How does this work??

In addition to reading the book, you will be asked to blog about the book and various posted topics relating to Great Expectations.

Everyday there will be a new post. The post will have an

assignment containing: a topic, a quote, a picture, ect. Your

assignment is to comment on the post including 3-5 sentences.

Click on the number of comments to add your comment.

Extra credit options are included at the bottom the page.

Thank You

Dear classes of Mrs.Hedrick,
Thank you for being apart of this wonderfull experience in my student teaching internship. All of you really took to this blog with great effort. Advice from me to you: Where every you go, What ever you do, and What ever goal you set for yourself do so with all of your heart and nothing less. Good luck to all of you. Happy Hoildays!

Alexis Thornton

PS: 7th period you guys are asome and I had a great time. I hope my future students are as excited to learn as all of you are!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Post #11: Compare THEN to NOW!!

                                                        ****Last Post****
Compare your first post expectations to what actually happen! Compare how you felt when your expectations did or did not come true!!!

Copy and Paste your first post into this comment and then blog the last post!!



  1. Drew Hutchinson 7th period!!!

    Original post:Drew Hutchinson 7th period! I think that Pip and Herbert will have a nice time living together for a little while. However, I also believe hat given time, Pip will start missing home. He'll start thinking about all the things he said to Joe and Biddy when he came in to money, and he'll realize that home is really where the heart is. As much as Pip and Herbert get along, i think Pip will realize that he and Joe got along better.

    Well, my expectations did not really end up working out. I definitely expected Pip's mind to be filled with images of home and he would be homesick. However, he adjusted to life with Herbert.After Joe came to visit, Pip decided to go see him during his stay.Some might call this homesickness, Pip wanting to go see Joe, but I think that Pip just wanted to catch up with Joe while he had the chance. Even though my expectations weren't true, I still find every twist and turn in this book thus far very intruiging!

  2. Carleigh Brisendine prd. 1
    This is my first post:

    I think the book is going to take some interesting turns. Pip will probably find that being a gentleman is not all its cracked up to be. I expect Pip to have some hard experiences as he strives to be a gentleman. I also expect him to find that once he becomes a gentleman, he will only be in for more trouble. Estella is probably only going to treat Pip with more hatred and contempt. She was brought up to hate men, and I think she might hurt Pip in her rampage of hatred. Pip's expectations on life are being tarnished and torn apart, because nothing is as he thought it should be. He will probably find soon that not everything lives up to your expectations.

    So far the book has not exaclty happened how I thought it would. In my first post I believed that Pip would have trouble with becoming a gentleman, but so far he hasn't had any. In fact he has made new friends, and his personality is changing dramatically from the Pip we once knew.Estella also hasn't been a factor in the book recently either. I thought she would come back rather quickly but for a while Dickens has completely erased her from the picture. I was very surprised when these expectations did not match up. I was also kind of disappointed that Dickens didn't put backin characters that I thought were important, and that he did not do what i thoughthe should have. I know though that the story will turn out the way Dickens wanted it to and that it will be good. Estella is finally coming back in , an i still think my prediction about her being cold and mean will stay true. This time around there will only be a different Pip that she is dealing with.

  3. Ansley Hunter 7th Period,

    first post:
    I think that Pip will have a harder time becoming a gentleman than he thinks. When he goes to London he will start to miss the comfort and love he felt at home from Biddy and Joe. His expectations are high, and so are his for other people. He believes Estella will fall for him, and he wants Joe to become more proper. In the future he will realize how he acted was wrong, and become more mature.

    My expectations were not completely right. While becoming a gentleman, Pip worked hard and found comfort in it by making friends. He has barely thought about home until Joe came to visit, because he has gotten used to living with Herbert and is happy about it. Being around his type of people (gentleman) makes him feel proper, and he is still a little ashamed when Joe shows his bad manners. He hasn't seen Estella in a while, but he is still madly in love with her. He doesn't seem to regret decisions he has made in the past, so my prediction was wrong for now. I still believe that when he gets older and looks back, he will notice that he didn't act the way he should have, and he will be shameful.

  4. Sheridan Schuster, 1st period. (CROWBAR)
    I think Pip has become infatuated with himself. Money is of course making him this way. He was raised by hand as we all know, and if Mrs. Joe was in good condition and could speak clearly, im sure she would give him a whoopen and give him a talkin too! I think he is going to meet up with Estella and be surprised at how much shes changed over the years and fall in love even more than he had before. However, Estella might still be playing the mind game that Mrs. Havisham taught her to do, and she might break Pip's heart once again.

    December 2, 2010 8:54 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Sheridan Schuster, 1st period. (CROWBAR)
    Pip might even have his heart broken so much he might go back to Joe and Biddy? Just a thought... and he might even realize that Biddy has been there all along and that she is very sentimental to the family and she has a lot to offer. There are many possibilities of what situations Pip might find himself into, and many adventures he may take on the way to becoming a gentleman. He might find his own soul again before he had money, which seems to be gone!

    December 2, 2010 8:57 PM

    Overall, my expectations are yet to be answered! However, one of the first things i stated was that Pip would meet up with Estella. This is yet to happen in the 28 chapters we have read. I was sorta-kinda right in the way that he would go back to Biddy and Joe. However, he did not go back for the reason I had thought. He has not been heartbroken... YET. And i was right... there are many situations Pip can get himself into!!! He is yet to go back to the way he was before money changed him.

    Hank Grier Per. 2

    I think that he will travel to London and be suprised and a little disgusted by the city, because at that time the city was nasty, with waste and excrement in the streets. I think that Estella will treat him differently of course, but it may not be the way he wants. It is possible that she will see him as "sucking up" to her, or trying too hard to fit in with what she wants, this would probably annoy her and she will treat him worse than she did before. I guess that this will dissapoint Pip emmensely and cause his "great expectations" to sink.

    New Opinions

    I was actually right about Pip's opinions about London, how he found it to a filthy place. However he did find some friends in London, especially in Herbert and Wemmick.
    I predicted that he would meet Estella again, but he hasn't, other than learning where she lives now. I still maintain my opinion on how Estella will treat him when they meet again, whenever that will be.

  6. Ahmad Rathor, 3rd Period

    First post:
    I expect Pip will begin to miss Joe and want to go back home. Joe has been Pip's friend ever since Pip was a kid and consequently I feel both of them have a strong attachment to each other. They have a bond for each other, and I don't think they'll go away from each other that easy. Eventually, they will meet each other and Pip will choose his love for his best friend over his love for Estella. Additionally, I feel Pip will eventually choose Biddy over Estella after he clearly realizes what Estella and Miss Havisham are doing to him.

    My expectations may seem to be a little bit right. Pip is ashamed of Joe and it seems as though they may not be friends like they used to. Right after Joe leaves, Pip tries to catch up with him but he fails. Later, it is also said that Pip wants to stay at Joe's house. This shows that Pip may still love Joe despite his social class.


    Per. 2

    A Poem from Joe's POV about Pip

    Practically a son
    I stuck up for you
    My youthful companion
    Who couldnt see us through

    I envisioned an apprentice
    One to help me in the forge
    You shattered our friendship
    And to my pride you layed torch

    I cant see you in London
    Were you learn and grow
    Here I sit sunken
    Not knowing if you even know

  8. Taylor Harp, 3rd period

    First Post:

    I think Pip will arrive in London and treat his experience as a spending spree. He gets his allowance and Mr. Jaggers believes he will run into dept rather quickly. He might use his money to show Estella that he’s changed into a gentleman with the clothes and the wealth, and he wants her to accept him. What I think Estella may do is agree to meet him to forfil Pip’s needs of “waiting for her”, and just bring him down like she has before by being arrogant and scoulding him. Or, if she doesn’t, she will treat Pip differently but unlike the way Pip may have wanted to be treated. I also believe Pip will run into the mysterious guy from the Jolly Bargemen with the two one-pound notes, and somehow he will find out what his convict is doing that will lead into his great expectations.

    **Last Post**

    I feel like my predictions came true. Pip does use his money for clothes to try to impress Estella, and in return, Estella continues to bring him down. She hasn't changed since the last time he saw her, but she has blossumed into a young women. Also, Pip did encounter his two one-pound note's guy form the Jolly Bargemen! It surprised me because it was a complete GUESS. I only said this because usually mysterious characters in a story come back later to surprise you or tell you important information after what the mian character is bound to do. In Pip's case, this overheard conversation was vital to his great expectations.

  9. Alex Adams period 3
    I think that Pip and Estella will meet again soon in the book. They are near each other, Estella being in Paris, and Pip being in London. I think that Estella will first not think anything of Pip since he is lower class and she is upper class. She will later figure out that she really does love Pip. Some covers of the book of Great Expectations are a wedding scene. I think the scene is Estella and Pip's wedding.

    New prediction!

    My first prediction has not happened yet, but i am sure it will happen soon. Pip and Estella have not yet met up. I think that Estella will deny the fact that she treated Pip poorly in the past. I still think that Pip and Estella will get married. So my predictions are neither incorrect or correct.

  10. Mikaela Thurman 1st period-
    I believe that once Pip travels to London he will be satisfied with that country and city but he will want more and will wish to move closer to Estella. Eventually Pip willbe near to Estella and event hough he is now a gentleman she will still mess with his mind. I think that she is just a girl that wants to break hearts and that Pip is falling for someone that he will never get. Also while in london I have a feeling that Pip will have longing for Joe and the love that was given to him and Pip may even miss Biddy and the way that she listend. The way the story is going I think that if he does not get Estella he will want to run back to Biddy and she will not accept him with open arms and that will take work to win her heart.

    What I said in my first post has not come true yet. We have not found out that much more about the realtionship between Pip and Estella latley; the talk has mainly been between Joe and Pip in the last few chapter. In this talk part of my first post was proved wrong tha Pip would miss Joe this was not true at all. Pip is now ashamed of Joe. Pip believes that Joe is lower to him and does nto deserve to be Pip. Alsoo we have not talked to Biddy very much either so the "girl situation" with Pip has yet to be resolved. Now I believe that Pip will become so selfish and snoty that niether Estella nor Biddy will want him and he will turn back to Joe and Joe will not exceot him either.

  11. Claire Sammons
    3rd Period

    Original Post: I think Pip is so happy because his dream is coming true that he is blind to the fact that London probably will not meet his expectations. He knows that he is only playing a part and "dressing up" (much like Joe puts on a disguise at church), but he wants the attention and acceptance of that society. He also expects that along with becoming a gentleman, he will win over Estella with his "high ranking". I predict that he will find Estella, but he won't win her over quite yet. Everything seems to turn back to Miss Havisham: Matthew Pocket and Pip seeing Mr. Jaggers at her house. Somehow Miss Havisham is probably controlling everything that goes on, and Pip's life is just a board game to her where she can move pieces or "send him back to start". All I know is that things are not looking good for young Pip in London

    My predictions have not matched up with what has happened in the book so far. Pip seems to fit in with the high society quite well actually! It may be getting to his head, though because now he's very stuck up towards people that are in a lower class than him (such as Joe). London has not really met Pip's expectations though, not because he feels lost, but because of its dirtiness and poverty. We have not heard much from Miss Havisham or Estella yet, but we do know that Estella is now home from her studies abroad, so things will soon be mixed up a bit.

  12. Nina Thomason
    2nd Period

    First Expection:
    I think that Pip will go to London and find that being a gentleman isn't as great as he thought it would be. I also expected him to run into Estella thinking she'd fall for him, and realize that he is always going to be snubbed by her. I expected that his money would go to his head and that he would forget about his home and become sort of a snob.

    It turns out, that Pip's life as a gentleman suits him just fine. He's made many new friends and being "part of the group" makes him feel happy. He has not run into Estella yet, but I think he will very soon, so we will see if my first prediction runs true. His money, in a way has gone to his head. He feels that he is of high class now and that he is too good for his old life. This is shown when Joe comes to visit. He wants to see Joe, however, he is embarressed by him and he finds him especially common. I think this is very sad, seeing Joe is the man who has always been for Pip and helped him along.

  13. Mikaela Thurman 1st period
    Extra credit:
    I picked a song that represents what is really goin on with the realationships between Pip and the other characters.

    Upside Down, by Jack Johnson

    Who's to say
    What's impossible
    Well they forgot
    This world keeps spinning
    And with each new day
    I can feel a change in everything
    And as the surface breaks reflections fade
    But in some ways they remain the same
    And as my mind begins to spread its wings
    There's no stopping curiosity

    A lot of people start out by doubting Pip (Mrs. Joe, Pumblechook, the list goes on) and his ability to become a gentleman and get somewhere far in life. The world keeps spinning is sort of like "life goes on" ... things are always changing, people are losing connections with good friends (Pip and Joe), and Pip is really excited and always has been about this great chance. Some things change, like outward appearances, but others remain the same, like Pip's background of coming from a poor blacksmith's family can't change, no matter how embarassed he is of it. His mind spreads its wings as he learns more and more with his companions Herbert, Startop, and Drummel. He will always be curious for more info and about how Estella feels for him.

    I want to turn the whole thing upside down
    I'll find the things they say just can't be found
    I'll share this love I find with everyone
    We'll sing and dance to Mother Nature's songs
    I don't want this feeling to go away

    Pip's life truly has been turned upside down, now that he sort of "brushed off" Biddy and Joe, and now identifies Herbert and Wemmick to be better companions. He thinks he loves Estella, and has already told many people that. Grown up and more gentleman-like he may seem, but on the inside he still is a little boy playing games in the woods and rowing around in the lake. But, Pip wants the feeling of being a rich respected gentleman to stay with him forever.

    Please don't go away
    Please don't go away
    Please don't go away
    Is this how it's supposed to be
    Is this how it's supposed to be

    There are several things Pip doesn't want to go away- Joe, his money, friends like Herbert, the great experience of learning, and deep down... being a kid. He thinks everything is supposed to go his way since he is slightly snobby and self-absorbed now. Everything is about Pip and making himself look better.

  14. Matt Stout period 7

    When Pip first gets he is shocked by how it is not picture perfect. I thick this will lead Pip to want to go back to his old life of being a blacksmith apprintice. Pip will relize how much he has to work to learn. Then Pip will go home. He will relize how much he was enjoying school and come back to Mr. Pocket house. Pip will be refocused on what he has to do and will enjoy himself.

    I had several expectations of the post that were entierly different that what happened. I thought there would be a seperate blog spot for extra credits. I also thought that the blogs would be shorter. I read 3-5 sentences being what we were supose to do then I saw these long blogs being 10-15 sentences. I thought this was weird so I just did the 3-5 sentences. I was told hthat they were to short. I told myself to try to make the my blogs longer. Now the blogs are continuing to get longer. I did think the blog would be a pain but it has not. It has been realy easy to blog . Thank you Alexis for makeing the blog.

  15. RJ Brown
    7th period
    (First post)
    I think that Pip will go to London and will be an outsider looking in.He will try way too hard to be a "gentleman" and will be disliked. He will also flaunt his money around but won't impress anyone. Pip will miss Estella and realize he loves her but since Mrs.Havisham is only letting Pip get close to her so that she can break his heart. He is falling for a girl that will never love him back.

    Parts of my original prediction were wrong. Pip went to London and kinda did feel like an outsider looking in, but he didn't flaunt his money around. He actually has a really good friend in Herbert Pocket. With the whole Estella situation, i was totally write so far. he does love her but he cannot exactly tell why. She obviously does not feel the same way, but we just have to see how their meeting goes.

  16. Savannah Bishop, 7th period

    I think that Pip is going to be very diappointed with his "Great Expectaions" he had for London and somehow end up going back home where Estella will be there too. I think that there will come a time when Estella has to chose between being with Pip and being loyal to Miss Havisham.

    Well I was right about Pip being disappointed in London and him going back home and Estella being there. I still think Estella will chose between Miss Havisham and Pip, but first she has to find herself. She acted strange in the garden and different since that last time we had seen her in this book. So I really don't know what is going to happen or how this is all going to pan out.

  17. Matt Stout
    Extra Credit
    Caracter Comparison
    Pip and Annie

    1 Both are Orphins.
    Pip is an orphin and gets taken care of and raised by his older sister Mrs Joe. Annie is an orphan who has grown up in an Orphanage. They both grow up as orphans but Pip keeps his family while Annie does not have any connection or even know hers.

    2 Both meet rich folks.
    Annie gets randomly chosen by a rich guy to spend christmas. Annie spends chrismans with him and they become attached like father and daughter. Pip gets to meet Miss Havasham because of Mr. Pumblechuck.He rents from Miss Havasham and one day Miss Havasham asks Mr. pumblechuck if he had a boy for her to play with. Mr. Publechuck suggests Pip who soon gets to know Miss Havasham. Play so far in the book has ment more than just a card game. The play that Miss Havasham is doing to Pip is more playing with his emotions about Estella.

    3 They come into Money
    Anne gets adopted by the rich person who had her vist over christmas break. Annie enjoys the rich life and is happy to be out of the crooked orphinage. Pip gets money from a mysterious person. In the story from 1-28 we are led to beleive that this person is Miss Havisham. I think this is just to oviuos to be true and there will be some caracter who actually led Pip to money. Pip and Annie are different in the fact that Annie is adopted by the first rich personshe gets to know while Pip does not know who gave him the money because the benifactor does not want him to know.

    4 Lives before Money.
    Before Annie got money she lived in a crooked orphanage. The main charetaker was always doing illegal money sceems to try and get money. The caretaker even trys to say she is the real parent to annie when annie is adopted. Meanwhile Pip igs taken care of by his sister who is constantly yelling at him. Pip gets a friend in his sister's husband, Mr. Joe. Pip has some fun growing up and is guilt ridden because his sister yelled at him so much.

  18. Amira Yanni, 7th Period.
    First Post:
    I expect that Pip will start to feel uncomfortable soon. After all, being thrust into a new world is not a wonderful experience. Maybe he'll go back home because he realized he missed his family, the ones who love him for who he is. However, this is what he wanted since meeting Ms. Havisham and Estella, and he will keep at it. I believe he's going to see Estella again, but not before he learns more "gentleman-y" things. I just hope Pip doesn't use Herbert (who now calls him Handel-just to prove I read!)
    Pip’s “great expectations” are already thrown off. After all, London has a bad side, too. He did not expect that, that’s for sure! When do we see Pip’s convict again? I wonder if he plays a part in the money that has come to Pip?
    Pip didn’t go home, he just got worse. He's getting caught up in himself. In addition, we still don’t know about the benefactor, but I really think it is the convict. Ms. Havisham is too obvious! Pip has not seen Estella like we expected, but he did see Joe! He treated him like an inferior, not at all like he used to. It was disappointing to me to see him so changed. Another thing that was so surprising was that Pip made a friend in the pale young gentleman. I didn’t expect Dickens to throw him back in, but I’m glad he did, because Herbert adds to the story and to Pip’s quickly changing character.

  19. Clara Sims
    3rd Period

    I think that Pip has no idea what he's in for. He automatically thinks that because he now has a fortune and that he is in London, his life is going perfect. Everybody will forget that he was once 'coarse and common' and treat him like a king, and Estella will come for him. I think Estella is still going to treat him the same, playing his heart. And, that London is definately not living up to Pip's expectations.

    Well... I was wrong. Pip didn't expect to be treate like a king, and because nobody really knew him, they couldn't still think he was so coarse and common. London is a big city for Pip being so small minded, but he didn't bite off more than he could chew like i thought he would. We haven't gotten to where he encounters Estella again so theres really no telling how she will treat him. But.. there's still a lot more to go into the story and a lot can change.

  20. Drew Hutchinson 7th period!
    Extra credit: This is a poem from Pip's point of view about Estella:

    From the very first time I saw you,
    I knew this was meant to be,
    Even though you were biased against men,
    You may have had some feelings for me.

    When I sparred that day with Herbert,
    It was a big deal for me,
    For I hoped that you would grant myself,
    A kiss upon your cheek.

    And now Estella,I must admit,
    I miss you very much so,
    and maybe if we ever see each other again,
    Another kiss you may let me bestow?

  21. Matt Stout Period 7
    Extra Credit

    Havashams House

    A rare chance
    with the rich

    Gracious Girl
    words hurt lie ants

    Family hated
    ancheint cake

    A pale man
    puch stornger than imagened

    A wajor won
    changed life

    A missing girl

    Birthday visits
    still lonely


    Inherited roll
    rough unrich hands of iron
    a song of old clem
    bang bang bang pounds his hammer
    burn a rock and creat an art

  22. Carleigh Brisendine period 1

    Extra Credit:

    Here is a 25 word summary of Chapter 27:

    Meeting Joe

    Biddy write,Joe comes.
    I prepare and we have tea.
    Very awkward and formal.
    Estella is back,
    But what has become of Joe and I?

  23. Sarah Rainwater, Period 3
    Original Post:
    When I had only read those few chapters, my expectations were mainly regarding to Estella and Pip. I though Pip was going to become a fine, sweet young man, and I was really excited for him because I felt like he was finally going to be able to live his dreams. Plus, I thought Estella would change, and she would become a very kind woman who was well liked and not snobby or harsh like she had bee before. Though I didn't think Dickens would do this, I hoped Estella and Pip would fall in love and get married!

    Final Post: well, I was defintely wrong about the Estella and Pip thing. It seems like Estella isn't apart of the picture at all anymore, which is really disapointing. I was right about Pip being a great gentleman though. He's made a great name for himself, and has worked hard to be where he is now. Pip deserves everything he has, because he worked hard for it. I just hope he doesn't forget where he came from and who has loved him from the start, because that will always be apart of who he is today.

    Extra Credit:

    This is what i expect to come, Pip and Estella falling in love. I think Estella will change for the good, and she'll realize that she loves Pip. He's been faithful in his feelings for her, and he deserves a pretty woman.

  24. My first post hasn't really been too far off, now that I come to think about it. My original prediction was that Pip would be very excited to go to London but ultimately be dissapointed when he'd get there. I thought that London wouldn't be full of rich people; I thought there would be a fair share of poor people living in the city. I was definitely right about that predicition. After reading the story up to this point I have seen that London definitely has a lot of people, and a lot of them are poor. The city is not as beautiful as expected and I don't think Pip is really enjoying the gentleman lifestyle all that much. Unfortunately, I think he has lost all of his support from his family if he should need them again after all of the bashing they have taken from Pip. I think it will be very interesting to see how this whole story plays out.

  25. Allie Myers, 7th period
    ***Extra Credit***

    This is a poem written from Pip to Joe.
    Pip is apologizing for how he treated his brother in law.

    An orphan I was shortly after birth,
    A new creature living on this earth,
    Who would have predicted my great expectations,
    I would soon have wealth among grand nations.

    But before this, you were there first,
    Always nearby, when times were the worst,
    My sister brought me up by hand,
    And you were the only person who could understand.

    A blacksmith, I was destined to be,
    I was soon an apprentice, but I wanted to flee,
    For I had learned of a wealthier life style,
    By going to Miss Havisham’s every once in a while.

    I was no longer satisfied with a commoner’s day,
    I do not want to live such a low life, I would say,
    My luck came when Jaggers presented an opportunity,
    I would move to London and reside with a prosperous community.

    I could finally read and write,
    Became infatuated with my well-off delight,
    Everyday I became more obsessed,
    Convinced that I was the best.

    When you came that one day to see me,
    You did not fit in with who I wanted to be,
    I could not bear the thought that you were embarrassing,
    This shocking appointment I was dreading,

    So you left after a short visit,
    Reluctant that people did not find out my unfortunate secret,
    I’m sorry I treated you in this manner,
    Please forgive me and my proud error.

  26. Trevor Thorburn 7th period

    Extra Credit: Compare characters from GE to another story or movie

    Strangely, I think Pip reminds me a lot about Alladin. Alladin was sort of in the same boat Pip was in: Povery, and their wish? Power (alladin wanted to be king and Pip wanted money to be a gentleman.) They both get their wish granted when aladdin gets the genie to grant his wish to be king, and ms. Havisham seems to be Pip's genie as she gives him money to take on an education and ultimately become a gentleman. Finally, both of these guys find out that their wish wasn't all that they thought it would be. Although Aladdin wished to be king in order to have a chance to marry the girl of his dreams I am pretty sure he didn't like being king all that much. Pip seems to become very disappointed (so far) in his new lifestyle as well. In conclusion, I believe Pip and Aladdin are two fairly similar characters.

  27. Trevor Thorburn 7th period

    Extra Credit: Photo

    Above is a picture of an april fool's prank.I feel like this is similar to the story because I think a joke will be played on Pip very soon. Ms. Havisham seems to have a plan for Pip, and I honestly think it's revenge towards men after her fiance disrespected her many years ago. I think she is trying to make Pip feel great but have his hopes all crush down in an instant sometime later in the story. In conclusion, I believe Ms. Havisham is getting everything ready for an april fool's day prank on Pip!!

  28. Ashley Buda Period 2

    *Extra Credit

    I found this picture, and I feel that it has a lot of symbolism in it that relates to how Pip sees Estella. Looking at the picture, there are many white spheres, but one obviously stands out. The red one represents Estella, who is the apple of Pip’s eyes. I believe that Pip has tuned out most of the truly loving people in his life and has become focused mainly on one person. Among the white spheres would be Mrs. Joe, Joe, and Biddy. Most of us are like Pip in this way, however; we often fix our eyes upon something, whether it is a person or a present we desire, and let the important things in our lives leave our minds.

  29. Tommy Templeman 7th
    Extra Credit

    When I first arrived at the "Enough House" I met you. Your long brown hair and beautiful eyes attracted me to you in an uncontrollable way. No matter what you did to me, whether it have been to make fun of me or be rude, I could not help but admire. Finally, I got the chance to do something to take a step. A little fight got me a kiss for the cheek. Years went on and the criticising continued. Something was wrong. All of the sudden Miss Havisham gave me the money to be a gentleman. She sent me to London to becomee a true gentleman, and not a rough-handed blacksmith. Through my time in this place I look forward to being able to open the heart of yours towards me. Estella, I tell you this in the depth of my heart...

  30. Arnelle Obode 2nd

    I thought that perhaps Pip would go to London and start anew, with a brand new life. Technically, I was not wrong, because this is definately different from his old lifestyle. The only thing is that I expected a more positive lifestyle from him, but ironically, he has become the very opposite of what he once was.

    I chose this song mainly because of the title. Pip can get all of the educating in the world, but there will always be a sense of ignorance in him. He lacks knowledge of what a true gentleman is. Life is not about how good you look on the outside, but how true and pure you are on the inside.

  31. Fabrice De Miguel Wombel 1st Period

    This picture, which is a file, represents a source of guilt that Pip had. He felt guilty for stealing the file, guilty for lying to Joe, and other things involving that one file. We see how big a role that file played in his life when the stranger at that bar discreetly showed Pip, and only Pip the file. After a little more than a year after the breakout of the prisoners this is the first sign of Pip's guilt that has been shown.

    the link of the pic is as shown below:,r:0,s:0&tx=110&ty=77

  32. Joseph Ryan McLane Sr., 7th Period
    This news reminded me much of Pip's life. So many bad occurrences have happened thus far in his life, like him not having much of anything in common with Joe anymore and, going all the way back to the first chapters, him being forced to steal for his convict. This all is piling up, representing the snow accumulation on top of the Viking's Metrodome. Also, the whole entire dome collapsing to me is foreshadowing. Although some collapsing events like him learning about Pumblechook taking credit for his change in classes have happened, I personally don't believe any event has been as big as the metrodome caving in. I can predict that soon a very bad occurrence in Pip's life will soon occur. What it is is hard to predict, but I believe it will have to do with someone close to him dying and he will go into a short term depression. That represents the collapsing of the metrodome.
    *I have watched this about 20 times and still believe this is animated, it looks so unreal. CRAZY!*

  33. Katie Reid


    I expect that when Pip finds Estella that he will think he is a gentleman, and a completly different person, but Estella will just laugh at him. She will see right through his top hat and jacket and look at his "boots" and rough hands. She will think of him as a child playing dress up as a man (shown in the picture).

    We do not know yet what Estella thinks of Pip, but soon we will figure out. I have inferred through various sources that my old exceptions are wrong and that Estella is impressed with Pip's new life. I can understand how both things could happen, but was surprised to learn that Estella might be interested in Pip now.

  34. Kate Deter, 7th period::
    At first, I expected Pip to change, as all dynamic characters must. However, I was not prepared for the extent of Pip's change. I took an instant liking to Joe when we are first introduced to him. And then Pip goes and gets on his high horse just because he has money and is getting an education. And there's Mrs Joe as well. I certainly didn't expect that she would be silenced. But as a long-term reader, I should have seen it coming. London-wise, I followed Pip's thinking in that it would be a wonderful place. Yet again I was proved wrong when the reader, and Pip, finds out that London is filled with bad as well as good. This book has taken many new twists and turns, and for once (excluding A Christmas Carol) I am excited to see where Dickens leads us next.

  35. 1st Period:

    Currently, Pip (or, as he is now called, Handel) seems a bit overwhelmed by the city, but I think he will soon get used to the difference between this place and his hometown. He will begin his learning and quickly rise to meet Estella's level of intelligence; however, this may be a negative consequence of his learning, as Estella is particularly snobbish and arrogant. Pip probably expects Estella to appear somewhere in his journeys through the city, possibly being tutored by a Pocket as well. However, he has run into unexpected happenings, like Matthew (Herbert?) Pocket being the same pale young gentleman he knocked unconscious at Ms. Havisham's house, so he may not find Estella until later in the story.
    December 2, 2010 2:35 PM

    I certainly correctly predicted Pip's snobbishness in this part of the story, and he is also accustomed quite well to the city. However, Pip does not find Estella anywhere yet, so that prediction was incorrect, as was Pip's quick rise to education (he is not really educated yet). I predicted unusual things to happen, but I do not think I could have predicted Wemmick's personality, or that of Drummle and Startop (or even that either of them existed) by previous experience. All in all, the combination of failure and success in predicting the next aspects of the book have led to my excitement and anticipation over what will happen next.
