, What ever you do, and What ever goal you set for yourself do so with all of your heart and nothing less. Good luck to all of you. Happy Hoildays!

Alexis Thornton

PS: 7th period you guys are asome and I had a great time. I hope my future students are as excited to learn as all of you are!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Post #9: Put your self in Pip's shoes!!

In chapter 28 when pip arrives at his hotel, he reads a notice in a newspaper, from which he learns that Pumblechook is taking credit for his rise in status. If you were in Pip's shoes how would you feel?
Explain what you would have done in this situation and why!


  1. Ali Bell
    1st Period

    If I were Pip, and Pumblechook really was trying to take credit for my rising in status I would not let it happen. I wwould tell a newspaper reporter about my whole life. From Pumblechook mistreating me, to Ms. Havisham's kindness. I would tell them all about how I thought Ms. Havisham was responsible for my funding.

  2. Shiv Patel
    2nd Period

    If I were Pip, I would probably be really angry and irritated at the beginning. Pumblechook had treated me like a slave when I was little. He wouldn’t even let me talk at the dinner table. He always said that I was a burden to my sister. I hated him, and he had hated me, but then one day Pumblechook came over and told me that he had gotten me a job. A job uptown at Ms. Havisham’s. There, I met Estella and Ms. Havisham. I liked Ms. Havisham, but I liked Estella more, even if she treated me like dirt. It just made me want her even more, so I set out on a quest for knowledge. The one way to win Estella was to become a gentleman. Five years after I met Estella, a lawyer came and told me that I was to go to London to become a gentleman. So in a twisted sort of way, Mr. Pumblechook is responsible for raising my status, and I should thank him for it.

  3. Amira Yanni, 7th Period.
    Wow, this reminds me of when Harry Potter read all those untrue newspaper articles on him. Shame on Rita Skeeter.
    If I was Pip, I would be angry that someone was trying to use me to get more money. Uncle P did not pay one penny toward him when he was little and always complained about his presence. The only thing he did for Pip was tell him of his play-date with Estella. In a way, it might be true that he raised his status, but we still don't know who the benefactor is. We can't push it on Miss. Havinsham, and then then say it was Mr. Pumbleshook who has the credit.

  4. Ansley Hunter 7th Period,

    If i was Pip, I would talk to Pumblechook and ask him to tell the truth. He had a small role in my rise in status, and there was other people who contributed too. I would be angry that he would lie to get more money. If he wouldn't tell the truth, I would go to the newspapers and tell my story and how Mr. Jaggers came to me one day and told me of my expectations. I would also mention that I didn't know who was responsible for my rise in status, but when I found out I would be sure to give them credit for it.

  5. Sidd Meka 2nd Period-
    If I were Pip, I would be angry at Pumblechook. I would be furious if someone took credit for my rise in status. I would go up to Pumblechook and have a talk with him. I would hope that he would understand what I was talking about and tell the truth that I should be the only one to take credit for my rise in status. If Pumblechook doesn't tell the truth the next day, I would go up to him and make sure he understands one way or another.

  6. Eliza Ali 1st Period

    If I was Pip, I would be pretty irritated and angry, but also a little amused. Pumblechook always talked about how horrible of a kid Pip was and only got Pip a job at Miss Havisham's place because he knew Pip probably wouldn't like it. Pumblechook is the one that always made Pip uncomfortable and feel out of place at dinner too. I would also be kind of amused if I was Pip because now the tables turned on Pumblechook and he is trying to use Pip for his own benefit. I would handle this situation by taking the article to Pumblechook and confronting him about it. I'm pretty sure Pumblechook would either be speechless or try to convince me that he was the reason I was so successful. I would tell him that if he didn't tell the reporters the truth, I would go to the reporters and tell them the real story of my life. I would tell them about the dinners we had together and how Joe was the only one that tried to save me from Pumblechook’s harsh words. I would tell them about Miss Havisham being the true source of my success. I would tell them about Biddy being my wise friend that now takes care of Mrs. Joe, allowing me to be away from home and make my fortune.

  7. Lindsey Garrett 2nd Period

    If I were Pip in this situation, I would be very annoyed at Pumblechook. It would be typical of him to always try and turn the spotlight towards himself, especially when involving Pip.Knowing his character, he probably didn't think Pip would see it, since he was supposed to be studying in London , or he thought that he might see it, but wouldn't do anything about it. Because of that, it would be a little humorous also.If I were Pip, I wouldn't take action against Pumblechook yet, but I would see if he would continue spreading lies, and then try to stop him.

  8. Fabrice De Miguel Wombel 1st Period

    I would be furious. Pumblechook was the man that always said Pip was a worthless, troublemaking boy. Who always seemed to be picking on Pip. What a great amount of arrogance one must have to pull this off. I would go up to Pumblechook and tell him that next time could you be a little more humble please. Because then he's going to start to say he had a hand on all of Pip's accomplishment

  9. Bindi Patel 3rd Period

    If I was Pip, I would be slightly amused that Pumblechook needed me for his own selfish reasons. Pumblechook always looked down upon me since I was little, and now that I have acquired wealth he wants to be associated with him. If I was Pip, I would deny the very fact of knowing Pumblechook because then Pumblechook would face many questions and looked down upon. I would not however be mad because he was one of the main reasons that led up to me wanting to become a gentleman. Without a Pumblechook, there would be no Miss Havisham, no Estella, and therefore no occurrence in my life causing me to have the goal of becoming a gentleman.

  10. James McCarty 1st

    I would probably just laugh at it.I mean its really not hurting anyone.I would tell him to knock it off and that he did not help me in the least.If he continued saying that he helped make me become what I am today I would just write a article to be published that told the truth thus destroying is reputation, but that's after asking him nicely to stop.

  11. wow it posted this time!!!

  12. Martha Weber 3rd Period

    If I were in Pip's shoes I would be very agitated. Mr. Pumblechock used to be so mean to Pip; then, Pip got money. Ever since Pumblechock has been nice and now claims that Pip is his protege. This infuriates me! Pumblechock is such a pretender. He is mean to everyone below him, and he kisses up to everyone above him. I don't know if he has a true friend anywhere. Plus, Pumblechock is taking credit for Pip's benefactor and Pip's work in becoming a gentleman. Pumblechock is stealing Pip's spotlight! If I were Pip this would make me sad and upset. Am I not good enough to credit for something on my own? Why does the guy who was so mean to me have everything go his way? If I were Pip I would think the situation was unfair. Moreover, I would be mad at Pumblechock. He is such a mean, annoying, thieving kiss-up.

  13. Clara Sims
    3rd Period

    I think that I would be a little irratated, but it wouldn't suprise me. As soon as Pumblechook found out that Pip received a fortune, his attitude completely changed. It's only natural that Pumblechook wanted to receive something, even if it was just credit. I probably would just laugh and shrug it off, because it's not a big deal, but next time I saw Pumblechook, I would ask him about it just to make him feel like an idiot. (: haha.

  14. Nick Na 1P

    This is one of those times where a REALLY good author can REALLY invoke strong emotions in the audience. The hypocrisy really makes me mad. If I was Pip though, I would not have taken an act of violence but rather have told the real truth to everyone. A lot of people were hypocrites back then, take a look at Mr. Wopsle. I'm sure Pip felt the fake acting in these kinds of people and was enraged by them. In this way, I would really try to show Pumblechook for the way he is, a real liar.

    Ms. Hedrick, may I do this. I want to put in a movie trailer that relates to this post.

    This is the trailer for Karate Kid (the new one). When I watched this, the chinese kids made me really angry. Good authors/artist/etc. do this. They can make scenes of a really not fair fight invoke strong emotions in the audience. The whole time, I remember thinking how the one chinese leader kid was such a wimp for having his friends with him to beat up one kid. It was def not a fair fight. This is like where Pumblechook takes unfair credit towards Pip's success just to make himself get better.

  15. Abigrace Diprima, Period 3

    If I were Pip, I would be angry that Pumblechook faslely explained my rise in status. However, I would have not been surprised that Pumblechook would do something like that just to get himself some credit and recognition. I would be angry at Pumblechook, but most irritated because I would want people reading the newspaper to know the real reason my status had risen. If I were in Pip's shoes, I would have confronted Pumblechook about what he did and then (depending on what came of the confrontation) possibly gone to the people who edited/published the paper to try to get the story straight for the public. I would do this because I think Pumblechook needs to finally be put in his place.

  16. Hannah Kuzel, Period 3
    If I were Pip, I would be furious. I agree with Nick. I was watching that movie last night and it made me so mad. What did he ever do to them? Mr. Pumblechook and Pip are just like this. Pip has always been nothing but kind and polite to Mr. Pumblechook, even though Mr. Pumblechook is always quite rude to him. And now he's trying to take credit for Pip's rise in status, and that just isn't fair. I would somebody, anybody with power, and tell them my story. Then Pumblechook could be put in his place.

  17. Alex Ruddick 7th Period

    If I were in Pip shoes, I would not be surprised at all that Pumblechook took the credit. It fits his character, and it would almost appear like Dickens forgot about it if Pumblechook did not take the credit. Also, I would be mad, but not on my behalf. Joe deserves all of the credit because he was always at Pip's side and helped him.

  18. Isabel Babb.
    Seventh period :)

    If i was Pip, i would probably just let it go. At first i would probably be a little shocked and annoyed. But, it's human nature to want to get ahead or to be better than everyone else. Pip wants to reach his great expectations, and so does Pumblechook. The way he went about it wasn't really ethically correct, but why should Pip be mad. Pip already has much, much more than Pumblechook. He shouldn't be so petty that he can't share the fame a little. He can't blame Pumblechook for wanting to get ahead just as Pip wants to get ahead.

  19. Meredith Bradley, 2nd period.

    If I were Pip, I would be extremely mad at Pumblechook. Before Pip received his fortune, Pumblechook treated him like crap. When he was always yelling problems at him to figure out, I think that would have made me really frustrated; it would quickly become annoying. Plus, Pumblechook always talked down to Pip; he wouldn't even let Pip talk at the dinner table, so why should he take credit? If I were Pip I would be angry because the people who read the paper would think that my becoming a gentleman was my (mean) uncle’s doing, when truly it was a different story completely.

  20. Robert Cunningham, 3rd Period

    If I were Pip, I would be irritated to hear about how everyone thinks that Pumblechook is responsible for my great fortune, but at the same time, I would find it to be a great opportunity. Pumblechook is definitely a two-faced person. At first, he didn't care anything about me because he assumed at I had no future, but right when I got an opportunity, he would act like I was his property and take credit for everything that I did. I would know that this had to stop, and I would confront Pumblechook and expose the truth that hides under his many rolls of fat (hahah)! Much like the situation when Jaggers exposed Wopsle, everyone would see that Pumblechook isn't what he says he is.

  21. Taylor Harp, 3rd period (;

    If I were Pip, I'd be kind of annoyed that Pumblechook wants to be accompanied with me AFTER the fact that I got money. Beforehand, he looked down upon me and degraded me when I was a mere child, but once he found out my status grew tremendously, he wants to take full command. I'd comfront him and convince him to tell the truth for not having full credit on my achievement, because other people had part in my prosper. I wouldn't be annoyed very long, though, because I can see how he would want to take credit for Pip's rise in status because he was the one who brought Pip to Miss Havisham's and had Pip encounter Estella that changed his life forever (Theme: once you meet someone in your life, you are forever changed!). But, as a result, I'd still go tell the newspaper how I came to be (aka, the cold, hard truth), and give credit to all those who took part.

  22. Allie Campbell, 7th period

    If I were Pip, that article would not surprise me. Pumblechook brags about everything, including things he doesn't even know (like when he was pretentding he'd seen Miss Havisham's house). I would probably grind my teeth a few times. Also, if anyone ever mentioned something about it, I would reveal the truth. But then again, I would be somewhat grateful that Pumblechook did work with Miss Havisham. Technically Pumblechook was the only reason Pip went to Miss Havisham's and Miss Havisham was the only reason Pip came into wealth. But still, that happened accidentially; Pumblechook never meant to set up Pip's visit with Miss Havisham. But no one likes a bragger... so overall I'd be thankful but a little annoyed.

  23. Rebekah Kern, 2nd Period.

    If I were Pip, I would be annoyed and not really surprised with the article. Since Pumblechook is just trying to further himself in his social status, just like Pip, there isn't really anything I could do since it would be hypocritical to be too upset with him. I would just keep the truth to myself and be thankful that I had still gotten the opportunity to go to Miss Havisham's house because of him and keep my mouth shut.

  24. Jordan McKay period 2

    If i were Pip i would be very angry. Throughout Pips ealy life, Pumblechook made Pips life terrible. Dickens motif has been the mistreatment of children and it has been stressed through the use of Pumblechook. Pumblechook refuses to let pip speak at the dinner table. Also Pumblechook would always talk to pip like pip was a dog. Pumblechook was like drill segeant and would always yell problems at Pip. Pumblechook did nothing to pips life but make it miserable and if iu were Pip I would be very irritated at his arrogance

  25. Katherine Read; 2nd period.

    If I were Pip, I would be slightly annoyed with Pumblechook. It's typical of him to want to turn the spotlight back to himself and try to rise his status by taking credit for the whole tihng. Although Pumblechook offered a little help to Pip in the beginnning, it's wrong of him to take full credit.

  26. Lucas Montouchet, 1st period



    I helped the convict,
    I wanted no conflict.
    I used to apprentice,
    With Joe the blacksmith.
    I used to be common,
    Now I am a gentleman.

    I now have few friends,
    I think I over spend…
    Will this ever end?
    I am in over my head…
    I am obsessed,
    With Estella the princess.

  27. Jessica Evans-7th period!!
    If I were in Pip's shoes, i would feel betrayed by a "friend. Although Pumblechook had helped me along the way, I would not like the fact that he is taking credit of what i did by myself. Because he is not the one making the decisions of what i do all the time, I would be, therefore I should get the credit.

  28. Daniel Kim 2nd Period
    If I were Pip I would be infuriated. Pumblechook may have referred him to miss Havisham but I would think how dare he take all credit? I would confront Pumblechook and talk down to him like he did to Pip. I would make him feel as bad as Pip felt before he became wealthy. I wouldn't go to the newspapers though because it would be much more affective to make him feel like a lowly commoner.

  29. Carleigh Brisendine 1st period

    If I were Pip, I would be slightly upset, but I don't think I would do anything about it. I would be upset and treat Pumblechook differently. It is unfair that Pumbechook is taking all the credit, but it really isn't hurting anybody. His lies are not hurting anybody, so I would probably leave them be. i would also leave themalone because the important people in my life would know the truth,so people who I don't care about can know what ever they want, because their opinions don't matter. Pumblechook would also feel the hurt of telling the lies, because if he ever expected me to treat him kindly, if i had planned to I wouldn't after his lies.He has always been harsh and mean to Pip, and doesn't deserve Pip's good opinion.

  30. Daniel Kim 2nd period X-Credit There's a south park episode of Great expectations that would be kind of good representation if it wasn't so rushed or they didn't add in the funny but irrelevant comments. Also only the beginning is like the book the end is just stupid

  31. Daniel Kim 2nd period
    Like seriously halfway it gets just plain imbecilic

  32. aidan hansen period 2

    if i were pip and i read that, i would be so upset. pumblechook had nothing to do with pip's rising status. pumblechook is a pompous man who omly wants to make himself look better to the public. being associated with pip and his rising status is a horrible way to make himself look better

  33. Walton Taylor 1st Period

    If I were Pip, and I found out that Pumblechook was trying to take the credit for my rising in status I would try to prevent it from continuing to happen. I would definatly make sure that he knew that he had nothing to do with my rise in status, especially considering his mistreatment of me multiple time before he learn of this opportunity. If he presisted to tell people he was the reason for my rise in status, I would eventually go and tell the newspaper the truth about it. I would tell them in my opinion, Ms. Havisham more than anyone else was responsible for it, along with all the funding and other stuff that went along with it.

  34. Matt Stout Preiod 7

    If I werw Pip i would go to Mr. Puplechucks house as soon as i could and see why he thinks that he should be cretedted with my rise in statis. I would also tell him the he may think he helped me meet Miss Havisham but as far as i know it could be someone else who helped me out. I would also tell him that he is to greedy togive me an education anyway so he would never of given me one. Then i would send a letter with money for an article to the newpaper company to tell them to take back what they said that Mr. Publchuck did to help raise my statis.

  35. Erika Sutton, 2nd Period
    If I were Pip I would be furious. Pumblechook was horrible to Pip and now all of he sudden he wants to take credit for his fortune? Pumblechook is just tryibg to make it seem like he's a good person and that he did something special for Pip. It just goes to show how much money changes the people around you.

  36. Brendan Harris, 7th Period.
    If I were Pip I would be very angry at Mr. Pumblechook and I would go and talk to him. I would ask him to tell people that he is not the only one responsible for my fame, and that he should give me and Mrs. Havisham more credit. I would tell everyone that the funding that Mrs. Havisham provided helped me to rise in status, not the minor help of Mr. Pumblechook.

  37. Erika Sutton, 2nd Period
    Extra Credit!!

    I found a picture that represents the battle between Pip's heart and mind. The mind represents Estella and all of the wealth that Pip so badly "wants". The heart represents Biddy and Joe and what he "needs" in his life. Pip is going after the wrong thing, but there are times, like the talk between Biddy and Pip, when his heart fights back and tries to steer Pip in the right direction. It is a constant battle between the two. At some points Pip's mind is victorious over his heart, and vice versa. What makes this picture and the story interesting is that it's unclear whether his heart or mind will be the true winner in the end

  38. Maddie Pannell, 2nd Period

    If I were Pip, I would be furious at Pumblechook! I would have gotten an interview with the newspaper and spoken the truth of what really happened. Pumblechook was never there for Pip, except when he was very awkwardly teaching him his math lessons by shouting at him and being bothersome. Whenever Pip told Joe and Mrs. Joe about Miss Havisham's place, Pumblechook acted like he knew everything and was trying to make himself more involved. He was NOT involved though. And I would clearly express that. It would be clear that Miss Havisham was mainly responsible for Pip's uprising, or so it seems so far. Pumblechook, however, had nothing to do with it. All of this would be told to reporters and run in an article to prove to Pumblechook that I could not be fooled and neither could anybody else.
    Also, I would not associate myself with him after that until he apologized. He is using Pip for his own fame and making himself seem wealthy and classy. Pip should not tolerate it and should break ties with Pumblechook until he sees how he was wrong and makes up for it.

  39. Rachel Ullman, Period 3

    If I were in Pip's shoes, I would contact Pumblechook myself. I would tell him how much I had disliked him ever since I was young, and that the way he treated me makes him no friend of mine. Also, he has no right to take credit for anything I have come to. Even though he did get me the job at Miss Havisham's, it was Miss Havisham who requested for me to come and play, not Pumblechook.
    Pumblechook was never kind to Pip. He treated him like dirt, even when he was little. He deserves nothing from Pip, and after this it's time that some one tell him off.

  40. Saqib Ali
    Period 1

    If I were Pip I would be very angry at Pumblechook for taking credit of Pip's rise in status. Pumblechook only had a small role when Pip was much younger. The real people who are responsible are Mrs. Havisham and Jaggers. Pip should also be mad because Pumblechook was very mean to him as a child. If he was as nice as Joe, this would be a different story.

  41. Michael Field 2nd period

    If I was Pip, I would be infuriated. After all he has been through to get there, to have someone who mistreated him try to take credit would send me over the edge. The first thing I would do is find the person in charge of the paper. I would insist that they immediately correct what they said and tell them it was a huge mistake. If I was able too, I would then return home and warn Pumblechook to never attempt something like that again.

  42. Jenna Medcalf 3rd Period

    If I were in Pip's situation, I think that I would feel several things. I would feel frustrated and slightly betrayed because as far as Pip knows, Pumblechook is lying. At the same time, I think that I might be slightly amused. Pumblechook is obviously very insecure and he feels that if he gives himself credit for Pip's success he might look better to everyone else. To me, it seems like Pumblechook's claims are a cry for attention, this is a technique used by many people in the past and present. I can understand Pip being frustrated but I think that Pip should try to imagine where Pumblechook is coming from and not get too angry at him.

  43. Tommy Templeman 7th
    If I was in Pip's shoes I would be annoyed at Pumblechook. All of Pip's life, Pumblechook was there to bring him down. It did not matter what Pip did, Pumblechook was rude. Finally, when Pip gets money and raises in social status, Pumblechook gets jealous and tells that he is the one that helped. This is a an excellent sign of a poor sportsmanship.

  44. Mitchell Johnson
    Period 7

    If Pumblechook were trying to take credit for my success, i would be very angry, i would probably try to talk to him about his actions. I would try to emphasize how much work i have put into this, and how little he has done. Pumblechook really was a mean character and i would try to do all i could to let everyone know that Pumblechook really did nothing.

  45. Edward Loskamp, 3rd Period

    I would really fell very awkward, due to Pip's previous relationship with Pumblechook before he got his money. Pumblechook only really likes Pip because he got all of the money from his mysterious benefactor. If I were Pip, I would probably try to get a real relationship with Pumblechook, not based on wealth or anything like that.

  46. Ryan Whitfield 7th Period

    If I was in Pip's shoes, I would be completely outraged. Pip is the one who struggled to get where he is now. People such as Mr. Pumblechook have been attempting to bring him down his whole life. However, there are exceptions such as Miss Havisham who actually care, and want Pip to strive in life. Mr. Pumblechook made a very pathetic move by stating he is the reason of Pip's newfound success. I guess it shows that money doesn't only change yourself, but also the people who hang around you.

  47. Caroline Gouveia Period 3

    I've written a monologue of sorts for Pip. It's from the perspective of Pip while he reads

    "Would someone please clarify what I am reading? Has Pumblechook again disrespected me? After a childhood of his scrutiny, he rewards me with deceit. Oh, how low he has gone! Stealing fame from a young boy like myself. When I am at last an official gentleman, I shall show him! I will show him how a real man EARNS fame! He will no longer think of my name as the small defenseless boy that was I in the past. He will see a man unlike himself. A noble and imperior figure of high class. He will see my personal growth. I anticipate that day."

  48. Jordan Locke 1st

    if i were pip i would definetally feel very angry. pumblechook did little to nothing to get pip to were he was. Mr pumblechook only heald pip back by mistreating him, and now he is saying that he helped him to become sucessful. i would be outraged, and would want people to know the truth of how mrs havisham is one of the people who helped pip become sucessful and that mr pumblechook only kept me from becoming the person he had become

  49. Brittany Nguyen,3rd Period

    If I was in Pip's shoes, I would feel angry yet i would also find it intriguing. I would feel angry because Pumblechook would also say things to him that would bring him down and he would never stop annoying. Also, when Pip was apprenticed to Joe, Pumblechook took Pip to the court and made it seem to the civilians as if Pip was a delinquent. I find it intriguing because as soon as Pip has money, Pumblechook called him his friend and now Pumblechook has to use Pip to get his 15 minutes of fame.

  50. Drew Hutchinson 7th period!!!!
    If i was Pip, i would definitely not be polite about the manner at hand. Pumblechook just wants to be recognized for something, so he uses Pip to do it. I mean, come on, if that's the only way to be recognized for Pumblechook, that's pretty sad. Anyways, I would go to Pumblechook and demand that he go and tell the people that he was a liar, and then I would have him made fun of. Case in point, i would not be happy.

  51. Per. 2

    When we first met Pumblechook in the book, he seemed like a very vain and egotistic person. He mistreated Pip from the moment that he layed eyes on him, silencing him at the table and reminding him at every turn that Mrs. Joe had "raised him by hand." Pip felt very hurt by this treatment and it increased his dislike for Pumblechook. If I was Pip I would feel like this was the last straw. Though Pumblechook may have had some tiny thing to do with my success, I would not stand for this twist of the truth. I would most likely make Pumblechook tell the papers the truth, and share my side of the story. I would give credit to him for getting the ball rolling, but would inform them that he had no right to claim all of the credit. So in the end his schemes would be exposed.

  52. Sheridan Schuster, 1st period.
    I would feel enraged that Pumblechook would be so inconsiderate. I would be more mad at the fact that he's taking credit for what Joe did. Also, when Joe comes to visit, Pip doesn't necessarily show that he like's Joe's company. When Joe leaves, Pip chases after him, and finds all this out. He wants to show Joe right away, and he does. He finds that Joe is mad, but he's not planning on doing anything about it. Pip feels mad at Joe for not taking initiative, and he wants to step up to the plate.

  53. Brandon Flynt 3rd period

    if I were Pip in chapter 28, I would probably have mixed feelings about Mr. Pumblechook taking credit. I would mostly be angry based on how Mr. Pumblechook treated Pip when Pip was younger. On the other side, there might be some feelings of pity for him because of how desperate Mr. Pumblechook is to be known and gain status. Pity would be minor compared to the anger I would feel and i would reveal him for who he truely is.

  54. Ahmad Rathor, 3rd Period

    If I was Pip, I would be really angry with Mr. Pumblechook because in my opinion it is not morally right to take credit of things you did not have a part of. I think Pip may soon be angry and have those same feelings he had when he was a boy to him.

  55. Brittany Tan, Per. 1

    If I were Pip, I would be furious--even more mad than when people use "your" as the contraction for "you are." However, I don't think I could have done anything about it, except contact Pumblechook and give him a piece of my mind. In my opinion, Pumblechook is just a selfish son of a nugget who just wants his name out there. Before Pip got money, Pumblechook had never cared for him. Now, the little gold digger is trying to take credit for Pip's raise in social status.

  56. Joy Smith 7th

    if i were pip, instead of creating a big fuss i would just be done with pumblechook. at first i would sit and talk with him and ask that if he were to take credit of my rise then give credit to all that credit is due.its not as if i could go and say i did it all by myself because i didnt. he didnt play a major role but if he hadnt played the role that he did would i have been were i am now. that would be my mindset. i would just remeber that what comes up must comes down and i would not want to be the one that threw something back up, because then i would have to share the reprucutions as pumblechook will. and im hoping in the book that Dickens does show Pumbleshooks reprucutions of taking all thecredit form pips success.

  57. Joy Smith 7th
    extra credit

    fighting with my self
    is he worth it,
    or is he not,
    without him,
    would i have what i got?
    with all respect,
    he helped me yes,
    but all the credit,
    only goes to the best.

    should i react,
    and put up a fight,
    but will doing that ruin,
    the best part of my night?,
    if I know what i do and dont owe him,
    the theres no reason for ending to this po-em.

    everyone deserves to know the truth,
    so even without my actions,
    things he said he will rue.

  58. Jing Tan
    1st per

    Afflicted. Pained. Discomfort. Oh, Mr.Pumblechook, how dare he??!!

    Feeling from Pip's viewpoint, there clearly will be a feeling of annoyance with the man. Pumblechook has no right taking credit from Pip. Even with the afflicting anger, much can't be done to the man since once done is done. Besides being bothered by Pumblechook's selfish manner, he is also the driving vehicle for satire throughout the novel. This character is a stereotype of the shallow class-obsessed and envious man who is also a hypocrite and one who exploits others; he is comical in his pompous foolishness. Pumblechook certainly is a round charcter.

  59. Rebecca Angoyar
    2nd period.

    If I were Pip, I would be very upset that Mr. Pumblechook. I would have immediately approached Mr. Pumblechook and I probably would have gone off on him, telling him how I felt. Then I would have cut of all connections with Pumblechook. I would not bother trying to tell the people the truth, because they probably would not believe me. I would be upset. I would think so many negative things about Pumblechook. I would think of him as selfish, greedy, ungrateful, and foolish. Selfish because he wants the fame all to himself. He is not willing to give credit where credit is owed. He knows he is not the "founder of Pip's fortunes," but he claims he is. He is also greedy in the fact that he is wealthy, but he wants fame and he is willing to deceive others to receive that fame. He is ungrateful with the wealth he has, so he looks for a way to make himself famous. He is foolish, because it is true, that eventually the person who is the true founder of Pip's fortunes will reveal himself and Pumblechoock will have to deal with the embarrassment of lying to the public and possibly with the founder of Pip's fortunes.

  60. Saraya Haynes, 7th period

    If I were in Pip's shoes and I heard that Pumblechook was my benefactor, I would be shocked, confused, and suspicious. I would not believe that Pumblechook, who had been critical of me my whole life, would fund my education. It makes no sense that Pumblechook would fund Pip, but that Miss Havisham, who had taken an instant liking to Pip, would pay for his education. If I were Pip I would confront Pumblechook and get the truth from him.

  61. Hobbie McCain 7th period.
    If i were pip i would go crazy on pumblechook. all pips life Pumblechook and everyone else had been making fun of pip and bringing him down. now all of a sudden when i get money you want to act like we are best friends and that it was all your doing. i say nay! thats ludichris and i wud not stand for it. Thats just straight up wrong. pumble chook never even apologized for how he treated pip!

  62. Moya Tomlin 1st period

    If I was in Pip's situation, I would be angry. Pip did not give him permission, and he shouldn't have put it down that he started all of this without proper proof. Also, at first I would have some anger toward the press. They didn't ask if it were true, or try to find any proof that Pumblechook was telling the truth. Though later I would calm down and Confront Pumblechook about it (privately). Then, I would set forth to tell the press what really happened.

  63. Erica Mills 3rd period

    If I was Pip, I'd be furious. Knowing me, I'd do something completely irrational such as go yell at the man for 30 minutes straight and demand him to tell the truth to the press. Then later I'd apoligize and work things out with him, such as try and discover what his motive would have been, and then quietly plot my revenge... just kidding. I would then wait for the next paper and see if pumblechook really did fix his mistake. If he did, I'd go on and treat him well again. If he didn't, well, the entire process would just start again. That's what I would do. Pip will probably handle it much better than I would.

  64. RJ Brown
    7th period

    If I were Pip i would feel violated and taken advantage of.Pumblechook had nothing to do with Pip's success. If anything its the exact opposite, during his childhood all Pumbblechook did was put Pip down and make him feel like he is not as smart as anyone else.If i were Pip i would tell everyone that he is a fraud and a liar, and let let everyone know that if anyone is responsible its Joe because he always had faith in Pip when no one else did.

  65. Anthony Choo, 2nd Period

    If I were in Pip's shoes and an old relative of mine has taken credit into raising me to be a gentlemen, I would be furious! How dare he, that scoundrel old uncle that barely gives a damn about me and just wants his portion of popularity and money. However, I may be a gentlemen, but truly I am only a child. Pumblechuck may be wrong, but as an adult he is believed by a lot of people. I am still a child and if I start an argument, I am most likely not able to win. Who would want to trust a kid like me? A kid that is presumed to be immature and foolish. It's always the adults that wins in a fight with children. Like always, the adults are believed to be more "wiser" and "smarter" but who knows? They might look like a 25 year old but their mind isn't one. I, as a smart gentlemen, would approach Mr. Jaggers, my lawyer, to pay a little "visit" to Pumblechuck. I mean, he was employed to raise me as a gentlemen, so if I employ him to help me; I'm pretty sure Mr. Pumblechuck will stop his little influence on people. Mr. Jaggers already proved his expertise with Mr. Wopsle and he doesn't have to believe me, all I have to do is pay the guineas. Like Wemmick said, "You may get cheated, robbed, and murdered, in London. But there are plenty of people anywhere, who'll do that for you."

  66. Sarah Rainwater, Period 3
    If I was Pip, i would be completely ticked off! I mean first off, it's not like Pumblechook and Pip were ever real friends. In fact, I'd say the complete opposite. Pumblechook has critiqued Pip ever since he set eyes on Pip, and was just plain mean to him. The only reason their "friendship" ever came about was because Pip got money and Pumblechook knew that Pip's status would rise greatly. I wrote friendship like that because honestly, i wouldn't call what they have a friendship due to the modivation behind Pumblechook wanting to be kind to Pip. Personally, at this point I would just write to the newspaper and get them to publish something embarrassing about Pumblechook if only to make Pumblechook realize that his status in society is a result of Pip, not his own works.

  67. Hobbie McCain 7th period.
    to everyone that said pumblechook had nothing to do wih pips success. on further analasyis i think that it might be possible for pip to feel like he wanted to prove everyone wrong. like when someone tells you that you cant do something then you automatically want to prove them wrpng. that might have happened here. but im not saying your wrong just something to consider:D

  68. Emily Everett, 7th Period

    If I was Pip I would talk to the reporter and tell them that my rise in status is because of Miss Havisham and my funder. Mr. Pumblechook only introduced me too Miss Havisham, which he should get little credit for, but Miss Havisham tought him the most. Pumblechook didn't do anything in his childhood and just talked about "kids", pointed at Pip.

  69. Trevor Thorburn 7th period

    I would be absolutely furious. Pip rose in status because of Ms. Havisham (or whoever that provider is), not uncle Pumblechook. The uncle wasn't exactly the greatest uncle to Pip either, so it makes this false claim even more infuriating to Pip. In short, I would be very very angry at the uncle.

  70. Ben Tesema- 3rd Period

    If I was in Pip's shoes, I would, as most people, confront the reporter and tell the truth. Pumblechook from the beginning never liked him, and now he wants to take credit for Pip becoming a gentlemen? I dont think so! He would only want to like Pip because of his wealth; and we don't need friends like that. To me, I think Pumblechook's intentions from the start were just to bring Pip's self-esteem down. Respecting your elders is one thing, but, even as a gentlemen, Pip must reveal the truth.

  71. Alex Yarini 1st period

    Wow that's a shocker, not! If I were Pip, I would not be suprised to hear this. Uncle Pumblechook is an attention hog. He wants his name to be in lights. I think that telling the newspaper article writer would not do any good and would be a waste of time. Uncle Pumblechook is a jerk and I would hope, as Pip, one day he would get what he deserved.

  72. Marina O’Connell
    period one

    If I were Pip I would not be happy with Pumblechook, he is trying to take all the credit! I’m not going to lie, he did have a little role in my uprising because if it wasn’t for him introducing me to miss havisham nothing would be like this, but it certainly isn’t enough to take credit for it all. Pumblechook it totally contradicting himself, he has been nothing but disrespectful to me my whole life, and now when this opportunity comes along and try to take all the glory. Absolutely not. I would give him a piece of my mind. Let me explain my story will ya!

  73. Marina O’Connell
    period one
    extra credit 2
    as I read this story, Beast from Beauty and the Beast just keeps poping in my head. I have felt like Pip resembles Beast, and what he wants in life. In order to feel accepted by Bell Beast wants to be hi norml self, clean cut, and beautiful, but all he has going for him at this point is the grungy and hair beat that he. I feel like this is how Pip is, very un-accepting of who he is.

  74. Hobbie McCAin 7th
    I have changed sides. i think if i was pip i wud not care that much. i wud just be thnkful i got there let pumblechook have his glory. that just shows that he is insecure if he has to lie to get recognized. there is no point in stressin. pip has enough on his plate. he just moved to london and he is already having conflict with dussel and what not. its just not that big a deal. it would show his immaturity if he were to respond with hostility and show how much gentleman training he needs! I WIN

  75. Avery White
    7th period

    If I were Pip in this situation, I would be outraged. Pumblechook is trying to say he has made Pip into a gentleman. Being Pip, I would make sure to notify someone who was on the newspaper, and tell them how Pumblechook has mistreated him his whole life. Pumblechook did not make the right move in this chapter.

  76. Emily Everett, 7th Period

    Bruno Mars- Just the Way You Are

    Oh her eyes, her eyes
    Make the stars look like they're not shining
    Her hair, her hair
    Falls perfectly without her trying

    She's so beautiful
    And I tell her every day

    Yeah I know, I know
    When I compliment her
    She wont believe me
    And its so, its so
    Sad to think she don't see what I see

    But every time she asks me do I look okay
    I say

    When I see your face
    There's not a thing that I would change
    Cause you're amazing
    Just the way you are
    And when you smile,
    The whole world stops and stares for awhile
    Cause girl you're amazing
    Just the way you are

    Her nails, her nails
    I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
    Her laugh, her laugh
    She hates but I think its so sexy

    She's so beautiful
    And I tell her every day

    Oh you know, you know, you know
    Id never ask you to change
    If perfect is what you're searching for
    Then just stay the same

    So don't even bother asking
    If you look okay
    You know I say

    When I see your face
    There's not a thing that I would change
    Cause you're amazing
    Just the way you are
    And when you smile,
    The whole world stops and stares for awhile
    Cause girl you're amazing
    Just the way you are

    The way you are
    The way you are
    Girl you're amazing
    Just the way you are

    When I see your face
    There's not a thing that I would change
    Cause you're amazing
    Just the way you are
    And when you smile,
    The whole world stops and stares for awhile
    Cause girl you're amazing
    Just the way you are

    I think that this songs would be somethin that Pip could sing about Estella. He loves her just the way she is, even though she isn't gonna love him back and that she has no heart. If she was to ask how do I look, he would answer I wouldn't change a thing, I love you just the way you are.

  77. Nina Thomason- 2nd Period

    If i were Pip, I probably wouldn't do anything. Pumblechook is the kind of guy who just wants to be known, and accepted. He is like the person who is always trying to be popular. Although in the beginning of the book, he annoys Pip, by the time Pip is older, Pip says he sees him as a friend. Friends help friends and Pumblechook DID help Pip by getting him a visit with Miss Havisham. I think I would just let him have his time in the spot light because it is not like the newspaper is making Pip's wealth and status go down. I might tell Pumblechook to mentions others like Miss. Havisham and Joe etc. but i wouldn't take away the story.

  78. Ashley Buda Period 2
    If I were in Pip’s shoes,-which are no longer think boots! (:-I would be unmoved and uncaring about Pumblechook taking credit for my rise in status. I might be a little irritated, but overall the situation would not matter to me. Pip always knew Pumblechook’s proud personality, so he should not be shocked by the news. If I were Pip, I would just think about how small and insignificant Pumblechook is to me. On the bright side, it may turn out to be a positive thing that the village thinks Pumblechook is Pip’s benefactor. One of the conditions Pip agreed to before gaining his money was to not question or tell anyone who his liberal donor may be. Pip thinks that Miss Havisham was the liberal donor. The newspaper article serves as a shield in protecting one of Pip’s most valuable secrets. The public is unknowing and oblivious to who the real person is, which is a plus for Pip.

  79. Ashley Buda Period 2
    On my post above, I noticed a typo-I meant to say “thick” boots, not “think” boots. Sorry!

  80. Arnelle Obode 2nd

    If you know me well enough by now, you should also know my reaction, but just in case...I would flip out of course! Somebody moves in and tries to take MY credit?!?!?! I don't think so! The only flattering thing is that my status is so huge, that people are trying to take credit for it!

  81. Joseph Ryan McLane Sr., 7th Period
    First off, if I was Pip I would just be proud to have gotten off that coach with the two convicts. It is abnormally satisfying because the convict that Pip was in the pub with that one day was discussing giving money to 'Pip's convict,' which brought back the eerie memories of that night in the marshes. To add, I would not be surprised and would have been expecting this for a while because Pumblechook has always been on the boastful side of life. Furthermore, I would be pretty peeved because his rise in status occurred from Pip's hard work and learning. Lastly, I hope I am never in Pip's boots, that man has one messed up life.

  82. Jessie Donnan
    3rd period

    If this had happened to me I would be so angry at Pumblechock. If Pumblechuck had anything to do with Pip`s rise in status.
    However I love what Ashley Buda said because I can see this as being true also. Pumblechock saying that could just be a better thing all in the same without Pip actually knowing who his real benefactor may be.

  83. Paul An 7th Period

    I would be very angry if i found out that my own uncle took all the glory for something he only hada little part in. Also the fact that he had to announce it through a newspaper. The first thing I would do is confront him and ask him twhy he thinks that he deserves the glory then I would try and negotiate. Hoever if he gave a stupid reason I would immediately find away to expose Uncle Pumblechook and tell everybody that he is not the only reason that I was sent to London.

  84. Katie Reid
    In that situation I would feel frustrated, but not surprised. To me Pumblechook always seemed like the kind of guy that would do anything for attention and recognition. so if i were in Pip's shoe then i wouldn't do anything about it. Because even if I did go and confront Pumblechook, he would probably deny it, because he himself may honestly believe he was the cause of Pip's fortune. Also, you cannot change people.

  85. Arnelle Obode 2nd

    Yes, there is ANOTHER extra credit from me. Right now to me, it looks like it's getting harder and harder for Pip to trust people. Pumblechook took credit for his success, and Pip practically pushed away his one true Joe. It is as if he does not even have any REAL friends anymore. Who can he trust and who knows what is next for Pip to face?

  86. Paul An 7th

    Once upon a time you dressed so fine
    You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you?
    People'd call, say "Beware doll, you're bound to fall"
    You thought they were all kiddin' you
    You used to laugh about
    Everybody that was hangin' out
    Now you don't talk so loud
    Now you don't seem so proud
    About having to be scrounging for your next meal

    How does it feel
    How does it feel
    To be without a home
    Like a complete unknown
    Like a rolling stone?

    You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely
    But you know you only used to get juiced in it
    And nobody has ever taught you
    how to live on the street
    And now you find out you're gonna have
    to get used to it
    You said you'd never compromise
    With the mystery tramp, but now you realize
    He's not selling any alibis
    As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes
    And say, do you want to make a deal?

    How does it feel
    To be on your own
    With no direction home
    Like a complete unknown
    Like a rolling stone?

    You never turned around to see the frowns
    on the jugglers and the clowns
    When they all did tricks for you
    You never understood that it ain't no good
    You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you
    You used to ride on chrome horse with your diplomat
    Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat
    Ain't it hard when you discover that
    He really wasn't where it's at
    After he took from you everything he could steal

    How does it feel
    How does it feel
    To have on your own
    With no direction home
    Like a complete unknown
    Like a rolling stone?

    Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people
    They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made
    Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things
    But you'd better take your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe
    You used to be so amused
    At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used
    Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse
    When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose
    You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal

    How does it feel
    How does it feel
    To be on your own
    With no direction home
    Like a complete unknown
    Like a rolling stone?

    These lyrics exactly retell the story of Pip's life in the beginning of the book where Pip was being mistreated by Ms. Joe and Ms Havisham. The song explains about being unkown and being alone.

  87. Kate Deter, 7th period:
    If it were me, I would feel very angry that someone else was trying to steal my benefactor's glory. On the other hand, this might be what the benefactor wants, so he/she can blend into the background. I'd also feel angry that Pumblechook has only taken a liking to me once I achieve status.

    But if I were to "become" Pip, based on what I know so far, I would probably go up to Pumblechook, keep this calm, cool, "gentlemanly" air about me as I tell him off. After all, he is only a businessman from a lowly town, right? He abused me, why can't I get back at him? And maybe Estella will hear of me sticking up for my masked benefactor, and be impressed...
